Goniopsis cruentata ( Latreille, 1803 )

Poupin, Joseph, 2024, A documented checklist of the Crustacea (Stomatopoda, Decapoda) of the southern Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil Amapá), European Journal of Taxonomy 954 (1), pp. 1-197 : 138-139

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Plazi (2024-09-09 08:43:54, last updated 2024-11-28 08:48:01)

scientific name

Goniopsis cruentata ( Latreille, 1803 )


Goniopsis cruentata ( Latreille, 1803) View in CoL

Grapsus longipes Randall, 1840: 125 View in CoL , Suriname [“supposed to have been brought from Surinam by Dr. Herring”]. Accepted as Goniopsis cruentata ( Latreille, 1803) View in CoL in WoRMS (2023).

Goniopsis cruentatus View in CoL – Kingsley 1880: 1990, Suriname [“Dr Herring, Randall’s type of G. longipes View in CoL ”]. — Young 1900: 278, Suriname. — Holthuis 1959a: 235, Suriname [“Probably the first Suriname record of this species is that by Fermin (1765) who speaks of ‘le Crabe marbré, dont la tête est lisse & parsemée de différentes couleurs’ ...”]. — Buranelli & Mantelatto 2019: tab. 1, French Guiana, Brazil Amapá.

Goniopsis cruentata View in CoL – Amouroux & Tavares 2005: 74, tab. 1, French Guiana; 2012: 160, French Guiana. — Aschenbroich et al. 2016: 66, fig. 6, French Guiana.

non Pachygrapsus corrugatus (von Martens, 1872) View in CoL – Corbari et al. 2015: 165–167, French Guiana [from Iles du Salut 2014 Expedition, stn SM04, shoreline, 01/10/2014, MNHN-IU-2014-8309 at http://coldb.mnhn.fr/catalognumber/mnhn/iu/2014-8309] = Goniopsis cruentata instead, re-determination D. Felder, for this work.


WA; terrestrial (mangrove).

Amouroux J. M. & Tavares M. 2005. Natural recovery of Amazonian mangrove forest as revealed by brachyuran crab fauna: preliminary description. Vie et Milieu 55: 71 - 79. Available from https: // hal. sorbonne-universite. fr / hal- 03219021 [accessed Apr. 2024].

Aschenbroich A., Michaud E., Stieglitz T., Fromard F., Gardel A., Tavares M. & Thouzeau G. 2016. Brachyuran crab community structure and associated sediment reworking activities in pioneer and young mangroves of French Guiana, South America. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 182: 60 - 71. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. ecss. 2016.09.003

Buranelli R. C. & Mantelatto F. L. 2019. Comparative genetic differentiation study of three coexisting mangrove crabs in Western Atlantic. Journal of Natural History 53 (47 - 48): 2883 - 2903. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222933.2020.1751889

Corbari L., Martin-Lefevre P., Sabroux R. & Soubzmaigne S. 2015. Crustaces. In: Pascal O., Touroult J. & Bouchet P. (eds) Expedition La Planete Revisitee Guyane 2014 - 15. Synthese des Premiers Resultats: 162 - 174. Available from https: // inpn. mnhn. fr / docs-web / docs / download / 249749 [accessed Apr. 2024].

Fermin P. 1765. Histoire Naturelle de la Hollande equinoxiale: ou Description des Animaux, Plantes, Fruits, et Autres Curiosites naturelles qui se Trouvent dans la Colonie de Surinam; avec leurs Noms Differents tant francois, que latins, hollandois, indiens & negre-anglois. M. Magerus, Amsterdam. Available from https: // books. google. fr / books? id = 8 PWut _ Gv _ T 8 C & hl = fr [accessed Apr. 2024].

Holthuis L. B. 1959 a. The Crustacea Decapoda of Suriname (Dutch Guiana). Zoologische Verhandelingen 44: 1 - 296. Available from https: // repository. naturalis. nl / pub / 317569 / ZV 1959044001. pdf [accessed Apr. 2024].

Kingsley J. S. 1880. Carcinological notes, IV - Synopsis of the Grapsidae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia: 187 - 224. Available from https: // biostor. org / reference / 4031 [accessed Apr. 2024].

Latreille P. A. 1803. Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere, des Crustaces et des Insectes. Ouvrage Faisant Suite aux OEuvres de Leclerc de Buffon, et Partie du Cours complet d'Histoire naturelle Redige par C. S. Sonnini, Membre de Plusieurs Societes savantes vol. 6. F. Dufart, Paris. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 15764

Randall J. W. 1840. Catalogue of the Crustacea brought by Thomas Nuttall and J. K. Townsend, from the west coast of North America and the Sandwich Islands, with description of such species as are apparently new, among which are included several species of different localities, previously existing in the collection of the Academy. Journal of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia 1839 [1840] 8 (1): 106 - 147. Available from https: // biostor. org / reference / 235240 [accessed Apr. 2024].

Young C. G. 1900. The Stalk-eyed Crustacea of British Guiana, West Indies and Bermuda. J. M. Watkins, London. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 10670



















