Charterginus nevermanni Bequaert, 1938

Somavilla, Alexandre, Aragão, Marcos, Barroso, Paulo Cézar Salgado, Menezes, Rodolpho Santos Telles & Carpenter, James M., 2023, Taxonomic notes on the genus Charterginus Fox, 1898 (Vespidae: Polistinae: Epiponini) with images of the type specimens and new occurrence records, Zootaxa 5353 (2), pp. 143-152 : 147

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scientific name

Charterginus nevermanni Bequaert, 1938


Charterginus nevermanni Bequaert, 1938 View in CoL

( Figures 3 A–B View FIGURES 1–3 , 8 View FIGURE 8 )

Charterginus nevermanni Bequaert, 1938 , Rev. Entomol., Rio de Janeiro 9: 99, fig.1, pl. 3, female, nest (in subgenus Hypochartergus ) - “ Costa Rica: 20 kilom. North of Siquirres and about 12 kilom. from the Atlantic Ocean” (Eberswalde); also from Suretka; and Honduras; Panama — Richards, 1978, Soc. Wasps Am.: 128 (key), 129—West-Eberhard et al., 1995, Hym. Costa Rica: 586 ( Costa Rica)— Kojima and Carpenter, 1998, Entomol. Sci. 1: 420, figs. 20-21 (morphology)— Andena et al., 2009, Journal of Natural History. 43: 1183-1193 (phylogeny, key).

Diagnosis. Length 8.0– 8.5 mm., length fore wing 8.0 mm.

Blackish species, with yellow marks on the lateral gena, humeral margin of pronotum, metanotum; blackish wings. Macropunctures on frons, vertex and mesosoma dense, coarse; metasomal tergum I with shallow pits; metasomal tergum II with well-marked but sparse punctation. Clypeus longer than wide, apex truncate; gena narrow, less than half width of eyes; occiput without angular projection; occipital carina dorsal only, projecting; humeri rounded; tegula more than three times as long as wide, posterior margin obliquely rounded; metanotum compressed; metanotal tubercle absent; propodeal orifice with sides converging, almost pointed dorsally; metasomal tergum I petiolate, transversely widened posteriorly, with a distinct preapical transverse carina; tergum II with a distinct apico-discal prominence.

Comments. Richards (1978) says: “the Holotype from a nest in Costa Rica; other specimens also from Honduras and Panama. The MNH has two of Bequaert’s paratypes. The nest was snow-white, brittle, with 7.0 mm stalk and the envelope 5.0 cm diameter and 2.2 cm high. It was approximately circular. Here we examined an NHM paratype and additional material from Costa Rica and Panama from the AMNH. Charterginus nevermanni inspected a Cecropia obtusifolia trichilium for food bodies in Costa Rica (LaPierre et al. 2007).

Type material examined: Paratype ♀: COSTA RICA: Hamburg Farin, M.C.Z . Paratype [label], Charterginus nevermanni ♀ J.B. [label], NHMUK 010817939 About NHMUK ( NHM) .

Additional material examined: COSTA RICA: Suretka Province , Limon, 31.v.1924, J.C. Bradley (col.) (♀ AMNH) ; Herendia, Pr. La Selva Biol. Sta., 3 Km S Pto. Viejo, 10º26’N 84º01’W, 9.vii.1993, Hespenheide H.A. (col.) (2♀ AMNH) GoogleMaps ; PANAMA: Bocas del Toro, Changuinola Distr. , 02.v.1924, J.C. Bradley (col.) (♀ AMNH) .

Distribution ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ): Honduras; Costa Rica; Panama.

Andena, S. R., Noll, F. B. & Carpenter, J. M. (2009) Cladistic analysis of Charterginus Fox, 1898 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Epiponini). A neotropical genus of social wasps. Journal of Natural History, 43, 1183 - 1193. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222930902807759

Bequaert, J. C. (1938) A new Charterginus from Costa Rica, with notes on Charterginus, Pseudochartergus, Chartergus, Pseudopolybia, Epipona and Tatua (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Review of Entomology, 9 (1 - 2), 99 - 117.

Kojima, J. & Carpenter, J. M. (1998) The type of Icaria xanthura de Saussure, 1854, a species of the neotropical Polistinae genus Charterginus Fox, with a note on development of the '' parategula' ' in Charterginus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 1 (3), 417 - 421.

Richards, O. W. (1978) The social wasps of the Americas excluding the Vespinae. London British Museum (Natural History), London, 580 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 8. Map of the Neotropical Region showing the geographic distribution of Charterginus species.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–3. 1. Charterginus carinatus (Zavattari, 1906); 2. Paratype of Charterginus fulvus Fox, 1898; 3. Paratype of Charterginus nevermanni Bequaert, 1938. A: lateral view. B: dorsal view.


University of Nottingham


American Museum of Natural History











