Tambana annamica, Behounek, G., Han, H. L. & Kononenko, V. S., 2015

Behounek, G., Han, H. L. & Kononenko, V. S., 2015, A revision of the genus Ta mb ana Moore, 1882 with description of eight new species and one subspecies (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae: Pantheinae). Revision of Pantheinae, contribution XIII, Zootaxa 4048 (3), pp. 301-351 : 324-325

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scientific name

Tambana annamica

sp. nov.

Tambana annamica sp. n.

( Figs 61–64 View FIGURES 57 – 64 , 79–83 View FIGURES 65 – 88 , 114, 115 View FIGURES 114 – 117 )

Type material. Holotype. VIETNAM: male,, Prov. Lao Cai ( Tonkin), Mt. Fan-si-Pan, Cha-Pa, 2400 m, 22°250′N, 103°766′E, local collector leg., viii.2008, slide GB7405 male HT, BC ZSM Lep 48675, coll. GB/ ZSM. Paratypes: VIETNAM: 1 male, same data, slide GB7406 male, BC ZSM Lep 48676, coll. GB/ ZSM, 1 male, same data, slide 12165 male, coll. AB; 1 male, same data, slide VK05-0903 male, coll. AB, 1 male, same data, slide VK05-09311 male, coll. AB; 9 males, 2 female, Prov. Lao Cai, 1800 m, Fan-si-pan Mts, 16 km NW Sa Pa, 16–17.iii.1998, L. Peregovits L & Vásárhelyi T. leg., slide Nos. RL6668, RL6669, males, det Ronkay 1999; 1 male, same locality, 103. 46. 06E, 22.20. 9N, 29–30.viii.1998, leg. A. Kun; slide RL7369, det L. Ronkay 2005, coll. HNHM.

Note. The specimens labelled as BC ZSM Lep 48675 and BC ZSM Lep 48676 have been used for barcoding. Molecular distance based on the Kimura two-parameter model for COI DNA barcodes between the nearest species T. annamica and T. indeterminata is 4,44%, between T. annamica and T. glauca is 4,77%, and between T. glauca and is T. indeterminata is 5,28%.

Diagnosis. The new species differs from T. glauca and T. indeterminata by paler greyish-brown with greenish tint of forewing colouration, wider, more coarse, contrasting and more dentate crosslines and spots and the generally darker (blackish-brown) hindwing with only more or less traceable yellowish dash in centre. The new species well separated from T. glauca and T. indeterminata by the differences in their DNA barcodes.

Description. Adult ( Figs 61–64 View FIGURES 57 – 64 , 79–83 View FIGURES 65 – 88 ). Wingspan 35–38 mm. Head, tegulae and patagia white, patagia bordered with black, thorax whitish with black spot; ground colour of forewing yellowish-brown, paler than in T. indeterminata ; basal line marked by black streak with white border; subbasal field greyish brown; antemedial line black, waved, less dentate than in T. indeterminata , with thin whitish inner border; medial field greyish-brown with diffused darker medial shadow darker in costal and ventral areas; orbicular as small white dot encircled by black; reniform small, quadrangular in shape, white, with brown streak inside, outlined inwardly; whitish dash lies outside reniform toward to postmedial line; postmedial line waved, more dentate than T. indeterminata , bordered outwardly with thin white line; subterminal field, greyish-brown, with blackish veins; subterminal line dentate, black, diffused inwardly, outlined with white outwardly; subterminal line with prominent whitish spot between two extensions of subterminal line; terminal line as row of black streaks; cilia greyish-brown, white opposite veins. Hindwing brownish-grey, with yellow-grey dash in mid and white tornal mark; cilia grey-brown, pale opposite veins.

Male genitalia ( Figs 114, 115 View FIGURES 114 – 117 ). Uncus relatively short, thin, curved; tegumen broad, shorter than vinculum, with prominent penicular extensions; vinculum broadly V-shaped; transtilla with broad leave-like lobes; juxta shield-like, broad and high, more or less rounded; valva relatively short, with almost parallel margins, tegumen narrow, elongate, in apical third ventral margin of valva gradually constricted distally, apex rounded; harpe lies in distal third of valva, almost straight, relatively short. Aedeagus relatively short extended distally, thick; carina sclerotised; vesica broadly-tubular, rather short, bearing large basal diverticulum covered with field of small spines and large apical diverticulum with two patches of small dense cornuti.

Female unknown.

Etymology. The specific name is originated from name “ Annam ”—the ancient kingdom on the territory of North Vietnam.

Distribution and bionomy. North Vietnam (Prov. Lao Cai, Mt. Fan-si-Pan). The species was collected at elevation 2400 m. Moths fly in March and August.


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


University of Coimbra Botany Department


Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport













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