Hemiporites Alloiteau, 1952

Löser, Hannes, 2012, Revision of the family Hemiporitidae (Scleractinia, Late Cretaceous), Geodiversitas 34 (2), pp. 399-407 : 401

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Hemiporites Alloiteau, 1952


Genus Hemiporites Alloiteau, 1952 View in CoL

TYPE SPECIES. — Hemiporites jacobi Alloiteau, 1952 by original designation.

RANGE. — Turonian.

DIAGNOSIS. — Plocoid colony. Calices circular to elliptical. Septa compact, made of large trabeculae. Septa free, not attached to each other in the calicular center. Septal lateral faces with few thorns, but generally poorly ornamented. Septal inner margin swollen. Septa with regular radial symmetry. Septal cycles differ in length and thickness. Paliform lobes or pali absent. Costae short, non-confluent, same in number as septa. Columella lamellar, thick. Wall septothecal or septoparathecal, not always compact. Endotheca made by thick tabulae. Coenosteum made by thick trabeculae and tabulae.

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