Synagelides zhilcovae, Proszynski

Kim, Byung Woo & Kim, Joo Pil, 2000, A Revision of the Genus Synagelides Strand, 1906 (Araneae, Salticidae) in Korea, The Korean Joumal of Systematic Zoology 16, pp. 183-190 : 186-188

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Synagelides zhilcovae


s. zhilcovae Proszynski, 1979 View in CoL ( Fig. 2)

S. zhilcovae Proszynski, 1976 , m. 209 (nom. nud.); 1979, p. 319, figs. 316-317(0 F); Ounin, 1984, p. 139, figs. 65 (MF); Xie and Yin, 1990, p. 302; Peng et al., 1993, p. 229, figs. 816-818 (F); Song, et al., 1999, p. 561, figs 320H, 321A, 329R.

Material examined. 1, Gangwon-do, Gangreung-sí, Woljeungsa , 29 Jun 1997, B. W. Kím. Description.

Female. TL 6.00; CL/CW 2.1/1. 3; AL/AW 3.9/2.0; SL/SW 0.89/0.63; L1 ER 1. 24; L2ER 1. 02; L3ER 1. 26; HOQ 1. 13; P2ER 0.59; AME 0.370; ALE 0.217; PME 0.065; PLE 0.196. Carapace black brown; eye fíeld black, díameter of AME about twíce that of ALE, PME at the midpoint between ALE and PLE; Fovea very small and u" mark ( Fig. 2A). Stemum brown, a oval to be setae. Chlicerae dark brown with short white and long brown setae, teeth stout, 2 promarginal ones and 1 retromarginal. Endites and labium dark brown. Legs brown, 5 paírs of Iong spínes simílarly arranged on the ventral síde of tibìae!, 2 pairs reachìng almost the end of tibia on the ven- tral of metatarusui 1 ( Fig. 2 E). Leg formula IV 1 III II and index 100: 78: 87: 120. Measurements

of leg segments is presented in Table 2.

Abdomen elongated dorsum greyish black, on its median area a longitudinal lightly color­

ed band with serrated margins ( Fig. 2 A). Spinnerets greyish black.

Eepigynal pocket wide, copulatory opening diagonal and copulatory duds to be under copulatory and spermatheca is to see in ventral view (Fig. 28). Genitalia, 2 separate units of sclerotiz­

ed parts: anterior unit near copulatory openings and posteriorly lying spermathecal unit ( Fig. 2 C

and 20). The anterior parts of the copulatory canals much broader and spermathecae much closer

to these broad parts (Fig. 20).

Male. Unknown.

DistributioD. China, Korea, USSR.

Table 2. Measurement of leg segments of Synagelides zhilcovae from Korea

Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total
Leg 1 1.15 0.87 1.0 2 0.59 0.35 3.98
Leg II 0.91 0.50 0.70 0.65 0.35 3.11
Leg III 0.95 0.50 0.78 0.87 0.37 3.47
LegIV 1. 26 0.61 1. 26 1.22 0.43 4.78

USA, Florida, Gainesville, University of Florida, Florida Museum of Natural History, Allyn Museum














Synagelides zhilcovae

Kim, Byung Woo & Kim, Joo Pil 2000

S. zhilcovae

Proszynski 1976
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