Lycosa soboutii Shafaie, Nadolny & Mirshamsi, 2022

Seropian, Armen, Bulbulashvili, Natalia, Makharadze, Giorgi & Baznikin, Andrei, 2024, New and interesting spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) from Vashlovani National Park and Chachuna Managed Reserve (Georgia), Caucasiana 3, pp. 183-213 : 183-213

publication ID 10.3897/caucasiana.3.e132501

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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Caucasiana by Pensoft

scientific name

Lycosa soboutii Shafaie, Nadolny & Mirshamsi, 2022


** Lycosa soboutii Shafaie, Nadolny & Mirshamsi, 2022 View in CoL

Figs 19 View Figures 19–20 –24 View Figures 21–24

Lycosa soboutii View in CoL : Shafaie et al. 2022: 502 View Cited Treatment , figs 1–7 (♀).

Lycosa soboutii View in CoL : Logunov 2023: 505, figs 145–148 (♀).

Material examined.

GEORGIA • 3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀; Kakheti, Dedoplistskaro mun., Chachuna MR, Osiaskheoba ; N 41.2314 °, E 46.1473 °; semidesert, at night with flashlight; leg. Makharadze G, Seropian A; 19 May 2024; CaBOL-IDs 1038296, 1038298, 1038073, 1038297, 1038299, 1038074, 1038075 GoogleMaps . • 1 ♀; Kakheti, Vashlovani NP, Datviskhevi ; N 41.2382 °, E 46.3637 °; semidesert, lured from burrow; leg. Bulbulashvili N; 20 May 2024; CaBOL-ID 1038300 GoogleMaps . • 1 ♀; Kakheti, Mijniskure ; N 41.1245 °, E 46.6456 °; semidesert, at night with flashlight; leg. Makharadze G; 22 May 2024; CaBOL-ID 1038062 GoogleMaps . The material is deposited in the scientific collections of Ilia State University, Georgia, Tbilisi.

Diagnosis. In having extra processes of the tegular apophysis, the males of L. soboutii are most similar to those of L. elymaisa Zamani et Nadolny, 2022 and L. aragogi Nadolny et Zamani, 2017 from Iran, from which it can be easily distinguished by the less curved tegulum (Tg) [vs strongly curved in L. elymaisa ( Zamani et al. 2022: figs 3 E, 4 A – B) and L. aragogi ( Logunov 2023: figs 129, 131)], strongly pronounced sclerotized tegular ridge (Tr), more closely located embolus (Em) and synembolus (Se) [vs more diverged in L. elymaisa ( Zamani et al. 2022: figs 3 H – E, 4 A – B) and L. aragogi ( Logunov 2023: fig. 135)], proximally located ventral outgrowth of tegular apophysis (To) [vs distally located in L. elymaisa ( Zamani et al. 2022: figs 3 G – H, 4 A, C) and L. aragogi ( Logunov 2023: figs 129–132)], and bifid distal process of tegular apophysis (Tp) directed ventro-posteriorly [vs spiral-shaped in L. elymaisa ( Zamani et al. 2022: figs 3 G – I, 4 A – D) and claw-shaped apically directed in L. aragogi ( Logunov 2023: figs 129–132)].


Male. Total length 13.87. Carapace 7.49 long, 5.41 wide. Carapace light reddish brown, covered with dense off-white setae and medially radiating darker bands (Fig. 20 View Figures 19–20 ); pars thoracica 1.6 times wider than pars cephalica; pars cephalica elevated. Chelicerae brown, with 3 pro- and 3 retromarginal teeth, with dense light-yellow setae, covering ca. ½ of cheliceral length. Labium and maxillae light-brown. Sternum black, covered with black and yellow setae. Abdomen yellow, dorsally with light trident-shaped mark margined with black setae. Spinnerets yellowish, apically darkened. All legs covered with dense off-white setae (Fig. 20 View Figures 19–20 ): Tr, Ti, Pa light-yellow; Tr ventrally with black setae; Ta and Mt I – II brown, Ta and Mt III – IV yellow; venter of Pa I – IV apically, and Ti I – IV apically and basally darkened. Leg measurements: I 21.97 (6.05 + 2.58 + 5.47 + 5.41 + 2.46), II 20.04 (5.69 + 2.35 + 4.79 + 4.59 + 2.62), III 19.58 (5.57 + 2.14 + 3.57 + 5.52 + 2.78), IV 25.92 (7.21 + 2.34 + 5.25 + 7.87 + 3.25). Palps yellowish, with brown bulb, covered with off-white setae. Palpal structure as in Figs 21–22 View Figures 21–24 : cymbium 1.5 times longer than wide, apex with 8–9 strong bristles; bulb slightly (≈ 1.1 times) wider than long; embolic division bares thin, long, and curved embolus, with well-developed pars pendula and embolus-like thin synembolus (Se).

Female. See Shafaie et al. (2022). The shape of the epigyne and the endogyne of the females from Georgia (Figs 23–24 View Figures 21–24 ) leave no doubt in its identification as L. soboutii , recently described from Zanjan Province in Iran. Interestingly, the black spot entirely covering the venter of the holotype female’s abdomen ( Shafaie et al. 2022, fig. 2) varied in our specimens, sometimes extending only to half of the surface.


Iran ( WSC 2024), Georgia (present study). This is the first record from the Caucasus region.

Comments: At the time of capture, all specimens were in the subadult stages and then captive-reared during May.














Lycosa soboutii Shafaie, Nadolny & Mirshamsi, 2022

Seropian, Armen, Bulbulashvili, Natalia, Makharadze, Giorgi & Baznikin, Andrei 2024

Lycosa soboutii

Logunov DV 2023: 505