Malgacheliodes Fernandez & Cleva, 2010

Ermilov, Sergey G., Hugo-Coetzee, Elizabeth A. & Khaustov, Alexander A., 2021, Malgacheliodes martensi spec. nov. (Acari, Oribatida, Licnodamaeidae) from South Africa, Zootaxa 4984 (1), pp. 357-367 : 358-359

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4984.1.26

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scientific name

Malgacheliodes Fernandez & Cleva, 2010


Genus Malgacheliodes Fernandez & Cleva, 2010

Type species: Malgacheliodes guillaumeti Fernandez & Cleva, 2010

Main generic traits of Malgacheliodes

Adult. Size. Length about 500–700. Integument. Body, legs and many setae covered by thick cerotegumental layer represented by tubercular and bacillar structures. Notogaster foveolate. Anogenital region with diagonal ribs and narrow furrows. Genital and anal plates with longitudinal furrows. Prodorsum. Rostrum rounded. Dorsal side with system of ridges and enantiophysis. Propodolateral apophysis strong, simple. Rostral and lamellar setae long, setiform; ro inserted laterally, le dorsally on prodorsum. Interlamellar seta spiniform. Bothridial seta with long stalk and elongate flattened head. Notogaster . Always with exuvial scalps. Four or five pairs of short, setiform setae (lp, p 1 – p 3; h 1 present or absent), all located in posterior part. Gnathosoma . Subcapitular mentum with transverse ridge. Palp solenidion mediodistally attached to tubercle bearing eupathidium. Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Epimeral setal formula 3-1-3-3. All epimeral setae short, setiform. Discidium and parastigmatic tubercle Sa present. Anogenital region. Eight pairs of genital, one pair of aggenital, three pairs of anal, and three pairs of adanal setae short, setiform; genital setae arranged in two rows. Legs. Heterotridactylous. Tarsi I–IV and tibiae II–IV with dorsodistal carina forming apical process. All femora with ventral pteromorph-like keel. All tarsi, tibiae and genua with posterior collar-like tectum. Femora I–IV and trochanters III, IV with tracheae. Famulus sunken. Solenidion φ 1 and dorsal seta on tibia I coupled.

Juvenile instars. Notogaster and anogenital region folded. Gastronotum carrying scalps of previous instars. Larva with seven pairs (some dorsocentral setae present), nymphs with five or six pairs (dorsocentral setae absent) of setae. Gastronotum of nymphs posteriorly triangular, with apophysis bearing long, narrowly phylliform setae h 1. Setal formulas for successive epimeres: larva 3-1-2, protonymph 3-1-2-1, deutonymph 3-1-3-2, tritonymph 3-1-3-3; ontogeny of genital, aggenital, adanal, and anal setal formulas, larva to tritonymph: 0-1-4-7, 0-0-1-1, 0-0-3-3, 0-0- 0-3; paraproctal seta absent when segment first forms.













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