Rhyacopsyche garuhape Angrisano & Sganga

Angrisano, Elisa B. & Sganga, Julieta V., 2009, New species of Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera) from Salto Encantado Provincial Park (Misiones province, Argentina), Zootaxa 2162, pp. 57-68 : 63

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.189021



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scientific name

Rhyacopsyche garuhape Angrisano & Sganga

sp. nov.

Rhyacopsyche garuhape Angrisano & Sganga , new species

Figures 20–23 View FIGURES 20 – 23 , 34, 40 View FIGURES 31 – 43

Male. Forewing length 1.8 mm. Abdominal segments VII and VIII without modifications or sternal spines. Segment IX oval in ventral view, deeply open dorsally, and close ventrally ( Figs. 20 & 21 View FIGURES 20 – 23 ).

Inferior appendages having a short, strongly sclerotized base (sb) with a deep apical V-shaped cleft in lateral view. Arising from this base there are 2 lobes. The ventral lobe, vl, smaller than the dorsal and lightly sclerotized. Dorsal lobe, dl, flat, oval, with a row of long setae in the internal margin, and 2 rows of spines at its base (one row with 10 spines and the other with 3); subapically there is an appendage, app, directed ventrad that bears about 4–5 thick spines at the apex ( Figs. 20–22 View FIGURES 20 – 23 ).

Subgenital plate subtriangular, lightly sclerotized but pigmented, being very conspicuous in specimens that were not cleared ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 31 – 43 ). At the sides of the subgenital plate, there is a pair of membranous lobes (ml) that bear 2 long, thick setae and a shorter apical spine. Anal cone membranous ( Figs. 20–22 View FIGURES 20 – 23 ). Phallus very long, reaching segment VI, with spines at the apex and internal tubule pigmented; endophallus scaly ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 20 – 23 ).

Diagnosis. This species is closely related to Rhyacopsyche yatay Angrisano , based on the structure of segment IX and the complex inferior appendages. R. yatay was placed in this genus because it was considered related to R. hagenii Müller , the type species of the genus, although it seems to be little related to species that were described later.

The new species differs from R. yatay in the base of the inferior appendage that, in the latter, is produced dorsoposteriorly in lateral view, with a lobe arising from the inner side, that bears thick spines in the margin, and a membranous sheet bearing setae in the border.

Holotype male. Argentina: Misiones: Parque Provincial Salto Encantado, 8–14.i.2006, Malaise trap, Angrisano & Bravo leg.

Etymology. Named for the Municipio de Garuhapé , the district where the Cuñá-Pirú valley is located.















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