Stigmatodipogon khinganicus Kochetkov et Loktionov, 2019

Kochetkov, D. N. & Loktionov, V. M., 2019, New and little known species of spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) from the Russian Far East, Far Eastern Entomologist 382, pp. 1-9 : 3-5

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Stigmatodipogon khinganicus Kochetkov et Loktionov

sp. nov.

Stigmatodipogon khinganicus Kochetkov et Loktionov View in CoL , sp. n. 75DF33C5-3A47-4AC8-9B79-1A234C0AE173

Figs 3–12 View Figs 3–12

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype – ♀, Russia: Amurskaya oblast , Khinganskiy

Nature Reserve, Cluster Khinganskiy, Dyrovatka River, 49°10ʹ45ʺN, 130°32ʹ44ʺE,

mixed forest, 28–29.VIII 2016 (D. Kochetkov) [ EATB]. Paratype – 1♀ with same label [ EATB].

DIAGNOSIS. The female of the new species can be easily separated from those of all congeners by the combination of the following characters: the frons densely punctate, interspace of punctures polished ( Fig. 4 View Figs 3–12 ); POD: OOD = 1.56; F1 length

3.6× its maximum width; T1 with short not parallelsided petiole ( Fig. 7 View Figs 3–12 ); the metaclaw with a strong inner tooth; the body entirely black, including the head and


DESCRIPTION. FEMALE (measurements for holotype given in parenthesizes).

Body length 5.2(5.5) mm; fore wing length 3.9(4.1) mm. Body black ( Figs 3–10 View Figs 3–12 );

mandible brown apically. Fore wing slightly infuscate with brownish basal and subapical spots, with indistinct enclosed subapical area; pterostigma brown ( Fig. 11 View Figs 3–12 ).

Hind wing slightly infuscate ( Fig. 12 View Figs 3–12 ).

female: 3 – habitus, dorsal view; 4 – head, frontal view; 5 – head and mesosoma, lateral view; 6 – clypeus and mandibles, frontal view; 7 – propodeum and T1, dorsal view; 8 – S1–

S3, ventral view; 9 – mesoscutellum, metanotum, metapostnotum and propodeum, dorsal view; 10 – head and pronotum, dorsal view; 11 – fore wing; 12 – hind wing. Scale bar: 0.1


Head and mesosoma punctate and somewhat polished. Frons ( Fig. 4 View Figs 3–12 ) densely punctate, with indistinct median line in basal half; interspace of punctures polished.

Clypeus with large and coarse preapical setiferous pores ( Fig. 6 View Figs 3–12 ). Pronotum punctate more delicate than frons. Disc of mesoscutum minutely punctate. Discs of mesoscutellum and metanotum rarely punctate. Propodeum irregularly punctate,

punctures coarser and larger than on frons; antero-median portion impunctate.

Mesopleuron densely punctate. Metasoma very minutely and densely punctate.

Metapostnotum polished with fine transverse striae. Body mostly without setae except following: frons along inner orbit with one long and few shorter brown setae; clypeus with two long light brown setae postero-medially; mandible with nine suberect brown setae; prementum with two tufts of long brown setae; gena with few very short setae; procoxa with scattered short erect setae; propodeum postero-laterally with few short erect setae; S1–S5 posteriorly with scattered long light brown setae; T6 and S6 with very dense, long and short erect setae. Body with sparse somewhat brownish pubescence.

Head width in frontal view 1.1(1.1)× its height. Vertex slightly convex between eyes tops ( Fig. 4 View Figs 3–12 ). Frons moderately and evenly convex ( Fig. 5 View Figs 3–12 ). Inner orbits weakly convergent above and subparallel below ( Fig. 4 View Figs 3–12 ). Half of MID 1.50(1.55)×

eye width. Posterior margin of vertex concave (dorsal view). POD: OOD =

1.55(1.56). Clypeus as wide as LID; width 2.75(2.70)× its height; moderately convex medially; anterolateral corner rounded; anterior margin straight in frontal view; anterior rim normal shaped ( Fig. 6 View Figs 3–12 ). Malar space very short and linear. Gena in lateral view well developed, evenly narrowing towards mandible and vertex ( Fig. View Figs 3–12

5). Length relation of scape, pedicel and all flagellomeres in holotype: 26: 11: 26:

21: 20: 18: 18: 17: 16: 16: 15: 19. F1 length 3.3(3.6)× its maximum width and

0.63(0.65)× UID. Apical flagellomere pointed apically. Pronotum posterior margin subangulate medially. Discs of mesoscutellum and metanotum barely convex, not raised above level of mesoscutum and propodeum ( Fig. 5 View Figs 3–12 ). Metapostnotum very short and deep ( Fig. 9 View Figs 3–12 ). T1 with short petiole ( Fig. 7 View Figs 3–12 ). S2 with simple transverse groove ( Fig. 8 View Figs 3–12 ).

Fore wing ( Fig. 11 View Figs 3–12 ) with pterostigma 1.45(1.6)× as long as SMC2 on vein M;

SMC2 receiving crossvein 1m-cu at middle; SMC2 0.78(0.75)× SMC3 length on vein M, and 1.25(1.3)× on vein Rs; SMC3 receiving crossvein 2m-cu in 0.32(0.35)

basad; crossveins 2rs-m and 3rs-m curved outwardly; crossvein cu-a hardly postfurcal. Hind wing as in Fig. 12 View Figs 3–12 . Pro- and mesotibia with short spines apically. Pro-,

meso- and metatarsomere 1, and metatarsomeres 2–4 with short spines ventrally.

Meso- and metatibia with few minute spines dorsally and laterally (on outer face).

Metatibia longer spur 0.42(0.40)× metatarsomere 1. Proclaw with weak inner tooth,

meso- and metaclaw with strong inner tooth.

MALE. Unknown.

DISTRIBUTION. Russia ( Amurskaya oblast ) .

ETYMOLOGY. The specific name originates from Khingan Mountain Ridge,

with reference to the area where the new species was collected.

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