Hypoxys offuscatus ( Breddin, 1907 ), 2020

Nunes, Benedito Mendes, Campos, Lourival Dias, Mendonca, Maria Thayane Da Silva, Cunha, Eduardo Victor De Paiva & Fernandes, Jose Antonio Marin, 2020, Revision of Hypoxys Amyot & Serville, 1843 stat. rest. (Heteroptera Pentatomidae), Zootaxa 4742 (3), pp. 401-441 : 416-418

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Plazi (2020-02-21 08:14:26, last updated 2024-11-27 06:41:00)

scientific name

Hypoxys offuscatus ( Breddin, 1907 )

comb. nov.

Hypoxys offuscatus ( Breddin, 1907) comb. nov.

( Figs. 7 View FIGURE 7 A–E; 19 A–B; 21)

Edessa offuscata Breddin, 1907: 332 ; Kirkaldy, 1909: 368 (catalog)

Edessa rimata Breddin, 1907: 338 ; Kirkaldy, 1909: 368 (catalog) syn. nov.

Lectotype male. Edessa offuscata . Brasil, Pebas ( SDEI). Designated by Gaedike (1971:94). Examined.

Lectotype female. Edessa rimata . Peru, Iguapo ( SDEI). Designated by Gaedike (1971:97, by use of “ Holotypus ”). Examined.

Material examined. PERU. Loreto: ♀ Iquitos, Amazon River, II–21–1927, H. Bassler ( USNM); ♂ ♀ Confl. De los Rios Zamur e Yahuasyacu, II–80, J. Becker leg. Edessa rimata Breddin, 1907 Comp. w. TYPE Fernandes, JAM 1999, Edessa offuscata Breddin, 1907 Comp. w. TYPE Fernandes, JAM 1999. ( RMNH).

Measurements. total length: 17.2–19.0; head length: 2.3; head width: 3.4–3.6; pronotal width: 11.0–11.3; abdominal width: 9.6–10.3; length of antennal segments. I: 0.9–1.0; II: 2.4; III: 1.3–1.4; IV: 5.7; V: 6.3; interocular distance: 1.6–1.7; scutellum length: 8.4–9.0; scutellum width: 6.2–6.6; pronotal length: 3.6–3.9.

Diagnosis. Anterolateral margin of pronotum with solid black stripe reaching all its extension. Cicatrices with dark brown punctures delimiting anterior sulci ( Fig. 19A View FIGURE 19 ). Anterolateral margin with few dark punctures. Male ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 A–C). Pygophore with dorsal rim widely excavated ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ). Superior process of genital cup small, arrow-headshaped, adjacent to dorsal rim ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ). Paramere elongated, shank triangular (cross section) due to a conspicuous carina on inner side ending before enlarged part; head of the paramere spatulate ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ). Proctiger with laterodorsal tufts of setae widely separated by medial ridge; posterior face pentagonal, flat ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ). Ventral rim with expansions rounded, wide, tumid, well-projected, clearly surpassing level of posterolateral angle in ventral view ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ); base of each expansion with a conspicuous transverse carina. Female ( Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ). Gonocoxites 8 with posterior margin sinuous, inner angle rounded projected posteriorly reaching gonocoxites 9; sutural border with elliptic, short excavation on posterior half. Gonapophyses 8 exposed.

Comments. Edessa offuscata and E. rimata were described by Breddin (1907). The author considered E. rimata related to E. trabecula and E. offuscata close to E. quadridens and E. boerneri . However, these similarities are based only on the external morphology of the species. Females of H. offuscatus have inner angles of gonocoxites 8 more protruding and sutural border less excavated ( Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ) than H. boerneri ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ); both species have posterior margin of gonocoxites 8 sinuous while H. quadriden s has posterior margin arched ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ). Males of H. offuscatus and H. quadriden s are very similar and can be separated by subtle characteristics like paramere more robust and dorsal rim more excavated in H. offuscatus ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 and 1B View FIGURE 1 ); more obvious distinctive characteristic is the expansion of ventral rim more developed and rounded in H. offuscatus ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ) than in H. quadriden s ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ).

Distribution ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 ). PERU: Loreto.

Breddin, G. (1907) Beitrage zur Systematik der Pentatomiden Sudamerikas. Sitzungs-Berichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender freunde zu Berlin, 10, 327 - 348.

Gaedike, H. (1971) Katalog der in Sammlungen des ehemaligen Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes aufbewahrten Typen- V. Heteroptera. Beitrage zur Entomologie, 21, 79 - 159.

Kirkaldy, G. W. (1909) Catalogue of the Hemiptera (Heteroptera). Vol. 1. Cimicidae. Felix L. Dames ed., Berlin, XL + 392 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. H. quadridens. A–C Male, pygophore; A—dorsal view; B–posterior view; C—ventral view. D—Female, genital plates. E—metasternal process; F—Habitus, Lectotype male; G—specimen data. (pyg—pygophore; dr—dorsal rim; vr—ventral rim; proc—proctiger; gp—genital superior process; pa—parameres; gc8—gonocoxite 8; gc9—gonocoxites 9; la8—laterotergite 8; la9—laterotergite 9; x—abdominal segment X. Scale = 1mm).

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FIGURE 2. H. boerneri. A–C Male, pygophore; A—dorsal view; B—posterior view; C—ventral view. D—Female, genital plates. E—metasternal process (Scale = 1mm).

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FIGURE 7. H. offuscatus. A–C Male, pygophore; A—dorsal view; B—posterior view; C—ventral view. D—Female, genital plates. E—metasternal process (Scale = 1mm).

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FIGURE 19. Dorsal and ventral view. H. offuscatus A–B; H. trabeculus C–D; H. triangularis E–F; H. capito G–H; H. subrastratus I–J; H. oxyacanthus K–L (Scale = 5mm).

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FIGURE 21. Distributional map of the species of H. quadridens group.


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