Lithocharodes hansoni, Irmler, 2024

Irmler, Ulrich, 2024, Additions to Neotropical species of the genera Lithocharodes Sharp, 1881 and Somoleptus Sharp, 1881 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), Contributions to Entomology 74 (1), pp. 13-34 : 13

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by Pensoft (2024-02-01 13:03:08, last updated 2024-11-29 10:22:51)

scientific name

Lithocharodes hansoni

sp. nov.

Lithocharodes hansoni sp. nov.

Figs 5a-d View Figures 5–8 , 19E View Figure 19

Material examined.

Holotype: COSTA RICA male; Puntarenas; R.F. Golfo Dulce; 24 km W Piedras Blancas ; 20 m elevation; Dec 1991; P. Hanson leg.; KNHM.

Paratypes: COSTA RICA 1 male; Osa Peninsula ; Fundación Neotrop.; 10 km W Rincon; 8°42'30"N, 83°31'30"W; Berlese; forest litter; 22 Jun 1997; R. Anderson leg.; KNHM CR1A97 026A GoogleMaps ; 1 male; from same location; 8°45'30"N, 83°25'0"W; 20 m elevation; 21 Jun 1997; R. Anderson leg.; KNHM CR1A97 025D GoogleMaps .


According to the small size of the dorsal plate of the aedeagus, L. hansoni belongs to the L. obscura -group. It differs from L. obscura Irmler, 2021 by the narrow sclerotised edge along the apical orifice and the shape of the parameres that are elongate and slender in L. obscura , but broader with acute top in L. hansoni . The overall characters of both species are also very similar by the black colour, punctation and shape of the head (PS:E ratio approximately three in both species). The head is slightly emarginated in front of neck in L. obscura , but approximately semi-circular in L. hansoni . L. hansoni is slightly shorter with 4.5 mm length than L. obscura with 5.2 mm length.


Length: 4.5 mm; Colouration: completely black; legs and antennae dark brown.

Head: 0.74 mm long, 0.59 mm wide; eyes moderately large; not prominent; PS:E ratio 3.5; post-ocular sides slightly divergent to posterior angles; posterior angles obtuse; posterior edge approximately semi-circular in front of neck; setiferous punctation moderately deep and dense; on average, interstices between punctures as wide as to 1.5 times as wide as diameter of punctures; surface without microsculpture; polished; antennae with first antennomere elongate; longer than half-length of head; second and third antennomere conical, longer than wide; combined half as long as first antennomere; following antennomeres transverse; apically increasing in width. Pronotum: 0.96 mm long, 0.52 mm wide; widest in front of anterior third; posteriorly, sides slightly convergent; posterior angle combined with posterior margin semi-circular; setiferous punctation deeper and moderately denser than on head; a long wide impunctate mid-line, with irregular line of approximately 18 punctures; on average in lateral part, interstices between punctures 1.5 times as wide as diameter of punctures; surface without microsculpture; polished. Elytra: 0.81 mm long, 0.73 mm wide; humeral angles obtuse; posteriorly, sides nearly parallel; posterior angles sub-rectangular; posterior margin retreated to suture; setiferous punctation deeper and denser than on head and pronotum; irregularly dense; on average, interstices between punctures as wide as diameter of punctures; surface without microsculpture; polished. Abdomen with fine and moderately dense setiferous punctation; surface without microsculpture; polished; sternite VII of male with posterior margin slightly convex; posterior margin of tergite VII of male straight; meso-tibia with 2, meta-tibia with 3 ctenidia. Aedeagus elongate; 3.6 times as long as wide; dorsal plate small; circular with apical bump; translocated to posterior edge; apex prominent; endophallus transparent; elongate; apical orifice crevice-like; at inner side sclerotised; parameres moderately long; bilobed; inner lobe approximately 0.4 times as long as central lobe; thick at base; in apical half, abruptly narrowed to acute top; in narrow apical part, with few sensillae, outer lobe of same shape as inner lobe, but transparent.


The species name honours the collector of the species, P. Hanson, who collected a lot of species in Central America.


South-eastern Costa Rica.


Floor of lowland rain forest.

Gallery Image

Figure 19. A. Fore-body of Lithocharodes andersoni; B. L. dubia; C. L. esmeraldae; D. L. falini; E. L. hansoni; F. L. hibbsi. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.

Gallery Image

Figures 5 - 8. 5. Lithocharodes hansoni; 6. L. hibbsi; 7. L. lituratus; 8. L. montanus. a. Aedeagus; b. Paramere; c. Sternite VII; d. Tergite VII. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (a, c, d); 0.1 mm (b).