Drycothaea vulcanica, Martins, Ubirajara R., Galileo, Maria Helena M. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2016

Martins, Ubirajara R., Galileo, Maria Helena M. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2016, Five new species, one new genus, two synonymies, and new distributional records in Cerambycidae (Coleoptera), Zootaxa 4078 (1), pp. 320-333 : 321

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Drycothaea vulcanica


Calliini Thomson, 1864 View in CoL View at ENA

Drycothaea vulcanica sp. nov. ( Figures 1–3 View FIGURES 1 – 9 , 10 View FIGURES 10 – 16 )

Coloration. Integument dark-brown, almost black; pubescence ochraceous; setae yellowish, with some brownish setae on antennae. Antennomeres III–XI with basal ring of grayish pubescence (occupying almost whole segment on antennomeres III–V).

Head. Frons flat; punctures coarse, deep, absent near ocular margins; pubescence abundant, except on triangular area near clypeus; setae long, sparse. Coronal suture distinct from clypeus to anterior edge of prothorax. Area between superior ocular lobes flat; sculpture, pubescence and setae as on frons. Antennal tubercles finely, abundantly punctate; pubescence sparse, mainly towards apex; distance between base of antennal tubercles equal to 0.7 times length of one tubercle. Distance between superior ocular lobes equal to 0.3 times length of scape; distance between inferior ocular lobes, in frontal view, equal to 0.6 times length of scape. Antennae as long as 1.5 times elytral length; reach elytral apex at basal third of antennomere XI; antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape = 0.70; pedicel = 0.16; IV = 0.77; V = 0.67; VI = 0.62; VII = 0.57; VIII = 0.52; IX = 0.47; X = 0.41; XI = 0.44.

Thorax. Lateral tubercles of prothorax large, acute. Pronotum with three gibbosities: two large, each one occupying almost the whole side; one less distinct, on basal half center; punctures coarse, moderately deep, sparse, partially obliterated by pubescence; setae moderately short, sparse. Ventral side of thorax pubescent, except middle of metathorax, almost glabrous. Mesosternal process with elevated single keel. Scutellum quadrate, almost entirely glabrous. Metasternum laterally finely, very sparsely punctate. Elytral punctures coarse, abundant; pubescence abundant; setae short, moderately abundant; apex individually rounded.

Abdomen. Urosternites pubescent, with short, sparse setae; microsculptured, with fine, very sparse punctures; apex of ventrite V truncate, centrally slightly emarginate. Legs. Tibiae distinctly enlarged towards apex.

Type material. Holotype male from ECUADOR, Napo: 69 km NE Baeza, 15 km SW Reventador, near San Rafael Falls (4,600’), 29.X.1988, J. S. Miller leg. ( AMNH).

Dimensions in mm (male). Total length, 14.6; length of prothorax at center, 2.6; width of prothorax between apices of lateral tubercles, 4.3; anterior width of prothorax, 2.8; posterior width of prothorax, 3.2; humeral width, 4.9; elytral length, 10.7.

Etymology. Latin, vulcanicus = volcanic; relating to proximity of the type locality to the volcano “El Reventador”.

Remarks. Drycothaea vulcanica sp. nov. is similar to D. viridescens (Buquet, 1857) , but differs as follows: antennomere III about 1.4 times longer than scape; punctures on pronotum not very distinct; scutellum almost entirely glabrous. In D. viridescens the antennomere III is slightly longer than scape (about 1.1 times), the pronotal punctures are distinct, and the scutellum is not glabrous.

Drycothaea vulcanica sp. nov. can be included in the alternative of couplet “22”, from Galileo & Martins (2010) (translated):

22(20). Elytral punctures separate, those of the row near suture, at middle, separate by distance equal to twice (or more) the diameter of one puncture; elytral punctures of apical fourth spaced. Venezuela........................... D. estola (Lameere, 1893) - Elytral punctures of the row near suture, at middle, separate by distance equal to the diameter of one puncture; elytral punctures of apical fourth close to each other................................................................... 23 23(22). Antennomere III slightly longer than scape (about 1.1 times); pronotal punctures distinct. Brazil (Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro)...................................................................... D. viridescens (Buquet, 1857) - Antennomere III distinctly longer than scape (about 1.4 times); pronotal punctures not well distinct. Ecuador.................................................................................................. D. vulcanica sp. nov.


American Museum of Natural History













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