Harmostes procerus Berg, 1878

Melo, M. C. & Montemayor, S. I., 2015, Biodiversity of the scentless plant bugs (Hemiptera: Rhopalidae) in southern South America, Journal of Natural History 50, pp. 163-200 : 188-190

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1080/00222933.2015.1073810



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Harmostes procerus Berg, 1878


Harmostes procerus Berg, 1878 View in CoL


Harmostes procerus Berg 1878: 185 View in CoL ( Argentina, from north to south, reaching Santa Cruz River in Patagonia); Berg 1881: 82 (Buenos Aires: Chacabuco; Salinas Chicas; Fuerte Ameghino (Tornquist)); Berg 1883: 252 ( Argentina); Lethierry and Severin 1894: 114 (Buenos Aires. Patagonia); Berg 1895: 197 (Tierra del Fuego: Rio Santa Cruz, Filaret); Berg 1896: 132 (Tierra del Fuego); Torre-Bueno and Thorne 1915: 160 ( Argentina); Pennington 1920: 16 (litoral, centro, norte); Pennington 1922: 165 (Buenos Aires: Tigre; Quilmes; Tandil; La Rioja); Jensen-Haarup 1924: 329 ( Argentina); Harris 1942: 27 ( Argentina); Harris 1944: 196 ( Argentina); Quintanilla et al. 1967 /1968: 31 (Entre Ríos: Gualeguay); Göllner-Scheiding 1978a: 304 – 305 (Patagonia); Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 134 (Patagonia); Coscarón 1998: 4 (Buenos Aires: Baradero; Chacabuco); Di Iorio 2004: 246 (Entre Ríos); Carpintero 2009: 302 (Buenos Aires: Reserva Provincial y Reserva de Biosfera Internacional Parque Costero del Sur); Melo et al. 2011: 16 (Buenos Aires; Catamarca; Chaco: P.N. Chaco; Córdoba; Corrientes; Entre Ríos; Jujuy; La Pampa; La Rioja; Mendoza; Misiones; Neuquén; Río Negro; Salta; San Luis; San Juan; Santa Fe; Tierra del Fuego); Carpintero and De Biase 2011: 42 (Buenos Aires: Isla Martin García); Dellapé and Carpintero 2012: 132 (Buenos Aires: Tandil); Cava et al. 2012: 1218 (Buenos Aires: Baradero; Chacabuco; Cerro Cura Malal; Chaco; Corrientes; Entre

Ríos: Gualeguay Department; Formosa; Jujuy; La Pampa; Misiones; Salta: Los Cardones National Park ; San Luis; Santa Cruz: Río Santa Cruz; Santa Fe; Santiago del Estero; Tierra del Fuego; Tucumán); Pall and Coscarón 2012: 1452 (Buenos Aires: Baradero, Chacabuco; Catamarca: La Viña; Córdoba: La Granja, Nono; Corrientes; Entre Ríos: Gualeguay, Puerto Constanza; Jujuy; La Pampa: General Pico; Misiones; Salta; San Luis; San Juan: Villa Aberastein [sic]; Santa Cruz; Santa Fe: El Rabón; Santiago del Estero; Tucumán) .

Material examined

Type material. URUGUAY: Lectotype without abdomen (♂ according to Harris, 1942) , Banda Oriental, #1462 ( MLP); Paralectotypes: 1♀, same data as lectotype ( MLP) . ARGENTINA: 1♀, (Buenos Aires) Baradero, F . Lynch ( MLP); 1♂, Buenos Aires, Baradero, F . Lynch col . ( USNM). Other specimens: Buenos Aires: 1♂, Ensenada, 20/ 28-II- 1990, L .A . Pereira col . ( USNM); 2♂, Rio Salado , Rt . 57, 15 km SW, M.J. Cobo , 29-XI-1979, C . M. and O.S. Flint Jr . cols. ( USNM); 3♂ 3♀, Punta Indio, XII-[1]957, Daguerre col . ( USNM); 1♂, Luján, 18-XII-1938, C .J . Drake col . ( USNM); 1♂, Buenos Aires ( USNM); 3♀, Rosas, F .C . Sud, J.B. Daguerre col . ( USNM); 2♀, San Blas, III-1933, Daguerre col ., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); 1♂, 1♀, San Justo, XII-1933, B . Daguerre col . ( USNM); 1♂, Martinetas, 31-XII- [19]38, C .J . Drake col . ( USNM); 1♀, Luján, 18-XII-1938, C .J . Drake col . ( USNM); 1♀, La Plata, J .C . Lutz coll . ( USNM); 1♂, 14-XII-1899, S . Venturi col . ( USNM); 1♀, Olivos, 31-I-1951, J . Foerster col ., J.C. Lutz coll . ( USNM); 1♀, Rt . San Miguel del Monte , 14-VII-1990, sweeping Baccharis pringoea, P .E . Boldt col . ( USNM); 1♂, San Isidro, II-[1]944, J .B . Daguerre col., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); 2♀, Delta, 9-XII-1945, Bachmann leg . ( MACN); 1♀, Parque Provincial Tornquist, 30-I-1947, Bachmann-Rossi leg . ( MACN); 1♀, Cnel . Suarez , Sierra de la Tunas, 18-I-1947, Bachmann-Rossi leg . ( MACN); Catamarca: 1♂ 2♀, Pta . Balasto , 10- XI-1983, L .E . Peña leg . ( USNM); Chaco: 1♂, Lag . La Azula, 26°44 ʹ 5.5 ” S, 59°26 ʹ 14.7 ” W, 26- IX-2009, P . Dellapé col . ( MLP); Chubut: 3♂ 5♀, Esquel, 15-XII-1950, J .C . Lutz coll . ( USNM); 1♂, Rawson, 16-II-[19]958, Daguerre col ., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); 1♀, Rt . 3, 26 mi N Pto. Madryn , 16-I-1990, sweeping Baccharis salicifolia, P .E . Boldt col . ( USNM); 6♂ 4♀, RN 40, 20 NW Esquel, −42.802607600 – 71.121041000, 866 m, 24-I-2014, Dellapé, P GoogleMaps .M GoogleMaps . col . ( MLP); Córdoba : 1♂, 4♀, Alta Gracia, III-[1]959, Daguerre col . Daguerre coll . ( USNM); 2♂, Alta Gracia, La Granja, Sierras de Córdoba , II-1925, C . Bruch col . ( USNM); 2♂ 2♀, San Javier, la Población, 15-I-1946, Bachmann col . ( MACN); 1♀, same data, 17-I-1946 ( MACN); Entre Ríos: 1♂ 11♀, Gualhounichu, III-[19]81, Drake col . ‘ 56 ( USNM); 2♂ 2♀, Gualeguaychú, 19- IV-1924, Excurs . Prof . M.D. Jurado ( MACN); Jujuy: 3♂ 1♀, 15 km N Jujuy, 20-II-[19]92, L .E . Peña col . ( USNM); La Pampa: 3♂, N . Puelen , 4-XI-[19]87, L .E. Peña G. col . ( USNM); Mendoza: 1♂, Palmira, XII-[19]76, A . Roig col . ( MACN); 1♂, San Rafael, 5-III-1983, L .E. Peña G. col . ( USNM); 1♂, same data, 6-III-[19]83 ( USNM); 1♂, Cochico, 9-XI-1987, L .E. Peña G. col . ( USNM); Neuquén: 3♂ 5♀, El Huecu S, 4-II-1991, L .E . Peña leg . ( USNM); 5♂ 1♀, Neuquén, 6-I-[19]94, Ugarte col . ( USNM); 1♀, Trelew, III-[1]954, Daguerre col ., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); Río Negro : 1♀, de Conesa a San Antonio, 7-II-[1]938, Birabén- Scott cols. ( USNM) ; 1♀, Rt. 304, 9 mi N San Antonio Oeste, 17-I-1990, sweeping Baccharis ulicina, P .E . Boldt col . ( USNM); 2♂ 1♀, Sn . Ant . Oeste , XI-1987, L .E. Peña G. col . ( USNM); 2♀, Rt . 22, Rio Colorado , 15-I-1990, sweeping Baccharis spartioides, P .E . Boldt col . ( USNM); 1♂, Choele- Choel, 10-XI-1990, L .E . Peña leg . ( USNM); San Luis: 1♂ 1♀, San Luis S, 4-III-1983, L .E . Peña col. ( USNM).

Argentinean distribution

Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Chubut *, Córdoba, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquén, Río Negro, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Tierra del Fuego and Tucumán.

Central and South American distribution

Argentina, Peru and Uruguay ( Göllner-Scheiding, 1978a), same data adding Brazil ( Göllner-Scheiding 1983).


None of the new records mentioned by Pall and Coscarón (2012) is new, as demonstrated above.

Final remarks

Pall and Coscarón (2012) mentioned Harmostes re fl exus viscens [sic] (Dallas) from many provinces in Argentina. However, this is not a valid name and we assume that in fact they are referring to Harmostes re fl exulus (Say) because we have found in the MLP collection two specimens of this species from Mexico and USA (Arizona) labelled as Harmostes re fl exulus virescens Dallas. Because the list of studied material in Pall and Coscarón (2012) mentioned only provinces and localities, it is impossible to track the specimens they referred to; we have studied specimens from some of the localities they mentioned, but they belong to other species.

Subfamily SERINETHINAE Stål, 1873

Genus Jadera Stål, 1862


( Figure 6 View Figure 6 )

Type species

Leptocoris coturnix Burmeister, 1835


Museo de La Plata


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia
















Harmostes procerus Berg, 1878

Melo, M. C. & Montemayor, S. I. 2015

Harmostes procerus

Dellape PM & Carpintero DL 2012: 132
Cava MB & Corronca JA & Coscaron MC 2012: 1218
Carpintero DL & De Biase S 2011: 42
Carpintero DL 2009: 302
Di Iorio O 2004: 246
Coscaron MC 1998: 4
Gollner-Scheiding U 1983: 134
Gollner-Scheiding U 1978: 304
Harris HM 1944: 196
Harris HM 1942: 27
Jensen-Haarup AC 1924: 329
Pennington MS 1922: 165
Pennington MS 1920: 16
Berg C 1896: 132
Berg C 1895: 197
Lethierry L & Severin G 1894: 114
Berg C 1883: 252
Berg C 1881: 82
Berg C 1878: 185
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