Dorynota (Dorynota) aurita ( Boheman, 1862 )

Simões, Marianna V. P. & Sekerka, Lukáš, 2015, Review of the Neotropical Leaf Beetle SubgenusDorynota s. str. Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Dorynotini), The Coleopterists Bulletin 69 (2), pp. 231-254 : 234-235

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Diego (2021-08-28 17:08:37, last updated 2023-11-10 15:44:20)

scientific name

Dorynota (Dorynota) aurita ( Boheman, 1862 )


Dorynota (Dorynota) aurita ( Boheman, 1862) View in CoL ( Figs. 3–4 View Figs , 44 View Fig )

Batonota aurita Boheman, 1862: 237 (type locality: ‘Costa Rica’).

Type Material Examined. Holotype, pinned: ‘14264 [w, p, sl] ∥ aurita ∣ N. ∣ Costa ∣ Rica. Wagn. [g, hw, cb] ∥ HOLOTYPE ∣ des. L. Borowiec [r, p, cb] ∥ HOLOTYPUS ∣ Batonota ∣ aurita ∣ Boheman, 1854 ∣ des. L. Borowiec [r, p, cb, bb]’ ( ZMHB) .

Additional Material Examined (10). COSTA RICA: Guanacaste: Santa Rosa National Park, D. H. Janzen lgt. (2 specimens, TAMU) ; MEXICO: Chiapas: Aguacera, 16 Km, W. Ocozocautla, 6. VI .1987, D.B. Thomas lgt. (1 specimen, TAMU); La Sepultura , 26. VI .1988, DB & AM Thomas lgt. (1 specimen, TAMU) ; Durango: Ventanas, Godman-Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr-Amer. (8 specimens, BMNH) ; Guerrero: Acapulco, Godman- Salvin Coll., Biol. Centr-Amer. (1 specimen, TAMU); 18.2 miles, 3,000 ft, 5.VII.1987 Kovarik, Schaffner lgt. (1 specimen, TAMU); Ixtapa , 17–20. VII.1985, J. E. Wappes lgt. (1 specimen, TAMU) ; Oaxaca: 4 Km, E. Ventosa 50m, 12. VII. 1992 C. Bellamy lgt. (2 specimens, TAMU) ; PANAMA: Los Santos: Laboratorio Los Achotines, 3 km, 23. VI . 1996, Gillogly & Schaffner lgt. (8 specimens: 2 LSC, 6 TAMU) .

Diagnosis. Dorynota aurita is readily characterized by the presence of a long spine, impunctate elytral intervals, yellow dorsum, and U-shaped elytra. Most similar externally is D. ohausi from Ecuador, which differs in absence of the humeral carina, while D. aurita has a large and high humeral carina. Other similar species, such D. rileyi , D. wappesi or D. monneorum , differ in having a subtriangular ( D. rileyi and D. wappesi ) or shieldshaped body ( D. monneorum ) and maculate explanate margin of elytra ( D. rileyi and D. monneorum ). For summary of the distinguishing characters of these three spcies, see Table 1.

Remarks. The Panamanian specimens fully match the holotype. Based on the distribution data, the species is probably restricted to seasonally dry Pacific forests, which, unfortunately, have been mostly destroyed in Panama.

Distribution. Costa Rica, Mexico (Durango, Guerrero, Jalisco, Puebla), and Nicaragua (Chontales) (Borowiec and Świętojańska 2014). New country record for Panama (Los Santos) and a new province record for Costa Rica (Guanacaste) ( Fig. 44 View Fig ).

Dorynota (Dorynota) bidens (F., 1781) ( Figs. 5–6 View Figs , 44 View Fig )

Cassida bidens Fabricius, 1781: 112 (type locality: ‘Brasilia’).

Type Material Examined. Syntype (? holotype), pinned: ‘ Cassida bidens ∣ Fabr. Spec. 112. n. 32 [w, hw, cb, bb]’ ( BMNH).

Additional Material Examined (32). BRAZIL: Bahia: without additional locality data (1 specimen, ZMUC) ; ‘ Cachimbo’, 1890 Ch. Pujol lgt. (12 specimens, MNHN; 3 specimens, LSC); Conceição de Almeida (Interceção B. Rios e Rio Jaguaripe ), 21.VII.1979, J. Becker lgt. (1 specimen, MNRJ) ; Itamaraju , 26.X.1985, J. Becker lgt. (1 specimen, MNRJ) ; Porto Villa Victoria, 1890, Ch. Pujol lgt. (1 specimen, MNHN) ; Espírito Santo: without additional locality data (3 specimens, DBET; 1 specimen, LSC; 2 specimens, MMUE, 1 specimen ZMUC); Linhares (1 specimen, MNRJ) ; Pernambuco: without additional locality data, L. L. Castro lgt. (1 specimen, MNRJ) ; São Paulo: Rio Piracicaba , II.1885, P. Germain lgt. (1 specimen, MNHN) ; FRENCH GUIANA: Cayenne: Cayenne (3 specimens, DBET) .

Diagnosis. Dorynota bidens is one of two species in the subgenus with a black dorsum. The other species, D. nigra , differs in that the elytra are uniformly black with a dark green metallic tint and the shorter dorsal spine, while D. bidens has a dull black body with a small dark red spot around the midlength of the lateral slope of each elytron. Externally, D. bidens resembles D. monoceros and differs except for the color in having finer and sparser punctation of the elytra, particularly in the apical half, and the presence of relatively dense and long pubescence around the red elytral spot, at the base of the elytra, and on the pronotum.

Remarks. Fabricius (1781) did not state how many specimens he examined, mentioning only that D. bidens was described from the Joseph Banks collection, currently deposited at the BMNH. There is just a single specimen in the Banks collection, and quite likely it is the sole specimen used for the description (for more details, see Sekerka and Barclay 2014).

The record from Paraguay was made by Spaeth (1914) in the Coleopterorum Catalogus without specification of specimens or locality. We were not able to find any specimen from Paraguay and consider this record to be dubious. Based on the distribution data known to us, D. bidens seems to be a species occurring rather along the eastern coast of South America in regions influenced by the Atlantic ocean than in the interior dry areas.

Distribution. Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro), Paraguay, and Trinidad and Tobago (Borowiec and Świętojańska 2014). New country record for French Guiana and four new state record s in Brazil (Bahia, Espírito Santo, Pernambuco and São Paulo) ( Fig. 44 View Fig ).

Boheman, C. H. 1854. Monographia Cassididarum. Tomus secundus. Ex Officina Norstedtiana, Holmiae, Sweden.

Boheman, C. H. 1862. Monographia Cassididarum. Tomus quartus (Supplementum). Ex Officina Norstedtiana, Holmie, Sweden.

Fabricius, J. C. 1781. Species insectorum eorum differentias specificas, synonyma auctorum, loca natalia, metamorphosis adiectis observationibus, descriptionibus. Carol. Ernest. Bohnii, Hambvrgi et Kilionii, Germany.

Spaeth, F. 1914. Chrysomelidae: 16. Cassidinae. In: Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 62 (S. Schenkling, editor). W. Junk, Berlin, Germany.

Gallery Image

Figs. 1–8. Dorynota (s. str.) species. 1) D. aculeata, paralectotype, dorsal view; 2) D. aculeata, paralectotype, lateral view and labels; 3) D. aurita from Mexico (Durango), dorsal view; 4) D. aurita, lateral view; 5) D. bidens from Brazil (Minas Gerais), dorsal view; 6) D. bidens, lateral view; 7) D. borowieci, holotype, dorsal view; 8) D. borowieci, lateral view.

Gallery Image

Fig. 44. Geographic distribution of five Dorynota (s. str.) species.


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