Odontanthias rhodopeplus Günther

Gill, Anthony C. & Psomadakis, Peter N., 2018, Pseudanthias emma new species, with notes on a collection of anthiadine serranid fishes from off Myanmar (eastern Indian Ocean), Zootaxa 4455 (3), pp. 525-536 : 531-534

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Odontanthias rhodopeplus Günther


Odontanthias rhodopeplus Günther View in CoL

Figures 5–7 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 ; Table 3

Anthias rhodopeplus Günther, 1872: 654 View in CoL , pl. 55 (type locality Manado , Sulawesi).

One individual (150 mm TL) of this species was collected and photographed ( Figure 5 View FIGURE 5 ) during the 2013 survey but not retained. The specimen was trawled on the 28 November 2013 off the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar, Andaman Sea (13°55.75’ N, 95°41.10’ E) at a depth of 175 m. Two additional specimens were collected and photographed during the 2015 survey ( Figures 6–7 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 ). The photos and specimens agree well with the diagnosis of the species provided by Randall & Heemstra (2006). However, the specimens will not key unambiguously to that species using either Randall & Heemstra’s (2006) or White’s (2011) key to species. In both cases, the specimens are ambiguous at couplet 2, having the elongate third dorsal-fin spine of 2a (typical of O. rhodopeplus View in CoL ), and the relatively elongate (2.2–2.4 in SL) caudal fin with filamentous tips of 2b. The specimens also extend known variation in the species for numbers of pectoral rays (18–19 versus 17–18 in Randall & Heemstra 2006). Randall & Heemstra (2006) brief diagnosis lacks information on certain characters, which we provide here: principal caudal rays 9 + 8 (counting method follows Gill et al. 2017); branched caudal-fin rays 7 + 6; upper procurrent caudal-fin rays 6; lower procurrent caudal rays 6; total caudal-fin rays 29; scales above lateral-line to origin of dorsal fin 5–6; scales above lateral-line to base of fifth dorsal spine 3; scales below lateral line to origin of anal fin 1 7–19; circumpeduncular scales 18; pseudobranch filaments 31–34.

Radiographs and CT scans of the two specimens revealed the following osteological details: vertebrae 10 + 16; supraneurals 2; predorsal formula 0/0/2/1+1; main shaft (proximal component) of first dorsal pterygiophore slanting slightly anterodorsally relative to main axis of body; no trisegmental pterygiophores associated with dorsal and anal fins; ribs present on vertebrae 3 through 10; epineurals present on vertebrae 1 through 12; parhypural and hypurals autogenous; well-developed hypurapophysis on parhypural; epurals 3; single uroneural (posterior uroneural absent); ventral tip of cleithrum with well-developed posteroventral process.

Morphometric values for the two specimens are provided in Table 3.

Material examined: SAIAB 203717, 151 mm SL, SAIAB 203728, 192 mm SL, off Tanintharyi coast, Myanmar, Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean (13°55.22’ N, 95°42.27’ E), 173–176 m, R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, stn 90, bottom trawl, 14 May 2015, collected by P. N. Psomadakis


South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity














Odontanthias rhodopeplus Günther

Gill, Anthony C. & Psomadakis, Peter N. 2018

Anthias rhodopeplus Günther, 1872 : 654

Günther, 1872 : 654
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