HALGERDIDAE Odhner, 1926

Fahey, Shireen J. & Gosliner, Terrence M., 2000, New records of Halgerda Bergh, 1880 (Opisthobranchia, Nudibranchia) from the deep western Pacific Ocean, with descriptions of four new species, Zoosystema 22 (3), pp. 471-498 : 473

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HALGERDIDAE Odhner, 1926


Family HALGERDIDAE Odhner, 1926


The family name Halgerdidae was introduced by Odhner (1926) for Halgerda and Asteronotidae was introduced by Thiele (1931) for Asteronotus . Odhner in Franc (1968) suggested that both family names are synonymous and included the genera Aphelodoris , Halgerda , Sclerodoris and Asteronotus . He employed Asteronotidae for the family despite the fact that Halgerdidae was used earlier and has priority. Others (Willan & Coleman 1984; Wells & Bryce 1993; Rudman 1998) have united most of the cryptobranch dorids into the single family Dorididae with or without employing a series of subfamilies. This approach unites more than 60 genera into a single unwieldy family which does not reflect phylogenetic relationships. Since Halgerdidae is the oldest available name we place Halgerda in Halgerdidae pending a more complete phylogenetic analysis (Gosliner & Fahey 1998).

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