Homogryllacris stabilis, 2018

Ingrisch, Sigfrid, 2018, New taxa and records of Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera, Stenopelmatoidea) from South East Asia and New Guinea with a key to the genera, Zootaxa 4510 (1), pp. 1-278 : 198

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scientific name

Homogryllacris stabilis

sp. nov.

Homogryllacris stabilis View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 68 View FIGURE 68 H–J, 69D–F

Material examined. Holotype (male): Thailand: Nan, Doi Phukha , elev. 1500–1600 m (19°20'N, 101°10'E), 4– 6.x.1991, leg. S. Ingrisch—(Bonn ZFMK). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. The new species is similar to H. ascenda Shi et al. (2012) . It differs by the ninth male abdominal tergite having the dorsal surface moderately convex, not strongly descending with dorso-apical surface slightly concave, the basal area of the projections of the tenth abdominal tergite flexible instead of stiffened, and the apices acute instead of obtuse. These projections are crossing each other at base and the strongly sclerotised, flattened apical area is strongly curved and with tip twisted proximad, towards the body when at rest ( Figs. 69 View FIGURE 69 D–F).

Description. Small to medium sized species. Head: Face narrow ovoid; forehead nearly smooth with scattered impressed dots; fastigium verticis little wider than scapus; ocelli distinct; fastigium frontis separated from fastigium verticis by a very fine suture; subocular furrows very weak, more distinct and wider in ventral area ( Fig. 68I View FIGURE 68 ). Abdominal tergites two and three each with two rows of stridulatory pegs (4, 14; 16, 18; n = 1 male; Fig. 68J View FIGURE 68 ).

Tegmen ( Fig. 68H View FIGURE 68 ): Radius gives rise to RS at about beginning of apical third, both veins forked near tip. Media anterior free from base, single-branched, at about end of basal third it temporarily approaches to or subfuses with the anterior branch of CuA. Cubitus anterior single-branched at base, dividing into two veins about at end of basal third of tegmen; the anterior branch approaches closely to MA in a curvature (left tegmen) or fuses with it in a point (right tegmen), after that it forks into two veins, MP and CuA1, in about mid-length of tegmen, the posterior branch (CuA2) remains undivided; cubitus posterior undivided, free throughout; with 4 anal veins, last two veins with common stem.

Legs: Fore coxa with a spine at fore margin; fore and mid femora unarmed; fore and mid tibiae with four pairs of large ventral spines and one pair of smaller ventral spurs; hind femur with 4–5 external and 7 internal spines on ventral margins; hind tibia with spaced spines on both dorsal margins, ventral margins with one pre-apical spine; with 3 apical spurs on both sides.

Coloration. General color uniformly yellowish brown. Face yellowish brown; a spot between lateral ocelli, rim of antennal scrobae, tip and a band at base of scapus black. Tegmen semi-transparent white, toward base yellow; veins and veinlets brown; hind wing semi-transparent white, main veins light brown, cross-veins light grey.

Male. Eighth abdominal tergite little longer than seventh tergite. Ninth abdominal tergite about as long as eighth tergite, little vaulted with lateral areas obliquely shortened ventrad; apical margin convex, simple ( Fig. 69D View FIGURE 69 ). Tenth abdominal tergite very short, divided in middle, in situ hidden, and provided with a pair of long processes that are flexible in more than basal half and terminating into a little shorter, sclerotised, sickle-shaped, apical part, in situ crossing each other just behind base and largely hidden between ninth tergite and subgenital plate. Paraproctes very large, little overlapping in middle, provided with a high vertical carina that probably functions as holding for the acute tips of the projections of the tenth tergite ( Fig. 69F View FIGURE 69 ). Subgenital plate rather wide and upcurved laterally and apically; with a distinct medial furrow over whole length; lateral margins strongly convex, apical area bilobate ( Fig. 69E View FIGURE 69 ).

Female unknown.

Measurements (1 male).—body w/wings: 23; body w/o wings: 19; pronotum: 4; tegmen: 16.5; tegmen width: 4.5; hind femur: 10; antenna: 70 mm.

Etymology. The new species is named for the strong projections of the paraproctes that obviously fix the projections of the tenth tergite and thus prevent them to sting its own body; from Latin stabilis (stable, firm).


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig













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