Gongylosoma baliodeira, Pauwels, 2003

Figueroa, Alex, Low, Martyn E. Y. & Lim, Kelvin K. P., 2023, Singapore’s herpetofauna: updated and annotated checklist, history, conservation, and distribution, Zootaxa 5287 (1), pp. 1-378 : 160-162

publication ID


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scientific name

Gongylosoma baliodeira


Gongylosoma baliodeira View in CoL (H. Boie in F. Boie, 1827)— Native.

Coronella baliodeira H. Boie in F. Boie, 1827: 539. Syntypes (2): RMNH.RENA.4035 and BMNH 1946.1 .5.55, by original designation. Type locality: “ Java ”, Indonesia.

Orange-bellied Ringneck

( Figure 18F View FIGURE 18 )

Singapore records.

Gongylosoma baliodeirum —Sworder, 1923: 65 (Bukit Timah Forest Reserve).—Sworder, 1924b: 22.— Chan-ard et al., 1999: 33.—L.L. Grismer et al., 2003: 572 (Bukit Timah; Sime Road [SRF]).—N. Baker & K.P. Lim, 2008: 102, 161.—K.K.P. Lim et al., 2008: 163, 264.— Das, 2010: 280.—N. Baker & K.P. Lim, 2012: 102, 161.— Das, 2012a: 41.— Mejia, 2014: 110 (MacRitchie Reservoir, forest along north shore [TRF]).—Chan-ard et al., 2015: 174.—E.K. Chua, 2015: 90.—C. Butler, 2017a: 55 (Bukit Kalang [SRF]).— Khew & Yokohari, 2017: 11.— de Lang, 2017: 57.— Das, 2018: 50.— Chapman, 2019: 102 (MacRitchie Reservoir, trail along eastern shore [TRF]).—R.C.H. Teo & Thomas, 2019: 181 (Bukit Timah Nature Reserve).—K.H. Koh, 2020: 222.

Liopeltis baliodeirus — de Haas, 1950: 560.— Grandison, 1972: 86.—K. Lim, 1990a: 7 (Upper Peirce).— K.K.P. Lim & Subharaj, 1992: 6 (Old Upper Thomson Road).—K.K.P. Lim & F.L.K. Lim, 1992: 62, 146.—E.K. Chua, 1993: 57.—K.K.P. Lim & Subaraj, 1994: 6 (Chartered Industries [Rifle Range Road]; Upper Peirce Reservoir Road).—R. Subaraj, 1994: 12 (Thomson Ridge [TRF]; Upper Peirce West Forest).—K. Lim et al., 1995: 13 (Island Country Club Road [SICC]; Rifle Range Road; Upper Peirce Reservoir Park).—K. Lim, 1995: 15 (Bukit Kalang Service Road [SRF]).—R.C.H. Teo & Rajathurai, 1997: 381 (Lower Peirce East Forest [LPF]; Lower Peirce West Forest [LPF]; Rifle Range Forest; Thomson Ridge Forest; Upper Peirce West Forest).—K.P. Lim & F.L.K. Lim, 2002: 146.

Liopeltis baliodeira —F.L.K. Lim & M.T.-M. Lee, 1989: 51, 116.—K.K.P. Lim & L.M. Chou, 1990: 54.— L.M. Chou et al., 1994: 105.—L.M. Chou, 1995: 148.—R. Subaraj, 1995: 101.

Gongylosoma baliodeirum baliodeirum — David & Vogel, 1996: 89.— Iskandar & Colijn, 2001: 62.

Gongylosoma baliodeira View in CoL —P.K.L. Ng et al., 2011: 273.—Wallach et al., 2014: 312.— Charlton, 2020: 164.

Gongylosoma baliodeirus —R.C.H. Teo & Thomas, 2019: 163 (Bukit Timah Nature Reserve).

Remarks. Gongylosoma baliodeira was first reported from Singapore by Sworder (1923) who collected a specimen at BTNR. Sworder (1924a) also collected the second specimen of G. baliodeira at BTNR in June 1923. After this, G. baliodeira was not reported again from Singapore until 63 years later ( Table 2 View TABLE 2 ) from two specimens collected on Mandai Lake Road in November 1987 (Lim & Lee 1989). Teo & Rajathurai (1997) considered G. baliodeira rare, despite recording 11 specimens during their survey and it being reported several times in The Pangolin journal (e.g., Lim 1990a; Lim & Subaraj 1994; Lim et al. 1995). Baker & Lim (2012) also listed G. baliodeira as rare, and there are only four published records after Teo & Rajathurai (1997). The first was of one seen alive in the mouth of a Calliophis bivirgatus at MRP on 13 August 2013 ( Mejia 2014). The second was of one photographed perched on a fern at Bukit Kalang on 29 March 2017 ( Butler 2017a), followed by one seen eating a Ctenus sp. at MRP on 9 August 2019 ( Chapman 2019). The last record was reported by Teo & Thomas (2019) based on an observation near the visitor centre of BTNR from 2012. An unpublished record of G. baliodeira from UPRR on 24 December 2013 (N. Baker pers. comm.) is illustrated here in Figure 18F View FIGURE 18 .

Occurrence. Restricted to CNR and surrounding Nature Parks and forests. Uncommon.

Singapore conservation status. Endangered.

Conservation priority. Highest.

IUCN conservation status. Least Concern [2012].

LKCNHM & NHMUK Museum specimens. Bukit Kalang [ SRF] : ZRC.2.6219 (05-Oct-2006); Bukit Timah : ZRC.2.2608 (05-Feb-1923) , ZRC.2.2609 (Jun-1923); Mandai Lake Road : ZRC.2.2303– ZRC.2.2304 (Nov-1987); Old Upper Thomson Road : ZRC.2.3365 (19-Jul-1992); Sime Road Forest : ZRC.2.3534 (12-Feb-1997); Upper Peirce Reservoir Road : ZRC.2.6705 (11-Jun-2008) .

Additional Singapore museum specimens. No specimens.

Singapore localities. Bukit Timah (not specified)—Bukit Timah Nature Reserve—Lower Peirce Forest—Mandai Lake Road—Old Upper Thomson Road—Rifle Range Forest—Rifle Range Road—Sime Road Forest— Singapore Island Country Club—Thomson Ridge Forest—Upper Peirce West Forest—Upper Peirce Reservoir Park—Upper Peirce Reservoir Road—Upper Peirce West Forest.

Genus Gonyosoma Wagler, 1828 (1 species)

Gonyosoma Wagler, 1828 : pl. 9, 2 unnumbered pages of caption (type species: Gonyosoma viride Wagler, 1828 [= Coluber oxycephalus H. Boie in F. Boie, 1827], by monotypy; gender neuter [see Opinion 490, ICZN, 1957: 181]).


Natural History Museum, London


Shangrao Forestry Institute


Zoological Reference Collection, National University of Singapore


















Gongylosoma baliodeira

Figueroa, Alex, Low, Martyn E. Y. & Lim, Kelvin K. P. 2023

Gongylosoma baliodeira

Charlton, T. 2020: 164

Gongylosoma baliodeirum baliodeirum

Iskandar, D. T. & Colijn, E. 2001: 62
David, P. & Vogel, G. 1996: 89
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