Roeboides bussingi, Matamoros & Chakrabarty & Angulo & Garita-Alvarado & McMahan, 2013
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Felipe (2024-07-04 07:33:37, last updated 2024-07-04 11:55:51) |
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Roeboides bussingi |
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Roeboides bussingi View in CoL , new species
Figs. 2 View Fig a-b
Roeboides sp. ; Bussing (1998)
Holotype. LSUMZ 14799 View Materials , 74.9 mm SL, Costa Rica, Puntarenas Province, río Coloradito, about 6 km from the main road, tributary of the río Coto drainage, 08°34’12”N 82°51’33”W, W. A. Matamoros, C. D. McMahan, C. Garita, A. Angulo & P. Chakrabarty, 18 Feb 2011. GoogleMaps
Paratypes. Costa Rica: LSUMZ 14629 View Materials , 6 View Materials , 54.4-63.7 mm SL, same data as holotype GoogleMaps ; LSUMZ 14601 View Materials , 4 View Materials , 53.3 View Materials - 39.4 mm SL, Puntarenas Province, Puente Las Monjas at bridge in community of El Barrido, río Coto Drainage , 08°31’32”N 83°01’47”W, W. A. Matamoros, C. D. McMahan, C. Garita, A. Angulo & P. Chakrabarty, 17 Feb 2011 GoogleMaps ; LSUMZ 14623 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 50.9 mm SL, Puntarenas Province, near city of río Claro, about 4 km from town of río Claro, río Claro drainage, 08°37’28”N 83°03’59”W, W. A. Matamoros, C. D. McMahan, C. Garita, A. Angulo & P. Chakrabarty, 17 Feb 2011 GoogleMaps ; LSUMZ 14655 View Materials , 2 View Materials , 54.5-60.6 mm SL, Puntarenas Province, río Caracol, small bridge on main road, tributary of the río Claro , 08°40’48”N 83°00’25”W, W. A. Matamoros, C. D. McMahan, C. Garita, A. Angulo & P. Chakrabarty, 19 Feb 2011 GoogleMaps . UCR 0756, 20, 49.2-92.8 mm SL, Puntarenas Province, río Caracol on the Inter-American highway, río Coto Draiange , 7 km E of Pueblo río Claro , 08°39’55.96”N 83°01’34.4”W, W. A. Bussing, M. I. Bussing & E. Bussing, 27 Feb 1973 GoogleMaps . Panama: LSUMZ 14797 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 79.0 mm SL, Chiriquí Province, río San Pablo, near town of San Pablo, west of city of David , 08°25’44”N 82°29’45”W, W. A. Matamoros, C. D McMahan & M. P. Davis, 10 Apr 2011 GoogleMaps ; UCR 0450, 5, 46.2-68.5 mm SL, river of unknown name 30 km east of Paso Canoas, 1 km west of río Concepcion bridge at Inter-American Highway, W. A. Bussing & M. I. Bussing, 25 Jan 1971 .
Diagnosis. Roeboides bussingi differs from all other members of the R. guatemalensis group by the following combination of characters: the presence of 18-22 scales above lateral line (vs. 12-16 in R. dientito ), 15-22 scales below lateral line (vs. 10- 14 in R. dientito , and 20-24 in R. loftini ), a small inconspicuous, sometimes absent, crescent-shaped humeral spot (vs. a large round, conspicuous humeral spot in R. carti , R. dayi , R. dientonito , R. ilseae , R. loftini , and R. occidentalis ), and the presence of a small wedge-shaped spot that does not reach the lateral line (vs. a large spot crossing the lateral line in R. guatemalensis ). Roeboides bussingi and R. bouchellei share a similar humeral spot, and both lack a wedge-shaped spot on the lateral line between the dorsal and anal fins. However, R. bussingi can be distinguished from R. bouchellei by an overall darker body coloration with many scattered melanophores (vs. a lighter colored body with few melanophores; most evident in preserved specimens and consistent across genders), by a dark band of melanophores at the distal tip of the anal fin (vs. distal band absent; melanophores scattered throughout anal fin; Fig. 3a and b View Fig ), a darker, more developed teardrop shaped caudal spot with the rounded bulbous posterior end on the caudal fin (vs. a lighter, less developed triangular spot typically restricted to the caudal peduncle; Fig. 3c and d View Fig ), and a lighter lateral band (vs. a darker, more developed lateral band; most evident in preserved specimens).
Description. Morphometric and meristic data for type specimens are summarized in Table 1. Roeboides bussingi is a laterally compressed characin with a strongly concave nape and a convex, hump-shaped nuchal region. Greatest body depth between dorsal- and anal-fin origins. Post-dorsal profile straight, angling ventrally from the dorsal-fin origin to caudal-fin origin. Pre-anal profile rounded from tip of snout to anal-fin origin, post-anal profile straight along the anal fin, angling ventrally at the caudal peduncle.
Mouth terminal with strongly inclined gape. Upper jaw protrudes over lower jaw. Maxilla reaches slightly past vertical through midline of pupil. Premaxilla and dentary with unicuspid mammiliform teeth exposed on outer margin of lips. Largest mammiliform teeth larger than internal buccal teeth. Two large mammiliform teeth projecting from anterior margin of upper lip. Two small mammiliform teeth on the dentary directly below those on the margin of the upper lip. Buccal teeth unicuspid and conical, in single irregular row on both jaws (tooth morphology identical to other species of the R. guatemalensis group). Dorsal-fin origin slightly posterior to vertical through anal-fin origin. Pelvic-fin rays extending beyond anal-fin origin. Pectoral-fin rays not reaching origin of anal fin. Small bony hooks present in the segmented rays of the anal fin, as described by Lucena (2011) for R. loftini .
Color in life. Overall coloration silvery (transparent where scales are absent), with a greenish-silvery lateral band. All fins yellow to orange. Distal tips of anal and caudal fins with dusky distal margins. Conspicuous dark teardrop-shaped spot on caudal peduncle that extends to the caudal fin (rounded end on caudal fin). Dark, crescent-shaped humeral spot present ( Fig. 2a View Fig ), inconspicuous or absent in some specimens.
Color in alcohol. Ground color yellowish-tan. Dorsal head and flank with melanophores loosely dispersed but more concentrated than below lateral line. Dark gray mid-lateral band extending from anterior margin of opercle to black teardrop-shaped spot on caudal peduncle and base of middle rays of the caudal fin. Humeral spot dark brown, crescent-shaped when present. Dorsal and caudal fins whitish to transparent and with dusky distal margins, anal fin with concentrated melanophores at distal margin. Paired fins opaque ( Fig. 2b View Fig , 3a View Fig ).
Distribution. Roeboides bussingi is known from the Pacific slope of Costa Rica and Panama, including tributaries of the río Coto drainage in Costa Rica to the río San Pablo west of the city of David in western Panama ( Fig. 1 View Fig ).
Etymology. The species is named after William Bussing, an exceptional ichthyologist who has devoted his professional career to the understanding of the Costa Rican and Central American ichthyofauna. He was the first to suggest that the species described herein was new to science ( Bussing, 1998).
Remarks. A reduced or absent humeral spot clearly distinguishes R. bussingi from all other Lower Middle American species of Roeboides with the exception of R. bouchellei , which is nevertheless distinct from R. bussingi in terms of color pattern. Examination of more than 300 specimens of R. bouchellei revealed that the differences in coloration described in the diagnosis of R. bussingi are consistent, strongly indicating that the species are distinct. In addition, Bermingham et al. (1997) concluded that specimens of Roeboides from the río Coto and Western Panama are genetically distinct from other R. bouchellei . That might be interpreted as additional circumstantial evidence for the distinction of R. bussingi among congeners, given that R. bussingi is the only species of the genus known to occur in the río Coto.
Key to species of Roeboides View in CoL from Middle America, adapted from Lucena (2000).
1a. Presence of a small dark wedge-shaped spot at the lateral midline of body, located between the verticals through the anterior and posterior bases of the dorsal fin; humeral spot absent .......................................................…. R. guatemalensis View in CoL
1b. Small dark wedge-shaped spot at the lateral midline of body absent; humeral spot absent or present (usually present)....………………………………………………….…2
2a. Humeral spot absent (or very small, covering less than 4 scales) ..………………...……................................................. 3
2b. Humeral spot well developed and covering 4 or more longitudinal scales and 6 or more vertical scales in adults .................................................................................................... 4
3a. Body coloration light (most obvious in preserved specimens); distal tip of anal fin without dark band of melanophores; triangular caudal spot typically restricted to the caudal peduncle; 15 to 19 scales above lateral line; 14 to 20 scales below lateral line …………....... R. bouchellei View in CoL
3b. Body coloration dark, with densely distributed melanophores (most obvious in preserved specimens); distal tip of anal fin with dark band of melanophores; teardrop-shaped caudal spot extending beyond the caudal-fin peduncle, reaching the caudal fin; 18 to 22 scales above lateral line; 15 to 22 scales below lateral line ................................................................................... R. bussingi View in CoL
4a. Scales in the lateral line 83 to 104 ……...……..………....... 5
4b. Less than 82 scales in lateral line ....…………….………... 6
5a. Maximum body depth 31.8 to 36.1% of SL; predorsal length 49.1 to51.9%of SL …………………………….......... R.loftini View in CoL
5b. Maximum body depth 36.9 to 38.8% of SL; predorsal length 51.4 to55.9%ofSL …………………………....…...... R.ilseae View in CoL
6a. Scales in lateral line 60 to 73; 13 to 18 scales below lateral line; anterior border of the gap between the two branches of the parasphenoid, in ventral view, close to the line between the basioccipital and preopercle ………….. R. dayi View in CoL
6b. Scales in lateral line 69 to 81; 17 to 22 scales below lateral line; anterior border of the gap between the two branches of the parasphenoid not in the position as described above ................................................................................................… 7
7a. Posterior margin of humeral spot usually not reaching the vertical through the origin of the anal fin, and extending through 6 or more scales beyond the dorsal-fin origin ……………………............................................ R. occidentalis View in CoL
7b. Posterior margin of humeral spot elongated in adults, extending posteriorly beyond the vertical through the origin of the anal fin, and extending through less than 4 scales beyond the dorsal-fin origin ………................ R. carti View in CoL
Comparative material. Roeboides bouchellei View in CoL . Costa Rica: LSUMZ 14681 View Materials , 47 View Materials , 23.7-34.7 mm SL, Guanacaste Province, río Congo, small shallow stream under bridge Pan-American Hwy, río Barranca drainage, 10°14’29.8”N 84°59’29.8”W GoogleMaps ; LSUMZ 14696 View Materials , 3 View Materials , 54.8-80.3 mm SL, Guanacaste Province, Road from Umpala to
Caño Negro, small stream near farm, río San Juan drainage, 10°51’07.9”N 84°42’55.29.5”W; LSUMZ 14705 View Materials , 1 View Materials , 80.5 mm SL, Alajueal Province, drainage ditch off road to Caño Negro, surrounded by farm, río San Juan drainage, 10°58’16.8”N 84°42’58.8”W GoogleMaps ; LSUMZ 14720 View Materials , 2 View Materials , 33.5-37.4 mm SL, Alajuela Province, marsh in town of Medio Queso, río Sarapiqui drainage, 11°01’51.6”N 84°41’21.1”W GoogleMaps . El Salvador: LSUMZ 14798 View Materials , 26 View Materials , 62.0- 71.7 mm SL, Department of Santa Ana, Lago Guija, río Lempa drainage, 14°14’52.5”N 89°29’03”W GoogleMaps , W.A. Matamoros, C. D. McMahan , 6 June 2011 . Honduras: TU 187481 , 94 , 35.5-78.4 mm SL, Department of Valle, Nacaome River drainage . Nicaragua: TU 24219 , 146 , 25.4-94.4 mm SL, Departmento of Rivas, Sapoa River, Lake Nicaragua , Suttkus , DeAbate , Vieto and Jimenez . Guatemala: UF 115557 , 15 , 44.2-68.1 mm SL, Department of Escuintla, Azuchio River, Marialinda River Drainage, 23.5 km south of Escuintla on CA-2- Oriente .
Bermingham, E., S. McCafferty & A. Martin. 1997. Fish biogeography and molecular clocks: perspectives from the Panamanian Isthmus. Pp. 113 - 138. In: Kocher, T. D. & C. Stepien (Eds). Molecular Systematics of Fishes. Academic Press, NY.
Bussing, W. A. 1998. Peces de las aguas continentales de Costa Rica / Freshwater fishes of Costa Rica. Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica.
Lucena, C. A. S. 2000. Revisao taxonomica e filogenia das especies transandinas do genero Roeboides Gunther (Teleostei:
Lucena, C. A. S. 2011. A new species of Roeboides from Panama
Fig. 2. Photographs of (a) Roeboides bussingi (LSUMZ 14629; 69.2 mm SL) depicting live coloration, and (b) preserved holotype (LSUMZ 14799; 74.9 mm SL).
Fig. 3. (a)Anterior portion of the anal fin of Roeboides bussingi (LSUMZ 14797, 79.0 mm SL; paratype) showing concentration of melanophores forming a dark band at the edge of the fin. (b) Same region of anal fin of R. bouchellei (LSUMZ 14798, 72.2 mm SL) showing scattered melanophores, without a distinctive dark band. (c) Caudal region of R. bussingi showing the teardrop-shaped spot that extends onto the caudal fin. (d) Caudal region of R. bouchellei showing a lighter and triangleshaped spot, largely restricted to the caudal peduncle. Also note the densely distributed melanophores on the body of R. bussingi and the lighter body coloration and fewer melanophores in R. bouchellei.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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