Hemiholosticha pantanalensis, Vďačný & Foissner, 2019

Vďačný, Peter & Foissner, Wilhelm, 2019, Morphology and Ontogenesis of Hemiholosticha pantanalensis nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia, Psilotrichidae), Acta Protozoologica 58 (3), pp. 93-113 : 103-106

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4467/16890027AP.19.010.11419

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scientific name

Hemiholosticha pantanalensis


Ontogenesis of Hemiholosticha pantanalensis

Division mode: Binary fission is homothetogenic and occurs in freely motile condition. Stomatogenesis is apokinetal and the parental oral structures are not involved in the formation of the daughter oral ciliature, although the parental undulating membranes are reorganised.

Adoral zone of membranelles and undulating membranes: Stomatogenesis commences with de novo (apokinetal) proliferation of basal bodies close to the posterior postoral cirrus, i.e., very near to the buccal vertex ( Figs 6A, B View Fig , 8A, B View Fig ). The growing anarchic field soon invaginates into a deep pouch which contains densely and irregularly arranged protomembranellar basal bodies. The growing cilia of the protomembranelles are thus covered by the cortex and only some are visible through the ovate opening of the pouch in the SEM micrographs ( Fig. 8C, D View Fig ). However, the parental postoral cirrus and some densely arranged basal bodies bearing short cilia do not sink into the pouch but remain on its right margin ( Fig. 8D View Fig , arrow). According to protargol preparations, these narrowly spaced basal bodies are very likely derived from the right anterior portion of the oral primordium and will form a long dikinetal streak, i.e., the anlage for the undulating membranes of the opisthe ( Fig. 6C, D, F View Fig , arrows). In the meantime, the protomembranelles start to differentiate from right to left in a posteriad direction. The new adoral zone extends anteriorly between the parental adoral zone and the left marginal cirral row ( Fig. 6C, D, F View Fig ). The distal adoral membranelles evaginate on the cell surface while the proximal membranelles are still forming inside the pouch ( Fig. 9A–D). The opisthe’s adoral zone is fully developed before macronuclear fusion in mid-dividers ( Fig. 6F View Fig ). Formation of the new paroral and the new endoral membrane is, however, accomplished in mid-dividers by splitting the opisthe’s undulating membrane anlage ( Fig. 7A, C View Fig ). Both membranes attain their specific morphology and position in late dividers and/or post-dividers ( Figs 7E, G View Fig , 9C, D, 10A, B View Fig ).

The parental adoral zone does not show any sign of reorganization. On the other hand, reorganization of the parental undulating membranes commences already in early dividers, i.e., after evagination of opisthe’s anteriormost adoral membranelles ( Figs 6F View Fig , asterisk, 9A, B, arrows). In mid-dividers, the new proter’s undulating membranes are arranged in parallel whereby the endoral membrane begins in mid of buccal cavity resembling the Stylonychia pattern ( Fig. 7A, C View Fig ). The species specific Cyrtohymena -like pattern is obtained in late dividers ( Fig. 7G View Fig ).

Cirral streaks: Five streaks of basal bodies develop both in proter and opisthe. In the proter, streak I forms near the posterior cirrus of parental ventral row R1; streak II appears near the posterior cirrus of parental ventral row R2; and streaks III–V develop within parental ventral row R3. In the opisthe, streaks I and II appear anterior to the opisthe’s undulating membrane anlage and are possibly derived from the oral primordium ( Figs 6C, D View Fig , 8D View Fig ); streak III forms very likely by the dedifferentiated parental anterior postoral cirrus; and streaks IV and V develop within parental ventral row R3 slightly posterior to proter’s streaks III–V. All streaks elongate posteriorly and start to produce cirri already in early dividers ( Fig. 6C, D, F View Fig ). Streak I generates two cirri of ventral row R1; streak II forms two cirri of ventral row R2; streak III produces two cirri migrating leftwards and posteriorly to form the postoral row; streak IV forms three cirri of the anterior portion of ventral row R3; and streak V forms the remainder cirri of the posterior portion of row R3, as indicated by a break in this row in some mid-dividers ( Fig. 7A View Fig , arrows) as well as by the different spacing of the three or four anteriormost cirri in vegetative cells ( Fig. 1B, E View Fig ). The new cirral rows migrate to their species-specific positions in late mid-dividers and late dividers. The majority of parental cirri becomes resorbed in late dividers and early post-dividers ( Fig. 7A, C, E, G View Fig ).

Marginal and dorsal anlagen: Formation of new marginal cirral rows and dorsal kineties proceeds as usual for psilotrichids. The proter’s left and right marginal row anlagen develop at the anterior end of the parental marginal cirral rows, very likely by dissociation of their anteriormost cirri. The opisthe’s left and right marginal row anlagen are formed within the parental marginal cirral rows at about level of the oral primordium ( Fig. 6C, D View Fig ). The marginal row anlagen extend posteriorly, gradually producing new cirri already in early dividers ( Fig. 6F View Fig ). The parental marginal cirri are almost completely resorbed and replaced by new cirri during the mid- and late division stages ( Fig. 7A, C, G View Fig ).

Morphogenesis of the dorsal side ciliature begins already in early dividers. Within-row primordia first appear in the third dorsal kinety at two sites, viz., anterior and posterior to the prospective fission area, separated by two parental bristles that are resorbed later ( Fig. 6E View Fig ). The primordia of the first and second dorsal kineties develop later on and are produced in a similar way, i.e., by proliferation of basal bodies at two sites ( Fig. 6G View Fig ). The new dorsal kineties get their final length in mid-dividers when most parental dorsal bristles are already resorbed ( Fig. 7B, D View Fig ).

Nuclear division: The nuclear apparatus divides as typical for bimacronucleate hypotrichs. Specifically, each macronuclear nodule shows a replication band during the early stages of ontogenesis. In mid-dividers, both nodules fuse into a centrally located mass ( Fig. 7B View Fig ) which elongates ( Fig. 7D View Fig ) and divides into two oblong and pointed pieces ( Fig. 7H View Fig ). Each piece divides once in post-dividers, producing two macronuclear nodules ( Fig. 7F View Fig ).

The micronucleus divides only once after fusion of the macronuclear nodules during the middle divisional stages. The daughter micronuclei are connected by a fibre bundle that elongates in late mid-dividers ( Fig. 7B, D View Fig ) and disappears in late dividers ( Fig. 7H View Fig ). The micronucleus moves to the species-specific position in post-dividers when the two macronuclear nodules have settled ( Fig. 7F View Fig ).

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