Hypoxys eburatulus ( Breddin, 1907 ), 2020

Nunes, Benedito Mendes, Campos, Lourival Dias, Mendonca, Maria Thayane Da Silva, Cunha, Eduardo Victor De Paiva & Fernandes, Jose Antonio Marin, 2020, Revision of Hypoxys Amyot & Serville, 1843 stat. rest. (Heteroptera Pentatomidae), Zootaxa 4742 (3), pp. 401-441 : 413-414

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Plazi (2020-02-21 08:14:26, last updated 2020-02-21 08:30:56)

scientific name

Hypoxys eburatulus ( Breddin, 1907 )

comb. nov.

Hypoxys eburatulus ( Breddin, 1907) comb. nov.

( Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A–E; 18 I–J; 21)

Edessa eburatula Breddin, 1907: 333 ; Kirkaldy, 1909: 368 (catalog)

Lectotype female. Suriname ( SDEI); Designated by Gaedike (1971:85). Examined.

Material examined. COSTA RICA. Guanacaste: ♀ La Cruz, P. N. Guanacaste, Est. Pitilla, 9 Km S Santa Cecília, 5–30 JUL 1988, L–N 330200–380200 #52597, C. Chavez, Espinoza, Manual (red, libre), INB0003359227 (INBio) ; ♀ VI–18–1932, A. Alfaro ( USNM) ; Alajuela: ♀ Sector San Ramón, 620m ., 11–15 Abr 1994, L–N 318100–381900 #2831, E. Araya , INBIO CRI001 792184 (INBio) ; Heredia: ♂ ♀ La Selva Biol. Sta. 2 km. S. Pt. Viejo, 3–5–VI– 1984, Riley, Rider & LeDoux, Edessa eburatula Breddin, 1907 Fernandes, J. A. M. 1999 Comp. HOMOTYPE. ( DAR) ; ♂ Est. Magsasay, 200m, P. N. Braulio Carrillo, May–1991, L–N–264600, 531000, M. A. Zumbado , INBIO CRI001 311335 (INBio) ; ♀ Estac. El Ceibo, 10Km, SE La Virgem, 450–550 m, IV–7–14–2003, 10º20’N, 84º05’W, E. G. Riley , TAMU—ENTO X0685736 (INBio) GoogleMaps ; Limón: ♂ Amubri, 70m . 1–22 JUN 1995, L S 385000 578100 #5333, G. Gallardo , INBIO CRI002 235380 (INBio) ; ♂ Sardinas, R. N. F. S. Barra del Colorado , 15 m , 01–15– Oct–1994, L N 291900_565900 #3292, F. V. Araya, INBIO CRI002 120348 (INBio); same data : ♂ INBIO CRI002 120358 (INBio); ♀ Rio Sardinas , 10 m , R. N. F. S. Barra del Colorado, Set–1992, L–N 291500–564700, F. Araya , INBIO CRI000 997091 (INBio) ; ♀ Amubri, 70m, Talamanca, 1–22–Jul–1992, L–S 385500–578050, G. Gallardo, INBIO CRI000 757352 (INBio); San José: ♀ Mastatal, Camino a P. N. La Cangreja, 300m ., 15 JUL 2004, L N 184950 496035 #77718, W. Porras, Libre , INB0003862260 (INBio) ; Puntarenas: ♂ Garabito, Camino a Bijagual, Altos Pochote, 400m , 20 JUL 2004, L N 193951 470740 #77676, W. Porras, Libre , INB0003861105 (INBio) ; ♂ Dos Brazos del Rio Rincon , 60m ., 10 NOV 1995, L–S–285220–518600 #6489, L. Ângulo , INBIO CRI002 392115 (INBio) ; ♂ Quebrada Piedras Blancas, 400m . , 10–14–AGO–1997, L–S–271400–524800 #47745, M. Lobo , INBIO CRI002 571805 (INBio); ♂ Rancho Quemado, Peninsula de Osa , 200m ., Oct–1991, L–S–292500–511000, F. Que- sada, INBIO CRI000 465691 (INBio); PANAMA. Colón: ♀ Soberanía, Old Gamboa rd, el 40m ., 12–VIII–1999, 09º05’00’’N 79º40’22’’W, J. Schaffner , TAMU–ENTO X0686457 (INBio) GoogleMaps ; Panamá: ♂ ♀ C. Z. Barro Colorado isl. , VII–24–68, D. Q. Cavagnaro & M. E. Irwin collectors, Edessa eburatula Breddin, 1907 Comp. w. TYPE Fernandes, JAM 1999 ( CAS) .

Measurements. total length: 15.8–18.2; head length: 2.0–2.2; head width: 3.1–3.4; pronotal width: 10.0–11.3; abdominal width: 8.8–10.0; length of antennal segments. I: 0.7–1.0; II: 1.6–2.0; III: 1.2–1.6; IV: 4.0–5.2; V: 4.4–5.2; interocular distance: 1.4–1.6; scutellum length: 7.3–9.2; scutellum width: 5.5–6.3; pronotal length: 3.2–3.8.

Diagnosis. Anterolateral margin of pronotum yellow without solid black stripe. Cicatrices with dark brown punctures delimiting anterior sulci ( Fig. 18I View FIGURE 18 ). Anterolateral margin with some brown punctures. Male ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 A–C). Pygophore with dorsal rim widely excavated ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ). Superior process of genital cup short, half-moon shaped; next to dorsal rim ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Paramere with a single lobe curved anteriorly, tapering and elongated, margin rounded; stalk cylindrical with a small carina on inner side continuing along anterior lobe ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Proctiger with laterodorsal tufts of setae separated by wide ridge; posterior face ogival ( Fig. 5B,C View FIGURE 5 ). Ventral rim with expansions rounded, slightly tumid, short, almost level with posterolateral angles in ventral view ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ); base of each expansion with a conspicuous transverse carina ( Fig. 5A,B View FIGURE 5 ). Female ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 ). Gonocoxites 8 posterior margin sinuous, slanting, inner angle rounded; sutural border divergent from basal third, gonapophyses 8 slightly exposed.

Comments. The male is described here for the first time. Breddin (1907) considered Edessa eburatula closely related to E. jugalis , which is synonymized with H. quadriden s here. Actually, Hypoxys eburatulus is closely related to H. dolosus . Both species can be separated by expansions of ventral rim smaller in H. eburatulus ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ) than in H. dolosus ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ). Superior process of the genital cup is very similar in the photos presented here, but in H. eburatulus ventral part of the process is as long as dorsal part ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ); in H. dolosus ventral part is much longer than dorsal one (hidden by paramere in Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 ), dorsal part looks more a transverse crest as described above. Paramere is also very similar, but in H. dolosus the developed inner carina gives a triangular shape to the head of paramere ( Fig. 4B View FIGURE 4 ), while in H. eburatulus the tiny carina does not interfere and the head looks convex ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Genital plates are very similar and do not show reliable characters. The distribution is the best way to separate both species because H. eburatulus is the only species of the genus found in Central America ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 ).

Distribution ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 ). COSTA RICA: Guanacaste, Alajuela, Heredia, Limón, San José, Puntarenas; PANA- MA: Colón, Panamá.

Breddin, G. (1907) Beitrage zur Systematik der Pentatomiden Sudamerikas. Sitzungs-Berichte der Gesellschaft naturforschender freunde zu Berlin, 10, 327 - 348.

Gaedike, H. (1971) Katalog der in Sammlungen des ehemaligen Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes aufbewahrten Typen- V. Heteroptera. Beitrage zur Entomologie, 21, 79 - 159.

Kirkaldy, G. W. (1909) Catalogue of the Hemiptera (Heteroptera). Vol. 1. Cimicidae. Felix L. Dames ed., Berlin, XL + 392 pp.

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FIGURE 4. H. dolosus. A–C Male, pygophore; A—dorsal view; B—posterior view; C—ventral view. D—Female, genital plates. E—metasternal process (Scale = 1mm).

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FIGURE 5. H. eburatulus. A–C Male, pygophore; A—dorsal view; B—posterior view; C—ventral view. D—Female, genital plates. E—metasternal process (Scale = 1mm).

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FIGURE 18. Dorsal and ventral view. H. quadridens A–B; H. boerneri C–D; H. claricolor E–F; H. dolosus G–H; H. eburatulus I–J; H. necopinatus K–L (Scale = 5mm).

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FIGURE 21. Distributional map of the species of H. quadridens group.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


California Academy of Sciences










Hemiptera (awaiting allocation)

