Simopone consimilis, Bolton & Fisher, 2012

Bolton, Barry & Fisher, Brian L., 2012, Taxonomy of the cerapachyine ant genera Simopone Forel, Vicinopone gen. n. and Tanipone gen. n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) 3283, Zootaxa 3283 (1), pp. 1-101 : 43-45

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Simopone consimilis

sp. n.

Simopone consimilis Bolton & Fisher sp. n.

( Figs 34–36 View FIGURES 34–36 )

HOLOTYPE AND PARATYPE WORKER. HL 1.60–1.68, HW 1.06–1.16, SL 0.48–0.52, EL 0.45–0.48, PW 0.83–0.88, AIIW 0.76–0.84, AIIL 0.86–0.94, AIIIW 0.91–1.02, AIIIL 1.03–1.06, WL 1.70–1.82, MFL 0.94–1.02, CI 66–69, SI 45, EL/HW 0.41–0.42, EP 0.81–0.85, AIIW/AIIL 0.88–0.89, AIIIW/AIIIL 0.88–0.96 (2 measured).

In full-face view anteriormost points of frontal lobes do not project beyond the level of the anterior clypeal margin. Eyes located in front of cephalic midlength (EP 0.81–0.85). Leading edge of scape with 2–3 projecting setae that are inclined toward the scape apex. In full-face view sides of head without projecting setae and in profile cephalic dorsum without standing setae; setae distinct on ventral surface of head. Cephalic dorsum between eyes with scattered punctures upon a smooth surface, without trace of striolate ground sculpture between punctures. In dorsal view the pronotum with a transverse carina anteriorly. Propodeal dorsum meets declivity through a bluntly rounded angle, without trace of a carina. Promesonotal suture very weakly indicated; metanotal groove absent. Mesosoma in dorsal view with sides evenly shallowly convex from front to back, broadest across mesonotum, narrowing to pronotal humeri and propodeal apex. Punctate sculpture on pronotal and mesonotal dorsa of about the same density, without a very obvious reduction in density on the mesonotum. Pronotum with a single pair of setae close to the humeri (abraded in holotype, visible in paratype); mesonotum and propodeum without setae. Dorsal (outer) surfaces of mesotibiae and metatibiae without projecting setae. Dorsal surface of AII (petiole) meets anterior surface in a low transverse carina. Posteriorly the dorsum of AII rounds evenly down to the foramen, without a carina. In dorsal view the posterior corners of AII are rounded dorsally and angulate ventrally. In dorsal view AII longer than broad; AIII longer than broad in the holotype but almost as broad as long in the paratype; AIV broader than long. Abdominal tergites from AII to AV without setae, but setae sparsely present on sternite of AIII, and very obvious on sternites of AIV and AV. Pubescence extremely dilute on sternite of AIII, almost absent. Abdominal tergites AII to AIV sculptured only with small punctures. Full adult colour black, appendages and clypeus lighter.

Holotype worker (upper of two on pin), Madagascar: Prov. Antsiranana, Forêt Binara , 9.1 km 233° SW Daraina, 650-800 m, 13°15.8’S, 49°36.2’E, 3-7.xii.2003, BLF9870, CASENT0077387, on low vegetation, rainforest (B.L. Fisher) ( CASC). GoogleMaps

Paratype. One worker (lower specimen on pin) with same data ( CASC) .

This is the only Malagasy species in which the mesosoma is broadest across the mesonotum in dorsal view. In all others the mesonotum is narrower than at least the propodeum, and usually also narrower than the pronotum. See the comparative notes under emeryi .













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