Bannana zhengguoi Tong & Li, 2024

Tong, Yanfeng, Shao, Yongbo, Bian, Dongju & Li, Shuqiang, 2024, Two new oonopid spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) from Xishuangbanna tropical rainforest, Yunnan, China, ZooKeys 1205, pp. 333-348 : 333-348

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1205.124183

publication LSID


persistent identifier

taxon LSID

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Bannana zhengguoi Tong & Li

sp. nov.

Bannana zhengguoi Tong & Li sp. nov.

Figs 1 View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3 , 4 View Figure 4

Type materials.

Holotype ♂ ( SYNU - 1051 ): China, Yunnan Prov., Menglun , XTBG, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, searching by hand, 21 ° 55.035 ' N, 101 ° 16.500 ' E, 558 m, Guo Zheng leg., 4–11 / 5 / 2007 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( SYNU - 1052 –1053), same data as holotype GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ ( SYNU - 1040 ), XNNR, secondary tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forest, pitfall traps, 21 ° 54.767 ' N, 101 ° 11.431 ' E, 880 m, Guo Zheng leg., 16–31 / 4 / 2007 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀ ( SYNU - 1037 ), XTBG, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, searching by hand, 21 ° 55.035 ' N, 101 ° 16.500 ' E, 558 m, Guo Zheng leg., 4–11 / 5 / 2007 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ ( SYNU - 1038 ), XNNR, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, pitfall traps 21 ° 57.669 ' N, 101 ° 11.893 ' E, 790 m, Guo Zheng leg., 1–15 / 4 / 2007 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀ ( SYNU - 1039 ), XTBG, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, searching by hand, 21 ° 55.035 ' N, 101 ° 16.500 ' E, 558 m, Guo Zheng leg., 19–26 / 5 / 2007 GoogleMaps ; 3 ♂ ( SYNU - 1041 –1043), XNNR, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, pitfall traps, 21 ° 57.669 ' N, 101 ° 11.893 ' E, 790 m, Guo Zheng leg., 1–15 / 5 / 2007 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀ ( SYNU - 1044 ), XNNR, secondary tropical seasonal moist forest, searching by hand, 21 ° 54.607 ' N, 101 ° 17.005 ' E, 633 m, Guo Zheng leg., 19–26 / 5 / 2007 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♀ ( SYNU - 1045 ), XTBG, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, searching by hand, 21 ° 55.035 ' N, 101 ° 16.500 ' E, 558 m, Guo Zheng leg., 1–15 / 7 / 2007 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ ( SYNU - 1046 ), XTBG, primary tropical seasonal rain forest, pitfall traps, 21 ° 55.035 ' N, 101 ° 16.500 ' E, 558 m, Guo Zheng leg., 16–31 / 4 / 2007 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂ ( SYNU - 1047 ), XTBG, rubber-tea plantation (about 20 yr.), pitfall traps, 21 ° 55.551 ' N, 101 ° 16.923 ' E, 561 m, Guo Zheng leg., 16–31 / 6 / 2007 GoogleMaps .


The new species can be distinguished from all the congeners in having the eyes not reduced (Figs 1 D View Figure 1 , 2 G View Figure 2 ), vs reduced eyes ( Tong and Li 2015: figs 1 F, 3 D, 4 C, 5 D; Sun et al. 2019: fig. 1 H). Furthermore, males of the new species can be distinguished from those of B. crassispina and B. parvula by the short comb-like structure on dorsal branch of bulb and group of thick setae on epigastric region (Figs 1 G View Figure 1 , 4 F View Figure 4 ), vs without comb-like structure and group of thick setae ( Tong and Li 2015: figs 1 G, 2 E, 4 F, 6 A); females of the new species can be distinguished from those of B. crassispina , B. parvula , and B. songxiaobini by the posterior spiracles not connected by groove (Figs 2 H View Figure 2 , 3 D View Figure 3 ), vs connected ( Tong and Li 2015: figs 3 G, H, I, 5 G; Sun et al. 2019: fig. 1 G).


Male (holotype). Body yellow, chelicerae, sternum, and legs lighter; habitus as in Fig. 1 A, C, E View Figure 1 ; body length 1.45. Carapace (Fig. 1 B, F View Figure 1 ): 0.68 long, 0.50 wide; pars cephalica almost flat in lateral view, surface smooth. Eyes (Fig. 1 B, D View Figure 1 ): ALE largest; PLE and PME nearly equal in size; ALE – PLE separated by less than ALE radius; PME touching each other; posterior eye row recurved as viewed from above, straight as viewed from front. Clypeus (Fig. 1 D View Figure 1 ): height about 0.5 times of ALE diameter, with a triangular clypeus median projection (cmp). Mouthparts (Fig. 3 C View Figure 3 ): labium deeply incised. Sternum (Fig. 1 G View Figure 1 ): surface finely reticulate. Abdomen (Fig. 1 A, C, E, G View Figure 1 ): 0.82 long, 0.45 wide; dorsal scutum nearly covering full length of abdomen, postepigastric and epigastric scutum fused, covering 5 / 6 of abdomen length; book lung covers ovoid, surface smooth; epigastric region with a group of thick setae, posterior spiracles not connected by groove. Palp (Figs 3 A, B View Figure 3 , 4 A – G View Figure 4 ): pale-orange; 0.48 long (0.15, 0.09, 0.08, 0.16); femur elongated (width / length = 0.48); bulb oval, tapering apically; embolus system complicated, with a cluster of short comb-like structures on dorsal branch, many hair-like structure on ventral and posterior branches.

Female ( SYNU - 1053 ). Same as male except as noted. Body habitus as in Fig. 2 A, C, E View Figure 2 ; body length 1.51. Carapace (Fig. 2 B, F View Figure 2 ): 0.66 long, 0.53 wide. Abdomen (Fig. 2 A, C, E, H View Figure 2 ): 0.84 long, 0.56 wide; dorsal scutum covering about 4 / 5 of abdomen length, about 2 / 3 of abdomen width; postepigastric scutum rectangular, posterior margin nearly straight. Epigaster (Fig. 3 D View Figure 3 ): surface without external features. Endogyne (Fig. 3 E View Figure 3 ): with two narrow, transverse sclerites (tsc) and an anterior stick-shaped sclerite (as); lateral apodemes (ap) present.


The specific name is named in honor of the collector, Mr Guo Zheng.


Known only from the type locality.











