Hypoxys quadridens (Fabricius, 1803)

Nunes, Benedito Mendes, Campos, Lourival Dias, Mendonca, Maria Thayane Da Silva, Cunha, Eduardo Victor De Paiva & Fernandes, Jose Antonio Marin, 2020, Revision of Hypoxys Amyot & Serville, 1843 stat. rest. (Heteroptera Pentatomidae), Zootaxa 4742 (3), pp. 401-441 : 407-408

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Plazi (2020-02-21 08:14:26, last updated 2024-11-27 06:41:00)

scientific name

Hypoxys quadridens (Fabricius, 1803)


Hypoxys quadridens (Fabricius, 1803)

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 A–G; 18 A–B; 21)

-- Stoll, Pun.: 135

Edessa quadridens Fabricius, 1803: 148 ; Dallas, 1851: 329; Stål, 1868: 36; Walker, 1868: 425; Stål, 1872: 55; Lethierry & Severin, 1893: 193 (catalog); Breddin, 1904a: 140; Osborn, 1904: 197; Breddin, 1907: 327; Kirkaldy, 1909: 163 (catalog); Froeschner, 1981: 66.

Edessa brunnipes Fabricius, 1803: 148 ; Walker, 1868: 427; Lethierry & Severin, 1893: 193 (catalog); Kirkaldy, 1909: 163 (catalog)

Pentatoma luteicornis Lepeletier & Serville, 1825: 55 ; Lethierry & Severin, 1893: 193 (catalog); Kirkaldy, 1909: 163 (catalog)

Edessa schaefferi Hahn, 1831: 127 ; Lethierry & Severin, 1893: 193 (catalog); Kirkaldy, 1909: 163 (catalog)

Hypoxys quadridens, Amyot & Serville, 1843: 157

Edessa jugalis Breddin, 1907: 327 , 329; Kirkaldy, 1909: 368 (catalog) syn. nov.

Lectotype male Edessa quadridens . America Meridionalis, ZMUC 00 102086 ( ZMUC). Examined. Here designated.

Lectotype male Edessa jugalis . Suriname ( SDEI). Designated by Gaedike (1971:89). Examined. Gaedike also indicated paralectotypes in SDEI and Museum of Strasburg , but did not mention quantity or sex of them. We have examined only one female with the same data as lectotype in SDEI.

Lectotype female Edessa brunnipes . America Meridionalis, Smidt ( ZMUC). Here designated.

Material examined. VENEZUELA. Monagas: ♀ La Esperanza, 25–X–1965, Inst. Zool., Agricola—Fac. Agro- nomia Univ. Central, F. Fernande. Y. C. J. Rosales ( IZAV); ♂ La Pica, 3–X–65, Inst. Zool., Agricola–Fac. Agro- nomia Univ. Central, C. J. Rosales, F. Fernandes Y. Edessa quadridens F. Comp. w. TYPE Fernandes, JAM 2011 ( IZAV); Bolivar: ♀ km 107, El Dorado Santa Elena, 520 m. 18–VIII–57, Inst. Zool, Agricola—Fac. Agronomia Univ. Central. F. Fernandez Y. C.J. Rosales ( IZAV); FRENCH GUIANA. ♂ Otovalo, British Guiana, 1–21–1927, J. Murray ( USNM); SURINAME. ♂ Tibiti 6–I–1949, In. bostussenpaal 2–3, Museum Leiden Suriname exp 1948– 1949, Edessa jugalis Breddin, 1907 Comp. w. TYPE Fernandes, JAM 1999 ( RMNH); COLOMBIA. Bogotá: ♀ 25–VI–1929, M. H. Nicefero ( USNM); BRAZIL. Amazonas: ♂ Benjamin Constant, 3–1943, A. Parko ( MNRJ); ♀ Colkoen Brasil, Museum Leiden, Edessa (Hypoxys) quadridens F. Cat. Nº1, Edessa jugalis Breddin, 1907 Comp. w. TYPE Fernandes, JAM 1999 ( RMNH).

Measurements. total length: 16.2–19.0; head length: 2.1–2.4; head width: 3.2–3.7; pronotal width: 10.0–11.6; abdominal width: 9.0–10.2; length of antennal segments. I: 0.8–1.0; II: 1.6–2.2; III: 1.1–1.7; IV: 4.1–5.6; V: 5.0–6.2; interocular distance: 1.4–1.7; scutellum length: 7.3–9.3; scutellum width: 5.7–6.8; pronotal length: 3.3–3.9.

Diagnosis. Anterolateral margin of pronotum with solid black stripe reaching all or part of its extension with remaining part smoky black and narrow. Cicatrices of pronotum with concolorous punctures delimiting anterior sulci ( Fig. 18A View FIGURE 18 ). Anterolateral margin not punctured. Male ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 A–C). Pygophore with dorsal rim sinuous and shallowly excavated ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ). Superior process of genital cup elongate, elliptic with a ventral notch and adjacent to dorsal rim ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Paramere elongate, spatulate, broad distally, anteriorly curved touching superior process of genital cup ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Proctiger with dorsolateral tufts of setae separated by tumid ridge; posterior face subrectangular and slightly tumid ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Ventral rim with expansion acuminate, flat, surpassing level of posterolateral angle in ventral view ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ); base of each expansion with a small transverse carina. Female ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ). Gonocoxites 8 posterior margin slightly sinuous, inner angle projecting over gonocoxites 9, sutural border slightly divergent distally. Gonapophyses 8 barely exposed.

Comments. The type series of E. quadridens is formed by four specimens (all in Copenhagen, but part belonging to Kiel collection), three males and one female. Male without head presented in this paper ( Fig. 1F View FIGURE 1 ) was photographed by Pieter van Doesburg as the lectotype of the species several years ago and we are confirming his selection. Breddin (1907) made it clear that he had not seen the type of E. quadridens , and postulated that the best candidate to be E. quadridens was E. jugalis . We confirm Breddin’s supposition considering E. jugalis junior synonym of H. quadriden s. The male of Hypoxys quadridens shares with H. offuscatus the paramere spatulate ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ), but both species can be separated by the dorsal tumid ridge narrow of proctiger ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ), and expansion of ventral rim of pygophore acuminated ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ) in H. quadriden s (dorsal ridge not tumid and wide, and expansion of ventral rim rounded and tumid in H. offuscatus ). The female of H. quadriden s can be confused with H. trabeculus (see H. trabeculus comments for differences between these two species). A few female specimens of H. oxyacanthus with solid black stripe on posterior part of pronotum can be confused with H. quadriden s, but punctuation of pronotum is different ( Fig. 18A View FIGURE 18 and 19K View FIGURE 19 ) and gonocoxites 8 of H. quadriden s are more convex than in H. oxyacanthus .

Distribution ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 ). VENEZUELA: Monagas, Bolivar; FRENCH GUIANA; SURINAME; COLOMBIA: Bogotá; BRAZIL: Amazonas.

Amyot, C. J. B. & Serville, A. (1843) Historie naturelle des insects. Hemipteres. Cuyrage accompagne de planches. Librairie encyclopedique de Roret, Paris, lxxvi + 675 pp., 12 pls.

Breddin, G. (1904 a) Beitrage zur Systematik der Rhynchoten. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, 1904, 135 - 153.

Breddin, G. (1907) Beitrage zur Systematik der Pentatomiden Sudamerikas. Sitzungs-Berichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender freunde zu Berlin, 10, 327 - 348.

Dallas, W. S. (1851) List of the specimens of hemipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. British Museum, London, 390 pp., 15 pls.

Gaedike, H. (1971) Katalog der in Sammlungen des ehemaligen Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes aufbewahrten Typen- V. Heteroptera. Beitrage zur Entomologie, 21, 79 - 159.

Kirkaldy, G. W. (1909) Catalogue of the Hemiptera (Heteroptera). Vol. 1. Cimicidae. Felix L. Dames ed., Berlin, XL + 392 pp.

Stal, C. (1872) Enumeratio Hemipterorum. Bidrag till em forteckning ofver alla hittils kanda Hemiptera, Jemte systematiska meddelanden. 2. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien Handlingar, 10 (4), 1 - 159. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 12549

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. H. quadridens. A–C Male, pygophore; A—dorsal view; B–posterior view; C—ventral view. D—Female, genital plates. E—metasternal process; F—Habitus, Lectotype male; G—specimen data. (pyg—pygophore; dr—dorsal rim; vr—ventral rim; proc—proctiger; gp—genital superior process; pa—parameres; gc8—gonocoxite 8; gc9—gonocoxites 9; la8—laterotergite 8; la9—laterotergite 9; x—abdominal segment X. Scale = 1mm).

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FIGURE 7. H. offuscatus. A–C Male, pygophore; A—dorsal view; B—posterior view; C—ventral view. D—Female, genital plates. E—metasternal process (Scale = 1mm).

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FIGURE 18. Dorsal and ventral view. H. quadridens A–B; H. boerneri C–D; H. claricolor E–F; H. dolosus G–H; H. eburatulus I–J; H. necopinatus K–L (Scale = 5mm).

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FIGURE 19. Dorsal and ventral view. H. offuscatus A–B; H. trabeculus C–D; H. triangularis E–F; H. capito G–H; H. subrastratus I–J; H. oxyacanthus K–L (Scale = 5mm).

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FIGURE 21. Distributional map of the species of H. quadridens group.


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro











