Brachylinga punctifrons (Kröber)
publication ID |
11755334 |
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Felipe (2021-07-05 16:04:40, last updated by GgImagineBatch 2022-04-30 05:22:38) |
scientific name |
Brachylinga punctifrons (Kröber) |
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Brachylinga punctifrons (Kröber)
( Figs. 20, 43, 66, 89, 112, 135, 158, 181, 202, 215)
punctifrons Kröber (1914:58 orig. desc.) ( Psilocephala ); Metz et al. (2003:22 listing, comb. change, NT design.) ( Brachylinga ). Type locality Costa Rica, Punta Arenas. Neotype male in INBC.
Brachylinga punctifrons is taxonomically associated with B. mimica and B. tridentata in having the postocular, mesonotal, and coxal macrosetae dark reddish brown and in having the halter dark reddish brown. Brachylinga punctifrons differs from B. mimica and B. tridentata in having the male gena with an anterodorsal patch of short, black setae and the male tergite 8 ( Fig. 20) thick medially (0.15 mm) with dark brown setae across the posterior margin. It also differs from B. tridentata in lacking apicolateral projections on the distiphallus ( Fig. 135).
Redescription of male
Variation (n=10).
Body length 5.7–7.0, 6.1 mm.
Head. Ommatidia smaller ventrally and laterally. Frons with median area of pale brown pruinescence that may or may not extend as narrow stripe dorsally separating the dorsal black triangular areas becoming white laterally; setae absent. Antenna black, scape pruinescence gray, dense; setae on scape black, elongate. Parafacial pruinescence black, silver gray dorsally. Maxillary palpus black; setae black. Genal setae white with anterodorsal patch of short, black setae. Occipital setae white becoming pale gold, lanceolate dorsally along margin of eye. Postocular macrosetae dark reddish brown.
Thorax. Macrosetae dark reddish brown, 3–4 np, 1 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 2 sc. Mesonotum black, pruinescence brownish gray; setae black, elongate intermixed with pale gold green, lanceolate, appressed setae. Pleuron pruinescence gray; setae white on propleuron, anepisternum, laterotergite, metanepisternum, and scutellum, absent on katepisternum. Wing. Membrane pale smoky brown, veins and crossveins margined with darker brown; veins brown; pterostigma dark brown; cell m 3 open (occasionally closed at wing margin). Halter dark brown. Legs. Coxa setae white, present on posterior surface of midcoxa; macrosetae dark reddish brown. Femora black, pruinescence white; ventral setae black elongate on fore and midfemora; av 0–2:0:3–5, pv 0:0:4–10. Tibiae black. Tarsi black.
Abdomen. Black, pruinescence white, dense; dorsal setae white, appressed; lateral setae white erect. Terminalia (MEI 048148) dark brown. Tergite 8 ( Fig. 20), median length thick (0.15 mm); setae dark brown, continuous across posterior margin. Sternite 8 ( Fig. 43), sides diverging posteriorly, posterior margin truncate; setae yellow, continuous across posterior band. Epandrium ( Fig. 20), sides rounded; setae dark brown. Cercus ( Fig. 20), ending above apex of hypoproct. Hypoproct ( Fig. 20), posterior margin slightly emarginate, ending below apex of cercus. Gonocoxite ventral view ( Fig. 43) rounded laterally, median margin rounded, tapering apically to thick point; setae dark brown, dark brown macrosetae apically; dorsal view ( Fig. 66), posteromedial lobe short, gonocoxal bridge absent; lateral view ( Fig. 89) oval, tapering apically to broad, rounded point; ventral lobe ( Fig. 43) with small ventral spines. Gonostylus ( Fig. 112), basodorsal lobe large, rounded; ventral margin curved, setae dark yellow, not extending apically in distinct tuft; fine, short spines absent laterally. Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme ( Fig. 135) broad, rectangular, posterolateral margin rounded; ventral apodeme ( Fig. 158) narrow, tapered anteriorly, not extending to anterior margin of dorsal apodeme; distiphallus ( Fig. 135) tapered apically, lateral view ( Fig. 181) tapered apically in broad curve, apicolateral spines absent; ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 135), anterior margin truncate.
Similar to male except for following.
Variation (n=10).
Body length 5.3–7.5, 6.3 mm.
Head. Frons pruinescence dull brown dorsally, white ventrally with large, dark brown circle dorsolaterally; setae dark reddish brown.
Thorax. Macrosetae 2–3 np, 1 sa, 1 pa, 1–2 dc, 2 sc. Wing. Membrane pale gray, veins and crossveins not margined with darker brown; pterostigma brown. Legs. Anteroventral macrosetae 0–2:0:2–6, pv 0:0:4–11.
Abdomen. Black, lightly pruinescent, posterior margin of tergites 2–6 with dense border of pruinescence becoming wider on tergites 5–6; dorsal setae black, appressed, tergites 1–3 with white appressed setae on posterior margin; lateral setae white on tergite 1 and posterolateral area of tergites 2–3, remaining lateral setae black. Terminalia (MEI 037040). Furca ( Fig. 202) rectangular, posterior margin truncate to rounded, anterior margin broadly rounded; length 0.50 mm, width 0.24 mm; anterolateral projection absent. Common duct ( Fig. 202) shorter than furca. Spermathecal duct ( Fig. 202) directed anteriorly.
Immature Stages. Two males (MEI 007659, 048134) and 4♀ MEI 048135–7, 037039) have been reared from larvae collected 3 km N Dominical , Costa Rica from coastal sand .
Distribution Brachylinga punctifrons is distributed from Colombia north to Mexico ( Fig. 215).
Habitats and phenology
Brachylinga punctifrons has been handnetted on beach knolls and coastal dunes and has been collected in Malaise traps and at blacklights. Adults have been collected during every month of the year.
Specimens examined
Type specimen. The Neotype male of Psilocephala punctifrons Kröber is labeled "GUATEMALA: Dpto. Esquintla, 13°53.08’N 90°29.02’W, Monterrico, 21 May 1997, 5 m., S. L. Winterton, Schlinger Foundation Guatemala Expedition May 1997, THERE VIDAE M. E. Irwin Specimen #108667" and is in INBC. Other specimens: COLOMBIA. Santa Rosa, 4.II.1987, MEI, 1♂ MEI 037037, 1♀ 037041 ( MEIC) , beach knolls. BOLIVAR. Cartagena [10.399, 75.497] GoogleMaps , 3.X.1971, Bohart, G. E., 12♂ MEI 007778–89, 2♀ 007790–1 ( EMUS) . COSTA RICA. Parque Manuel Antonio Quepos [9.45, 84.15], 8.III.1986, MEI, 3♂ MEI 040835–37, 3♀ 040838–40 ( MEIC) , coastal dunes. GUANACASTE. Playa Hermosa, at Condovac [9.95, 83.35], 31.V.1988, MEI, 2♂ MEI 037035–6, 2♀ 037038, 037040 ( MEIC) . PUNTARENAS. 10 km S Caldera , at Playa Tivives [9.85, 84.683] , 24.X.1994, MEI, 12♂ MEI 048133, 048138–48, 6♀ 048149–54 ( MEIC) , coastal sand; 3 km N Dominical [9.278, 83.86] , 20.II.1991, Webb, D. W., MEI, 1♀ MEI 048136 ( MEIC) , sifted from coastal sand; [9.278, 83.86], 1.III.1991, Webb, D. W., 2♂ MEI 007659, 048134, 3♀ 037039, 048135, 048137 ( INHS) , sifted from coastal sand; Chacarita [9.983, 84.783] GoogleMaps , 20.II.1991, Webb, D. W., MEI, 2♂ MEI 007426, 007490, 1♀ 007408 ( INHS) , Malaise trap. EL SALVADOR. AHUACHAPAN. Barra de Santiago [13.697, 90.006] GoogleMaps , 30.XII.1964, MEI, 7♂ MEI 040374–5, 040377–81 ( MEIC) . LA LIBERTAD. El Majahual [13.5, 89.367], 10.X.1966, MEI, Quezada, J. R., 1♂ MEI 030460, 3♀ MEI 030461–3 (ME IC). GUATEMALA. ESCUINTLA. 7.3 km ESE Monterrico [13.836, 90.409], 5 m GoogleMaps , 21.V.1997, Gaimari, S. D., 1♂ MEI 110414, Holston, K. C., 1♂ MEI 108623, Metz, M. A., 7♂ MEI 108637, 108639, 108654–8, 6♀ 108638, 108640, 108642–44, 108653 ( INHS) ; 22.V.1997, Gaimari, S. D., 1♂ MEI 108614, 1♀ 108613, Metz, M. A., 6♂ MEI 108612, 108651–52, 108659, 108661, 108664, 3♀ 108660, 108662–3 ( INHS) ; 23.V.1997, Webb, D. W., 5♂ MEI 108607–8, 108611, 108645, 108650, 6♀ 108606, 108609–10, 108635, 108648–9 ( INHS) . Monterrico [13.836, 90.408], 5 m GoogleMaps , 21.V.1997, Holston, K. C., 1♂ MEI 108624, Metz, M. A., 1♂ MEI 108627, Winterton, S. L., 21♂ MEI 108602–5, 108665, 108668–9, 108673–4, 108676–7, 108679–80, 108685–8, 108691–2, 108694–5, 13♀ 108666 ( UVGC) , 108670–2, 108675, 108678, 108681–4, 108689–90, 108693 (INHS); 22.V.1997, Gaimari, S. D., 8♂ MEI 108615–22, Metz, M. A., 5♂ MEI 108628–9, 108632–4, 4♀ 108625–6, 108630, 108636, Webb , D. W., 1♀ MEI 110416 ( INHS) . GUATEMALA. 24.IV.1994, Segovia, X., 1♂ MEI 108646 ( UVGC) . QUICHE. S Chichicastenango Molino, along Rio Selapec [Rio Motagua] [14.92, 91.106], 1900 m , 20.V.1997, MEI, 7♂ MEI 110342–5, 110347–8, 110351, 3♀ 110349–50, 110415 ( MEIC) . MEXICO. 4.8 km SE Tzucah de Matamoros [18.569, 98.436], Miller, R. B., 1♂ MEI 040879 ( MEIC) GoogleMaps , sifted; El Centinela, 12.V.1973, Lavigne, R., 1♂ MEI 037089 ( USNM) . CHIAPAS. Puerto Arista [15.94, 93.81], 8.V.1985, Freidberg, A., 1♂ MEI 050538, 2♀ 050541–2 ( TAU) . COLIMA. 14.5 km NW Manzanillo [19.142, 104.422] GoogleMaps , 26.VIII.1962, Painter, R. H., Painter, E. M., 1♀ MEI 040413 ( KSUC) . GUERRERO. 32.2 km E Acapulco [16.86, 99.62] , 12.VIII.1962, University of Kansas Mexico Expedition, 1♂ MEI 040394, 1♀ 084507 ( SEMC) ; 33.8 km E Acapulco [16.86, 99.606] , 10.VIII.1962, Marston, N., 1♀ MEI 040350 ( KSUC) ; 11.VIII.1962, 4♂ MEI 040344, 040387–8, 040391 ( KSUC) ; 12.VIII.1962, 3♂ MEI 040359, 040390, 040392, 3♀ 040349, 040386, 040415 ( KSUC) ; Acapulco [16.85, 99.917] , 6.VIII.1934, University of Kansas Mexico Expedition, 1♂ ME I 084503 ( SEMC) ; 12.VI.1935, Pritchard, A. E., 1♂ MEI 040397, 1♀ 040417 ( UMSP) ; 16–30.VIII.1938, Lipovsky, L. J., 1♀ MEI 040351 ( MEIC) ; 21.XII.1949, Beamer, L. D., 1♂ MEI 040352 ( SEMC) ; 28.XII.1976, Butze, J., 1♂ MEI 077789 ( UNAM) ; 10.XII.1977, Butze, J., 1♂ MEI 077786 ( UNAM) ; near San Luis de la Loma, Estero Colorado [17.27, 100.91], 30.VIII.1977, EIS, 1♀ MEI 040357 ( UCR) , sand dunes. JALISCO. Careyes [19.433, 105.033] GoogleMaps , 12.II–19.III.1997, FDP, 1♀ MEI 101121 ( EMUS) ; Chamela [19.53, 105.08], 15–24.IV.1986, FDP, 2♀ MEI 007735, 072866 ( EMUS) ; Playa Careyitos, Carr. Barra Navidad Pto. Vallarta, km 53, 10.IX.1985, Usela, R. A., 1♀ MEI 050584 ( EBCC) , RAV8; Puerta Vallarta [20.6, 105.23], 7.XII.1986, Bohart, G. E., 1♀ MEI 007748 (E MUS) ; 25.I.1984, 1♀ MEI 007747 ( EMUS) ; 5.X.1984, 1♂ MEI 037631 ( BYU) ; 8.XII.1984, 1♂ MEI 007746 ( EMUS) ; Puerto Vallarta, Rio Cuitzmala, Barra de Navidad , km 43, Carr: 200 [19.2, 104.69] , 30.V.1989, 1♂ MEI 050562 ( EBCC) ; 17.II.1984, 1♀ ME I 050566 ( EBCC) ; 17.II.1989, 1♂ MEI 050565 ( EBCC) ; 12.III.1991, 1♀ MEI 050582 (E BCC) ; 27.I.1989, Ramírez, E., 1♂ MEI 050564 ( EBCC) . NAYARIT. San Blas [21.517, 105.267] GoogleMaps , 24–26.IV.1961, Howden, Martin, 1♀ MEI 040473 ( CNC) , at light. Oaxaca. Magdalena Tequisistlan [16.37, 95.25], 15.IV.1953, Bechtel, R. C., EIS, 1♂ MEI 040364 ( UCD) ; between Pinotepa & Santa Cruz, km 161, 20.IV.1983, Ibarra, A., 1♂ MEI 077787 ( UNAM) . SINALOA. Mazatlan [23.21, 106.42], 3 m , 18.VII.1959, Evans, H. E., 2♀ MEI 040409, 040414 ( CUIC) ; 19.VII.1959, 1♀ MEI 040411 ( CUIC) ; 28.III.1979, French, L. D., 2♀ MEI 116863, 116867 ( UCD) ; 2.XII.1984, Bohart, G. E., 1♂ MEI 007727, 3♀ 007721–2, 007724 ( EMUS) ; 18.XII.1988, 2♀ MEI 007725–26 ( EMUS) ; 2.XII.1984, Bohart, G. E., 2♀ MEI 007723, 007728 ( EMUS) . NICARAGUA. Masaya, Laguna de Apoyo [11.97, 86.1] , 10–15.I.1992, van den Berghe, E., 1♂ MEI 039677 ( CMNH) , blacklight. PANAMA. 24.2 km S David , at La Barqueta [8.3, 82.568] , 16.XI.1977, MEI, 2♂ MEI 040383–4, 1♀ 040382 ( MEIC) , beach sand; Bella Vista, 6.VII.1924, Banks, N., 4♂ MEI 040368–9, 040371, 040373 ( MCZ) ; 6.VII.1924, Banks, N., 1♀ 040367 ( MCZ) ; 7.VII.1924, Banks, N., 2♂ 040370, 040372 ( MCZ) .
Krober, O. (1914) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Thereviden und Omphraliden. Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten, 31 (2), 29 - 74.
Metz, M. A., Webb, D. W. & Irwin, M. E. (2003) A review of the genus Psilocephala Zetterstedt (Diptera: Therevidae) with the description of four new genera. Studia Dipterologica, 10 (1), 227 - 266.
Illinois Natural History Survey |
Collecion de Artropodos |
Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History |
Tel-Aviv University |
Museum of Entomological and Prairie Arthropod Research, Kansas State University |
University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute |
University of Minnesota Insect Collection |
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
University of California |
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Estacion de Biologia "Chamela" |
Muskingum College |
Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum |
BIOTEC Culture Collection |
Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes |
University of California, Davis |
Cornell University Insect Collection |
The Cleveland Museum of Natural History |
Museum of Comparative Zoology |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Brachylinga punctifrons (Kröber)
Webb, Donald W. & Metz, Mark A. 2006 |
punctifrons Kröber (1914:58
Metz, M. A. & Webb, D. W. & Irwin, M. E. 2003: 22 |
Krober, O. 1914: 58 |