Neoribates aurantiacus ( Oudemans, 1914 )

Behan-Pelletier, Valerie M. & Lindo, Zoë, 2019, Checklist of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) of Canada and Alaska, Zootaxa 4666 (1), pp. 1-180 : 125

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Felipe (2020-08-25 19:08:35, last updated by Plazi 2023-10-31 21:55:43)

scientific name

Neoribates aurantiacus ( Oudemans, 1914 )


Neoribates aurantiacus ( Oudemans, 1914) View in CoL

Original name: Galumna aurantiacus Oudemans, 1914 ( Sellnick 1928)

Geographic Location: AK: Fairbanks ( Hammer 1955a); Brooks Range ( Behan 1978a); Elliott Highway Burn, (65°19’N, 149°06’W); Chandalar (68°00’N, 149°45’W) ( Thomas & McLean 1988); YT: Richardson Mtns ( Hammer 1952a); Ogilvie Mtns ( Behan-Pelletier 1997b); NT: Reindeer Station;Yellowknife ( Hammer 1952a); Tuktoyaktuk; Mackenzie Delta subarctic ( Behan 1978a); ( Behan-Pelletier & Bissett 1994); AB: Wagner Natural Area, 8km W Edmonton, 53°34’N, 113°47’W ( Finnamore 1994); ABMI Sites ( Walter et al. 2014); MB: Whiteshell PP ( Pielou & Verma 1968); ON: Algonquin PP ( Pielou & Verma 1968); (near Chapleau ( Rousseau et al. 2018); QC: Timmins 54°60’N, 67°00’W ( Behan 1978a); Gatineau Park ( Pielou & Verma 1968; Matthewman & Pielou 1971); Abitibi ( Déchêne & Buddle 2009, 2010); NB: nr. Wirral, 45°31’N, 66°30’W ( Pielou & Verma 1968); NL: peatlands ( Behan-Pelletier & Bissett 1994); between Corner Brook and Little Grand Lake ( Dwyer et al. 1997, 1998).

Habitats: shrub tundra; Dryas , Empetrum and Vaccinium vegetation with reindeer lichen and liverwort; peatlands; fen; boreal mixedwood forest; Balsam fir and Jack pine forests; Polyporus fungus. Distribution: Holarctic; Oriental.

Behan-Pelletier V. M. (1997 b) Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) of the Yukon. In: Danks, H. V. & Downes, J. A. (Eds.), Insects of the Yukon. Biological Survey of Canada (Terrestrial Arthropods), Ottawa, pp. 115 - 149.

Behan-Pelletier, V. M. & Bissett, B. (1994) Oribatida of Canadian peatlands. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 169, 73 - 88. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / entm 126169073 - 1

Behan, V. M. (1978 a) Diversity, distribution and feeding habits of North American arctic soil Acari. Ph. D. Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, 428 pp.

Dechene, A. D. & Buddle, C. M. (2009) Effects of experimental forest harvesting on oribatid mite biodiversity. Forest Ecology and Management, 258, 1331 - 1341. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. foreco. 2009.06.033

Dechene, A. D. & Buddle, C. M. (2010) Decomposing logs increase oribatid mite assemblage diversity in mixedwood boreal forest. Biodiversity Conservation, 19, 237 - 256. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 10531 - 009 - 9719 - y

Dwyer, E., Larson, D. J. & Thompson, I. D. (1997) Oribatida (Acari) in Balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L. )) forests of Western Newfoundland. The Canadian Entomologist, 129 (1), 151 - 170. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / Ent 129151 - 1

Dwyer, E., Larson, D. J. & Thompson, I. D. (1998) Oribatid mite communities of old Balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L. )) forests of Western Newfoundland, Canada. Pedobiologia, 42 (4), 331 - 347.

Finnamore, A. T. (1994) Hymenoptera of the Wagner Natural Area, a boreal springfen in Central Alberta. Memoirs of the entomological Society of Canada 169, 181 - 220. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / entm 126169181 - 1

Hammer, M. (1952 a) Investigations of the Microfauna of Northern Canada. Part I. Oribatidae. Acta Arctica, 4, 1 - 108.

Hammer, M. (1955 a) Alaskan oribatids. Acta Arctica, 7, 1 - 36.

Matthewman, W. G. & Pielou, D. P. (1971) Arthropods inhabiting the sporophores of Fomes fomentarius (Polyporaceae) in Gatineau Park, Quebec. The Canadian Entomologist, 103, 775 - 847. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / Ent 103775 - 6

Oudemans, A. C. (1914) Acarologisches aus Maulwurfsnestern. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Vol. 79 (A 8), 108 - 200 + figs. 1 - 260; (A 9), 68 - 136 + figs. 261 - 361; (A 10), 1 - 69 + pls. 2 - 18.

Pielou, D. P. & Verma, A. N. (1968) The arthropod fauna associated with the birch bracket fungus, Polyporus betulinus, in Eastern Canada. The Canadian Entomologist, 100, 1179 - 1199. https: // doi. org / 10.4039 / Ent 1001179 - 11

Rousseau, L., Venier, L., Hazlett, P., Fleming, R., Morris, D. & Handa, I. T. (2018) Forest floor mesofauna communities respond to a gradient of biomass removal and soil disturbance in a boreal Jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stand of northeastern Ontario (Canada). Forest Ecology and Management, 407, 155 - 165. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. foreco. 2017.08.054

Sellnick, M. (1928) Formenkreis: Hornmilben, Oribatei. In: Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Quelle und Meyer, 9, pp. 1 - 42.

Thomas, R. H. & McLean, S. E. (1988) Community structure in soil Acari along a latitudinal transect of tundra sites in Northern Alaska. Pedobiologia, 31 (1 - 2), 113 - 138.

Walter, D. E., Latonas, S., Byers, K. & Lumley, L. M. (2014) Almanac of Alberta Oribatida Part I. Ver. 2.4. Royal Alberta Museum, Edmonton, AB. 542 pp. Available from: https: // www. royalalbertamuseum. ca / research / lifeSciences / invertebrateZoology / research. cfm (accessed 20 March 2019)