Thecomyia longicornis Perty, 1833

Mortelmans, Jonas & Pollet, Marc, 2018, New data and species of Thecomyia Perty, 1833 (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) from Mitaraka (French Guiana), with notes on the genus, Zoosystema 40 (17), pp. 415-423 : 420-422

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Felipe (2020-12-16 21:56:02, last updated 2024-11-27 16:45:37)

scientific name

Thecomyia longicornis Perty, 1833


Thecomyia longicornis Perty, 1833 View in CoL

Thecomyia longicornis Perty, 1833: 189 View in CoL (designated as type species; type locality: “ Amazon ”, Brazil). — Rondani 1868: 79-80, (redescription). — Hendel 1932: 98 (suggested synonym with Thecomyia limbata View in CoL ). — Curran 1934: 458 (distribution). — Abercrombie & Berg 1975 (revalidation of name). — Knutson et al. 1976: 13 (Neotropical catalog). — Knutson & Carvalho 1989 (seasonal distribution). — Marinoni & Mathis 2000: 209 (cladistic analysis). — Marinoni et al. 2003: 14 (generic revision).

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — French Guiana. 1 ♂, Mitaraka , site MIT- DZ-RBF2, 02°13’59.3”N, 54°27’00.3”W, 283 m, tropical wet forest (bas fond), 28.II-5.III.2015, yellow pan traps, MP leg., sample code: MITARAKA/176 (abdomen removed, dissected, stored in microvial containing glycerine on same pin as specimen), MNHN, pinned specimen with accession number MNHN-ED-ED10598. 1 ♂, Mitaraka, site MIT-D-RBF, 02°13’58.8”N, 54°27’07.5”W, 317 m, on vegetation along muddy trail and in swamp, 6.III.2015, sweep net, MP leg., sample code: MITARAKA/075, deposited as an intact, dry, pinned specimen, coll. JM. 1♀, Mitaraka, site MIT-DZ-RBF2, 02°13’59.3”N, 54°27’00.3”W, 283 m, tropical wet forest (bas fond), 28.II-5.III.2015 GoogleMaps ,

yellow pan traps, MP leg., sample code: MITARAKA/176, MNHN, pinned specimen with accession number MNHN-ED-ED10599.


This is the first record of T. longicornis from French Guiana. KEY TO THECOMYIA PERTY, 1833

The new Thecomyia species is described on the basis of males only. Male Thecomyia can be identified by use of the key to species by Marinoni et al. (2003). To include T. diederiki Mortelmans n. sp., couplet 10 should be adjusted as follows:

10. Distiphallus with acrophallus strongly coiled ( Marinoni et al. 2003: fig. 7), acrophallus with one or two pro-cesses ........................................................................................................................................................ 10’ — Distiphallus with acrophallus not strongly coiled, projecting ventrally, acrophallus with three processes .... 11

10’. Posterior surstylus rounded; acrophallus with one strongly coiled process ............... T. lateralis ( Walker, 1858)

— Posterior surstylus bifid with apex acute, acrophallus with two strongly coiled, similar processes .................... ........................................................................................................................ T. diederiki Mortelmans n. sp.

ABERCROMBIE J. & BERG C. O. 1975. - Natural history of Thecomyia limbata (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) from Brazil. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 77 (3): 355 - 368.

CURRAN C. H. 1934. - The Diptera of Kartabo, Bartica District, British Guiana, with descriptions of new species from other British Guiana localities. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 66: 287 - 532.

HENDEL F. 1932. - Die Ausbeute der deutschen ChacoExpedition 1925 / 26. Diptera. (Fortsetzung). XXX-XXXVI. Sciomyzidae, Lauxaniidae, Tanypezidae, Lonchaeidae, Tylidae, Drosophilidae, Milichiidae. Konowia 11 (1): 98114, 11 (2): 115145.

KNUTSON L., STEYSKAL G. C., ZUSKA J. & ABERCROMBIE J. 1976. - 64. Family Sciomyzidae, in PAPAVERO N. (ed.). A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americas South of the United States, Zoological Museum, Sao Paulo, 24 p.

KNUTSON L. V. & BARROS DE CARVALHO C. J. 1989. - Seasonal distribution of a relatively rare and a relatively common species of Thecomyia at Belem, Para, Brazil (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 84 (4): 287289.

MARINONI L. & MATHIS W. N. 2000. - A cladistic analysis of Sciomyzidae Fallen (Diptera). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 113 (1): 162 - 209.

MARINONI L., STEYSKAL G. C. & KNUTSON L. V. 2003. - Revision and cladistic analysis of the Neotropical genus Thecomyia Perty (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Zootaxa 191: 1 - 36.

PERTY M. 1833. - Insecta brasiliensia, in PERTY M. (ed.), Delectus animalium articulatorum, quae in itinere per Brasiliam annis MDCCCX-MDCCCXX jussu et auspiciis Maximiliani Josephi I. Bavariae regis augustissimi peracto collegerunt Dr. J. B. de Sphix, et Dr. C. F. Ph. de Martius. Digessiti, descripsit, pingenea curabit Dr. Maximilianus Perty. F. S. Hubschmann, Munich & Fleischer, Leipzig, 224 p. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 102991

RONDANI C. 1868. - Diptera aliqua in America meridionali lecta a Prof. P. Strobel annis 1866 - 1867 distincta et annotata, novis aliquibus descriptis. Annales de la Societa Naturale Modena 3: 24 - 40.

WALKER F. 1858. - Characters of undescribed Diptera in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq., F. R. S., & c. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 4: 119 - 153.


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