Hovorodon santacruzensis ( Hovore & Santos-Silva, 2004 )

Santos-Silva, Antonio, Swift, Ian P. & Nearns, Eugenio H., 2010, Division of the genus Nothopleurus Lacordaire, 1869 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Prioninae), Zootaxa 2643, pp. 1-44 : 37-38

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Plazi (2016-04-10 17:04:24, last updated 2024-11-29 13:13:39)

scientific name

Hovorodon santacruzensis ( Hovore & Santos-Silva, 2004 )


Hovorodon santacruzensis ( Hovore & Santos-Silva, 2004) View in CoL

( Figs. 10, 11 View FIGURES 9 – 12 , 34, 35, 51, 52 View FIGURES 33 – 56. 33 – 35 , 64 View FIGURES 57 – 64 , 77 View FIGURES 75 – 78 )

Male ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 9 – 12 ). Central area of head, between the antennal tubercles and middle of upper ocular lobes, with gibbosity slightly marked on each side of longitudinal dorsal furrow. Punctures of dorsal face distinctly coarser and deeper laterally and towards occiput. Antennal tubercles coarsely punctate at basal half and distinctly finer at apical half, mainly at apex. Length of clypeus approximately 0.35 times width; frontal edge strongly emarginated; surface not strongly sloped in relation to the front. Distance between upper ocular lobes 3.2 times width of scape at apex; distance between lower ocular lobes 3.7 times width of scape at apex. Ocular carina narrow and well marked from base of antennal tubercles to posterior upper ocular edge. Hypostomal area ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 33 – 56. 33 – 35 ) distinctly depressed centrally near mentum; surface coarsely vermiculate, wholly, finely punctate; setation long and sparse towards gula and shorter towards mentum. Hypostomal carina ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 33 – 56. 33 – 35 ) not elevated. Maxillary palpomere III as long as IV. Apex of labial palps reaching base of maxillary palpomere IV. Galea surpassing the apex of maxillary palpomere I.

Mandibles ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 9 – 12 ) approximately 1.2 times longer than head (major male); dorsal carina ( Fig. 51 View FIGURES 33 – 56. 33 – 35 ) narrow and strongly elevated, obliquely sloped near apex; outer face moderately densely punctate; inner face convex; inner lower margin projected as a plate at apical half, and with some teeth, more distinct at apical third of the plate. Scape surpassing posterior edge of eyes; somewhat coarsely punctate, mainly laterally and dorsally.

Anterior angles of prothorax feebly projected forward; posterior angles variable, generally rounded. Elytra glabrous, finely punctate and somewhat finely rugose throughout. Width of metepisterna ( Fig. 64 View FIGURES 57 – 64 ) 0.25 times of length.

Female ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 9 – 12 ). Head, without mandibles, 0.7 times length of prothorax. Sculpture of dorsal face of head, and area behind eyes as in male. Labrum occasionally longer in male (from 0.3 to 0.4 times width). Distance between upper ocular lobes 2.8 times width of scape at apex; distance between lower ocular lobes 3.2 times width of scape at apex. Mandibles ( Fig. 52 View FIGURES 33 – 56. 33 – 35 ) almost glabrous on outer face. Antennae attaining basal one-third of elytra; scape not surpassing posterior edge of eyes. Hypostomal area ( Fig. 35 View FIGURES 33 – 56. 33 – 35 ) without transverse furrow near anterior edge. Width of metepisterna 0.3 times length.

Variation. Male: distance between lower ocular lobes from 3.7 to 3.9 times width of scape at apex; hypostomal area not strongly vermiculate throughout; setation of hypostomal area short towards gula and very short and sparse towards mentum; mandible as long as head (minor male); elytra somewhat finely rugose only laterally. Female: head, without mandibles, from 0.7 to 0.8 times length of prothorax; hypostomal area somewhat concave.

Dimensions in mm (male/female). Total length (including mandibles), 20.2–42.8/28.9–35.5; prothoracic length, 3.4–6.9/4.6–6.2; posterior prothoracic width (between apices of posterior angles), 6.1–12.0/8.0–10.1; humeral width, 6.0–11.5/8.5–11.1; elytral length, 13.6–24.6/18.9–25.2.

Types, type-locality. Holotype male, from Bolivia (Santa Cruz), deposited at MNKM. Forty six paratypes (32 males and 14 females) from the same locality of holotype, deposited at FSCA, EMEC, MZSP, MNRJ, and MCNZ. Hovore & Santos-Silva (2004) mistakenly recorded the holotype as deposited in the USNM collection. Wappes et al. (2009) recorded the holotype as deposited at MNKM.

Geographical distribution ( Fig. 77 View FIGURES 75 – 78 ). Species recorded only from Bolivia (Santa Cruz) ( Hovore & Santos-Silva 2004).

Material examined. BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: Flora & Fauna Hotel, 3.7 km SSE Buena Vista, paratype male, paratype female, XI.5 –15.2001, M.C. Thomas & B. K. Dozier col. ( MZSP); 4–6 km SSE Buena Vista, paratype male, paratype female, XI.1 –8.2002, J. E. Wappes col. ( MZSP); female, X.3 –8.2004, J. E. Wappes & R. F. Morris col. ( MZSP).

Comments. Hovorodon santacruzensis resembles H. subcancellatum , but males differ from this species by: mandibles longer and narrower at apical third; dorsal carina of mandibles sub-linear; scape surpassing the posterior edge of eyes; hypostomal area not tumid, vermiculate; anterior prothoracic angles short and feebly projecting anteriorly. In males of H. subcancellatum the mandibles are shorter and slightly narrowed at apical third, the dorsal carina of mandibles is convex at middle, the scape usually does not surpass the posterior edge of eyes, the hypostomal area is tumid, not vermiculated, or very slightly vermiculate antero-medially, and the anterior angles of prothorax are large and distinctly projected forward. Females of H. santacruzensis differ from those of H. subcancellatum by the scape reaching the posterior margin of eye, and by the anterior angles of prothorax being narrowed and feebly or not at all projecting anteriorly. In females of H. subcancellatum the scape does not reach the margin of eye, and the anterior prothoracic angles are relatively wide and strongly projecting.

Wappes, J. E., Arias, J. L. & Nearns, E. H. (2009) List of Coleoptera Holotypes in Museo de Historia Natural, Noel Kempff Mercado, Universidad Autonoma Gabriel Rene Moreno, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Insecta Mundi, 0 0 81, 1 - 8.

Hovore, F. T. & Santos-Silva, A. (2004) Notes and description of Neotropical Macrotomini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 48 (1), 49 - 54.

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FIGURES 9 – 12. Habitus. 9. Hovorodon maxillosum (Drury, 1773), female; 10. Hovorodon santacruzensis (Hovore & Santos-Silva, 2004), paratype male; 11. idem, paratype female; 12. Mallodon arabicum Buquet, 1843, male.

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FIGURES 33 – 56. 33 – 35, head and prothorax, ventral view: 33. Hovorodon maxillosum, female; 34. H. santacruzensis, paratype male; 35. idem, paratype female. 36 – 52, mandibles: 36. Nothopleurus castaneus, male, dorsal view; 37. idem, female, dorsal view; 38. N. lobigenis, male, dorsal view; 39. idem, female, dorsal view; 40. N. subsulcatus, male, lateral view; 41. N. madericus, male, lateral view; 42. idem, female, dorsal view; 43. Hovorodon subcancellatum, male, dorsal view; 44. idem, male, lateral view; 45. idem, female, dorsal view; 46. H. bituberculatum, male, dorsal view; 47. idem, male, lateral view; 48. idem, female, dorsal view; 49. H. maxillosum, male, dorsal view; 50. idem, female, dorsal view; 51. H. santacruzensis, male, dorsal view; 52. idem, female, dorsal view. 53 – 56, metatarsus: 53. Mallodon downesii Hope, 1843, male, dorsal view; 54. idem, lateral view; 55. M. arabicum, male, dorsal view; 56. idem, male, lateral view.

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FIGURES 57 – 64. Metepisternum, male. 57. Nothopleurus castaneus; 58. N. lobigenis; 59. N. subsulcatus; 60. N. madericus; 61. Hovorodon subcancellatum; 62. H. bituberculatum; 63. H. maxillosum; 64. H. santacruzensis.

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FIGURES 75 – 78. Maps. 75. Distribution of Nothopleurus and Hovorodon; 76. Nothopleurus lobigenis (circle), N. castaneus (square), N. madericus (star); 77. Hovorodon subcancellatum (circle), H. santacruzensis (square); 78. H. bituberculatum (square), H. maxillosum (star), Nothopleurus subsulcatus (circle).


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo











