Crocus nevadensis Amo & Campo

Vizoso, M. Teresa & Quesada, Carmen, 2018, Nomenclatural types of names published by Amo y Mora, Phytotaxa 356 (4), pp. 276-284 : 278-279

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Felipe (2024-09-06 01:52:28, last updated 2024-09-06 05:04:25)

scientific name

Crocus nevadensis Amo & Campo


Crocus nevadensis Amo & Campo View in CoL in Amo y Mora (1861: 8)

= C. atlanticus Pomel (1875: 383) View in CoL

= C. algeriensis Baker (1877: 45) View in CoL

= C. marcetii Pau (1909: 24) View in CoL

Protologue citation:—“Habitat in pratis regionis montanae Sierra nevada , locis la Cortijuela et el Pulche dictis. Floret Februario”.

Lectotype (designated by Negrillo Galindo & Marín Calderón 1985: 388):— SPAIN. Granada, in pratis Sierra Nevada a la Cortijuela, 03 April?[1854–1860]. M. del Amo y Mora s.n. ( GDA62632 About GDA !).

Note:—Both sheets were included in the two folders with the handwritten name “ Crocus nevadensis Amo ”, and “nº 123” in the first one. The first sheet, which corresponds to the record GDA62632, contains a label G with the handwritten notation: “ Crocus neva- / densis Amo / et Campo // Núm. 123” and a review label of the “HERBARIO ♦ FACULTAD DE FARMACIA ♦ GDA” designated as LECTOTYPUS, without a date and reviewed by “Det. A.Mª.N.” (i.e. Ana María Negrillo Galindo, Botany professor of the Pharmacy Faculty).

This latter label corresponds to the typification made by Negrillo Galindo & Marín Calderón (1985b), in which they chose as lectotype the specimen situated in the central-upper part of the sheet, now registered as GDA62632. The other sheet lacks the designation label. This lectotypification was published in the Book of Minutes of the International Congress of the History of Pharmacy and, despite that the wording of the typification does not fulfil current requirements of the ICN (Art. 7.10 and Rec. 7A.1), since it occurred before 1 January 2001, it remains valid. However, the information on the place and date of publication of this taxon is incorrect [Amo y Mora (1871: 537)]. The same occurs in other sources consulted. Thus, in The Plant List, it appears as “ Revista Progr. Ci. Exact. 5: 55 1871”, mistaking the journal and the year, and it appears as such in IPNI but without specifying the year. In Flora iberica it is cited as “ Restaurador Farm. 17, App. s.n.: 8 (1861)”. Although it corresponds to the work in question, as it appears as a supplement with a cover and independent pagination and for the printing company of Manuel Anoz, it should be cited as shown in TL-2. Volume 20 of Flora iberica (published on 12 December 2013) indicates the locotype, but it does not refer to this typification.

Hieracium alfacarensis Amo y Mora (1861: 2)

= Hieracium castellanum Boissier & Reuter (1842: 20) View in CoL Pilosella castellana (Boiss. & Reut.) Schultz & Schultz Bipontinus (1862: 425) View in CoL [Sp]

Protologue citation:—“Crescit in montosis herbosis de la sierra de Alfacar, una legua distante al N.E. de Granada. Florebat die 10 Julii anni 1857 in quo eam legi.”

Holotype:— SPAIN. Granada , in montosis herbosis de la Sierra de Alfacar , una legua distante al N. E. de Granada, 10 July 1857. M. del Amo y Mora s.n. ( GDA62627 About GDA !).

Note:—It is the only sheet of Amo’s collection that coincides with the data of the protologue. It contains a small fragment of paper to serve as a label with the locality “Sierra y Dehesa de Alfacar, 10 de julio” but it also includes another fragment of paper with the description of the new taxon handwritten by Amo, followed by the locality, as it would later be published. Therefore, this sheet has been considered the holotype, since appears to be the only material on which the description was based (Art. 9.3 of the ICN). The existence of this nomenclatural type was noted by Negrillo Galindo & Marín Calderón (1985b), although they did not include in the sheet itself any label of review or confirmation, neither offered any clarification in the publication.

Linaria almijarensis Campo & Amo View in CoL in Amo y Mora (1855: 55)

= L. anticaria Boissier & Reuter (1852: 86) View in CoL L. verticillata Boissier (1841: 462) subsp. anticaria (Boiss. & Reut.) Sáez & Crespo (2005: 242) View in CoL

= L. rossmaessleri Willkomm View in CoL (1859–1860: 118)

= L. gobantesiana Coincy (1895: 27) View in CoL

Protologue citation:—“Hab. in regni granatensis Sierra Almijara , ubi eam detexit D. PETRUS DEL CAMPO, indefessus botanices peregrinator et cultor. Florebat julii 12 anno 1854.”

Holotype:— SPAIN. Granada , Sierra Almijara, Alhama , 12 July 1854, Pedro del Campo s.n. ( GDA62631 About GDA !).

Note:—Two sheets were found in a folder, on the exterior of which appeared, handwritten: “312 // Rossmaslerii // Linaria almijarensis ”. The first of the sheets contains a label G in which García Álvarez wrote by hand “ Linaria Ross- / maslerii Wk. // Núm. 312” [ Linaria rossmaessleri Willk. ]. Attached is a half-size page with the description of Linaria almijarensis , handwritten by Amo, corresponding completely to the published version and that contains the locality of the specimens collected by Pedro del Campo and the date. The other sheet contains another fragment of the specimen without any label or handwritten indication. This original material should be considered as the holotype of the name, with multiple-sheet corresponding to two fragments of a single specimen and a single original label in common that is included in the first one of them ( Gautier et al. 2016).

Baker, J. G. (1877) The Algerian species of Crocus and Fritillaria. Gardeners´ Chronicle, ser. 2 7: 45.

Boissier, E. (1841) Voyage botanique dans le midi de l'Espagne. Vol. 2 (15). Gide et Cie., librairies-editeurs, Paris, pp. 449 - 480.

Boissier, E. & Reuter, G. F. (1842) Diagnoses plantarum novarum hispanicarum praesertim in Castella nova lectarum. Typis Ferdinandi Ramboz, Genevae, 28 pp.

Boissier, E. & Reuter, G. F. (1852) Pugillus plantarum novarum Africae borealis Hispaniaeque australis. Ex typographia Ferd. Ramboz et socii, Genevae, 134 pp.

Coincy, A. (1895) Linaria nouveau de la Flore d'Espagne. Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 3: 27 - 29.

Gautier, L., Callmander, M. W., Al-Shehbaz, I., & Greuter, W. (2016) (365) Multiple-sheet specimens versus duplicates: A small amendment to Article 8.3. Taxon 65 (5): 1187 - 1187. https: // doi. org / 10.12705 / 655.33

Amo y Mora, M. del (1855) Especies de plantas nuevas descubiertas por D. Pedro del Campo y descritas por D. Mariano del Amo, decano de la Facultad de Farmacia en la Universidad de Granada. Revista de los Progresos de las Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales 5: 55 - 57.

Negrillo Galindo, A. M. & Marin Calderon, G. (1985 b) Tipos del herbario de Amo y Mora conservados en Granada. In: Libro de Actas Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Farmacia. Ruan S. A., Alcobendas (Madrid), pp. 387 - 390.

Pau, C. (1909) Crocus marcetii Pau, n. sp. Butlleti de la Institucion Catalana de Historia Natural 9: 24.

Pomel, A. (1874 - 1875) Nouveaux materiaux pour la Flore Atlantique. Savy, Paris; Juillet St-Lager, Alger, 399 pp.

Saez, L. & Crespo, M. B. (2005) A taxonomic revision of the Linaria verticillata group (Antirrhineae, Scrophulariaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 148 (2): 229 - 244. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1095 - 8339.2005.00404. x

Schultz, F. W. & Schultz Bipontinus, C. H. (1862) Pilosella als einige Gattung. Flora (Regensburg) 45: 417 - 441.


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Nanjing University


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève











