Noserinus Casey, 1907

Foley, Ian A. & Ivie, Michael A., 2008, A phylogenetic analysis of the tribe Zopherini with a review of the species and generic classification (Coleoptera: Zopheridae), Zootaxa 1928 (1), pp. 1-72 : 18-19

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Felipe (2021-08-21 18:42:56, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 06:01:15)

scientific name

Noserinus Casey


Genus Noserinus Casey

Figs. 11–14 View FIGURES 10–13. 10–12 View FIGURES 14–15. 14

Noserinus Casey, 1907b: 470 . Gebien, 1936: 669. Doyen and Lawrence, 1979: 345. Costa et al., 1988: 212. Ṡ lipi ń ski and Lawrence, 1999: 13. (Type species: Noserinus annulatipes Casey, 1907b , by original designation).

Diagnosis: The presence of a large setose scutellum and 10-segmented antennae is unique among the Zopherini .

Description (male): With the inclusion of Noserinus furcatus (Kirsch) NEW COMBINATION, the generic description of Noserinus should be slightly modified as follows from Ṡ lipi ń ski and Lawrence (1999). Length 13–24 mm. Flight wings present or absent. Anterior clypeal margin deeply to weakly emarginate. Pronotal sides weakly to strongly lobed. Male femora with nodules on meso and metafemora only.

Notes: The genus Noserinus was described by Casey for his new Brazilian species Noserinus annulatipes Casey 1907b (Type species Noserinus annulatipes Casey 1907 , by original designation). Casey mentioned that his species was related to Nosoderma dormeanum Fairmaire 1889 , but this species was not officially moved to Noserinus until Gebien (1936) synonymized the Casey species with Noserinus dormeanus .

The species Noserinus dormeanus , Zopher iviei , and Meralius furcatus share the following characters: the presence of a large setose scutellum, distinct epipleural ridge and an empodium present between the tarsal claws. Therefore, Meralius furcatus is moved to Noserinus , rather than recognizing a third monotypic genus.

Casey, T. L. (1907 b) A revision of the American components of the tenebrionid subfamily Tentyriinae. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 9, 275 - 522.

Costa, C., Vanin, S. A. & Casari-Chen, S. A. (1988) Larvas de Coleoptera do Brasil. Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 282 pp, 165 pls.

Doyen, J. T. & Lawrence, J. F. (1979) Relationship and higher classification of some Tenebrionidae and Zopheridae (Coleoptera). Systematic Entomology, 4, 333 - 377.

Fairmaire, L. (1889) Quelques heteromeres de Minas-Geraes (Bresil). Bulletin ou Comptes-Rendus des Seances de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, Series 3, No. 110, xxxii - L.

Gebien, H. (1936) Katalog der Tenebrioniden (Col.: Heteromera). Teil I. (abgeschlossen August 1936) Pubblicasioni del Museo Entomologico Pietro Rossi , 2, 505 - 883.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 10–13. 10–12. Dorsal habiti. 10. Zopher iviei, Penninsular. Malaysia; 11. Noserinus furcatus, Venezuela; 12. Noserinus dormeanus, Brazil. 13. Noserinus dormeanus apex of tarsal claw. Figs. 10–12, Scale bar = 5mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 14–15. 14. Noserinus furcatus epipleuron. 15. Scoriaderma cordicolle. Prothoracic hypomeron. Scale bars = 1mm.









