Pristiograptus dubius postmagnus, Urbanek & Radzevičius & Kozłowska & Teller, 2012

Urbanek, Adam, Radzevičius, Sigitas, Kozłowska, Anna & Teller, Lech, 2012, Phyletic evolution and iterative speciation in the persistent Pristiograptus dubius lineage, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 57 (3), pp. 589-611 : 608

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Pristiograptus dubius postmagnus

subsp. nov.

Pristiograptus dubius postmagnus subsp. nov.

Figs. 5O, 13A–C View Fig .

Etymology: From Latin post, after; magnus, great, large.

Holotype: ZPAL G.44/48, rhabdosome with sicula and seven thecae,

Fig. 13 View Fig .

Type locality: Mielnik−1 borehole, depth 780.5 m, Poland.

Type horizon: Upper Ludlow, M. (U.) acer Biozone.

Material.—15 rhabdosomes and many fragments from Mielnik borehole (780.5 m), Poland.

Diagnosis.—Distinct thecal lips connecting with those of the succeeding thecae. Sicula with three rings.

Description.—The rhabdosome is robust and the proximal end is slightly curved ventrally up to th 5. The longest rhabdosome L is more than 15 mm long. The rhabdosome W from 0.65 mm at th 1, to 0.8 mm at th 2, 9 mm at th 3, 1 mm at th 4, 1.1 mm at th 5, 1.2 mm at th 6. The Wmax is 1.3 mm. The interapertural width is 0.55 mm at th 1, 0.65 mm at th 2, 0.75 mm at th 3, 0.8 mm at th 4, and 0.9 mm at th 5. There are 10–11 thecae in 10 mm. The ss angle is obtuse. Th 1 is 1mm long and 0.3 mm wide. The free part of each theca is half of its whole length. The thecal lips are distinct and connected with the lip of the succeeding thecae ( Figs. 5O, 13A–C View Fig ). The lip connection is particularly well developed in the medial and distal parts of the rhabdosome. The λ angle is 30°. The sicula is short and narrow. Its L is 1.8 mm and apertural W is 0.3 mm. The apex of the sicula reaches the base of th 3. The sicula has three rings. The virgella is short, up to 0.5 mm.

Remarks.— P. dubius postmagnus subsp. nov. is similar to P. dubius magnus subsp. nov., in the connection of the lip with the succeeding thecal lip. In contrast to P. dubius magnus subsp. nov. it has sicular rings.

Stratigraphic and geographic range.— M. (U.) acer Biozone , Upper Ludlow, Poland.


Zoological Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences

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