Penaeus brasiliensis Latreille, 1817

Poupin, Joseph, 2024, A documented checklist of the Crustacea (Stomatopoda, Decapoda) of the southern Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil Amapá), European Journal of Taxonomy 954 (1), pp. 1-197 : 27-28

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Plazi (2024-09-09 08:43:54, last updated 2024-11-28 08:48:01)

scientific name

Penaeus brasiliensis Latreille, 1817


Penaeus brasiliensis Latreille, 1817 View in CoL

Penaeus brasiliensis View in CoL – Young 1900: 452, Guyana. — Bullis & Thompson 1959: 4, off French Guiana region [R/V Oregon, shrimp trawl, “Pink shrimp”]; 1965: 6, Suriname [R/V Oregon, stn 2249, 7°40′ N, 57°34′ W, 30 fathoms, 55 m]. — Durand 1959: 31, French Guiana. — Holthuis 1959a: 66, Suriname, French Guiana. — Takeda 1983: 33, Suriname, French Guiana [21–90 m]. — D’Incao 1998: 313, Brazil Amapá. — Le Loeuff & Cosel 2000: 25, annex 1, French Guiana. — Corbari et al. 2015: 165–167, French Guiana [6 lots, e.g.,]. — Cintra et al. 2017: tabs 1–6, Brazil Amapá [by-catch of shrimp fisheries, 27–47 m]. — Silva et al. 2020: tab. 1, Brazil Amapá.

Penaeus (Melicertus) brasiliensis View in CoL – Pérez Farfante 1969: 565, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana.

Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis View in CoL – Silva et al. 2002a: 14, Brazil Amapá [92–356 m]. — Coelho et al. 2006: tab. 1, Brazil Amapá.


WA; marine; 1– 356 m.

Bullis H. R. & Thompson J. R. 1959. Shrimp exploration by the M / V Oregon along the northeast coast of South America. Commercial Fisheries Review 21 (11): 1 - 9.

Cintra I. H. A., Paiva K. S., Herrmann M., Barbosa J. M., Klautau A. G. C. de M. & Silva K. C. A. 2017. Carcinofauna acompanhante do camarao-rosa em pescarias industriais na plataforma continental amazonica. Acta of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 5 (2): 69 - 77.

Coelho P. A., Almeida A. O. de, Souza-Filho J. F. de, Arruda Bezerra L. E. & Giraldes B. W. 2006. Diversity and distribution of the marine and estuarine shrimps (Dendrobranchiata, Stenopodidea and Caridea) from North and Northeast Brazil. Zootaxa 1221: 41 - 62. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 1221.1.5

Corbari L., Martin-Lefevre P., Sabroux R. & Soubzmaigne S. 2015. Crustaces. In: Pascal O., Touroult J. & Bouchet P. (eds) Expedition La Planete Revisitee Guyane 2014 - 15. Synthese des Premiers Resultats: 162 - 174. Available from https: // inpn. mnhn. fr / docs-web / docs / download / 249749 [accessed Apr. 2024].

D'Incao F. 1998. Malacostraca - Eucarida. Dendrobranchiata. In: Young P. S. (ed.) Catalogue of Crustacea of Brazil: 311 - 321. Museu Nacional, Serie Livros 6, Rio de Janeiro.

Durand J. 1959. Notes sur le plateau continental guyanais: les elements principaux de la faune et leurs relations avec le fond. Paris. Cahiers de l'ORSTOM 3: 1 - 93. Available from https: // www. documentation. ird. fr / hor / fdi: 12568 [accessed Apr. 2024].

Holthuis L. B. 1959 a. The Crustacea Decapoda of Suriname (Dutch Guiana). Zoologische Verhandelingen 44: 1 - 296. Available from https: // repository. naturalis. nl / pub / 317569 / ZV 1959044001. pdf [accessed Apr. 2024].

Le Loeuff P. & Cosel R. von 2000. Apercus sur la macrofaune benthique du plateau continental de la Guyane francaise (resultats de la campagne GREEN 0, 16 au 20 avril 1999). Document Scientifique et Technique du Centre IRD de Bretagne 86: 1 - 39.

Perez Farfante I. 1969. Western Atlantic shrimps of the genus Penaeus. Fishery Bulletin 67: 461 - 591. Available from https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 3153308 [accessed Apr. 2024].

Silva K. C. A., Muniz A. P. M., Ramos-Porto M., Viana G. F. S. & Cintra I. H. A. 2002 a. Camaroes da superfamilia Penaeoidea Rafinesque, 1815, capturados durante pescarias experimentais para o programa REVIZEE / Norte (Crustacea: Decapoda). Boletim Tecnico Cientifico do CEPNOR 2 (1): 9 - 40. Available from https: // www. icmbio. gov. br / cepnor / images / stories / publicacoes / btc / vol 02 / btc-vol 02. pdf [accessed Apr. 2024].

Silva K. C. A., Cintra I. H. A., Ramos-Porto M., Viana G. F. S., Abrunhosa F. A. & Cruz R. 2020. Update on crustaceans known from the Amazonian continental shelf and adjacent oceanic areas. Crustaceana 93 (7): 687 - 701. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 15685403 - bja 10062

Takeda M. 1983. Crustaceans. In: Takeda M. & Okutani T. (eds) Crustaceans and Mollusks Trawled off Suriname and French Guiana: 19 - 180. Japan Marine Fishery Resource Research Center, Tokyo.

Young C. G. 1900. The Stalk-eyed Crustacea of British Guiana, West Indies and Bermuda. J. M. Watkins, London. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 10670

















