Trypogeus taynguyensis Miroshnikov, 2018

A. I., Miroshnikov, 2018, The longicorn beetle genus Trypogeus Lacordaire, 1869 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Vietnam, with descriptions of three new species, Caucasian Entomological Bulletin (Caucas. entomol. bull.) 14 (1), pp. 33-35 : 33-34

publication ID 10.23885/1814-3326-2018-14-1-33-35


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Trypogeus taynguyensis Miroshnikov

sp. nov.

Trypogeus taynguyensis Miroshnikov View in CoL , sp. n.

(Color plate 2: 9, 10)

Trypogeus superbus View in CoL : Vives, 2015: 58 View Cited Treatment (partim, S Vietnam: Bao Lôc) (non Trypogeus superbus var. innotatus Pic, 1922 ).

Material. Holotype, ♀ (cEV): S Vietnam, Bao Lôc Distr. , 25.04.1993 (leg. Siniaev, Simonov) (see Remarks), “ Trypogeus superbus ♀ E. Vives det. 2015 ”.

Diagnosis. Based on female characters, this new species is very similar to T. superbus ( Pic, 1922) and T. gressitti Miroshnikov, 2014 (Color plate 2: 14), but differs clearly from both by the completely light antennae, with noticeably, yet not contrasting, lightest antennomeres 9–11 and the generally lighter coloration of the body, femora and tibiae; in addition, it differs at least from the former species by the somewhat shorter antennae and the slightly more strongly elongated elytra.

Description. Female. Body length 16.9 mm, humeral width 4.7 mm. Coloration of integument almost completely combines yellow, reddish yellow and reddish tones, only eyes and partly mandibles black; antennomeres 9–11 noticeably, but not too contrastingly lighter than other antennomeres, as in Color plate 2: 9, 10.

Head significantly narrower than pronotum at level of lateral tubercles; with moderately developed antennal tubercles; with a well-expressed median groove between bases of antennae and eyes; with a dense, predominantly scabrous puncturation dorsally; mandibles long, strongly curved; right mandible, like in all congeners, with a large tooth at inner margin; eyes deeply emarginate, slightly convex, with not too large, but distinct ocelli; genae relatively short; gula with irregular wrinkles and punctures; on either side of it with coarse oblique folds; antennae barely longer than elytra, extending beyond apex of elytra by last antennomere; length ratio of antennomeres 1–11, 32: 8: 33: 32: 33: 32: 31: 28: 28: 28: 38; antennomere 2 subequal in length and width.

Pronotum at level of lateral tubercles 1.26 or 1.34 times as wide as width at base and length, respectively; at apex slightly narrower than at base; lateral tubercles very well-developed, sharpened apically; disc with clear tubercles, three at base and further two in the middle; with a small dense puncturation.

Scutellum triangular, rounded apically, with a very small unclear puncturation.

Elytra 2.19 times as long as humeral width; moderately narrowed towards apex; slightly diverging along suture at apex; each elytron rounded at apex; with a clear, more or less uniform puncturation.

Prosternal process very narrow between coxae; mesosternal process rather broad, almost 3 times as wide as gula at apex; mesosternum with a small rugose puncturation; metepisterna very wide, moderately narrowed towards apex; metasternum and sternites with a small dense puncturation; last (visible) sternite with a wide distinct emargination at apex.

Legs robust, moderately long; femora thickened, but not claviform; metatibiae clearly emarginate at apex; metatarsomere 1 most robust among other tarsomeres, 1.3 times as long as metatarsomeres 2 and 3 combined.

Recumbent setation well-developed; its silky looks and location on elytra being there contrasting iridescent like in other similar congeners.

Etymology. The name of this new species is derived from its provenance, a place in the Western Highlands (Tây Nguyên in Vietnamese) (or Central Highlands) in the southern part of Vietnam.

Remarks. The geographical label of the holotype is indicated an altitude of “H = 1800 m ”, which is also noted by Vives [2015: 58]. However, taking into account the coordinates available on the label (11°46ʹN / 108°24ʹE), the elevation above sea-level at this locality does not exceed 1300 m. The terrains within the Lâm Dông Province that have an altitude of about 1800 m (or more) lies somewhat north or south of the above coordinates. In this connection, either the altitude or the coordinates given on the label are erroneous.

Distribution. Southern Vietnam.














Trypogeus taynguyensis Miroshnikov

A. I., Miroshnikov 2018

Trypogeus superbus var. innotatus

Pic 1922
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