Onorecoris, Heiss, Ernst, 2013

Heiss, Ernst, 2013, New Aradidae from Ecuador (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Aradidae), ZooKeys 319, pp. 137-151 : 147-148

publication ID


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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name


gen. n.

Onorecoris   ZBK gen. n.

Type species:

Onorecoris piceus sp. n.


As in Cotopaxicoris , the assemblage of characters: general habitus, antennae twice as long as width of head, stalked eyes, a pentagonal fused median scerite on meso- and metanotum are not shared by apterous Carventinae recorded from South and Mesoamerica as reported for Cotopaxicoris description. Therefore, a new genus Onorecoris gen. n. is erected for Onorecoris piceus sp. n.


Apterous female; body oval attenuated anteriorly, surface of head and body rugose and tuberculate, legs and antennae beset with stiff hairs bearing tubercles; colouration piceous, tibiae yellowish except base and apex.

Head. Slightly longer than width across eyes; clypeus narrow, flanked by anteriorly produced genae reaching about ½ of antennal segment I; antenniferous lobes wide, apex narrowly rounded; antennae about twice as long as width of head, antennal segment III longest, I and II shorter, IV fusiform; eyes slightly stalked; postocular lobes converging uniformly to narrow neck region; rostrum arising from slit-like atrium, shorter than head.

Pronotum. About 3 × as wide as long, lateral margins angulate at humeri then triangularly projecting anteriorly, produced over anterior margin; disk with median carina flanked by rugose callosities; posterior margin separated from mesonotum by a deep furrow.

Mesonotum. With median posteriorly widening and moderately elevated pentagonal ridge and lateral subrectangular sclerites with rugose surface, their lateral margins rounded, produced laterally; separated from metanotum along lateral sclerites by deep grooves, median ridge fused and continuing on metanotum and mtg I+II where its structure disappears.

Metanotum. Lateral sclerites separated from continuous median ridge by deep depressions, their surface deeply punctured and callous, posteriorly completely fused to mtg I+II; lateral margins with a small round expansion.

Abdomen. Tergal plate roundly elevated at middle, highest on mtg IV-V, lateral parts with oval punctured depressions these laterally delimited by carinate structures; lateral margins rounded with partly visible rims of dorsally reflexed vltg II-VII these increase posteriorly; pe-angles of deltg II-VII with a distinct dorsal tubercle; deltg II-VII separated by sutures, triangular deltg II anteriorly reaching to metanotum.

Venter. Surface rugose and punctured, spiracles II-IV ventral, V sublateral and visible from above, VI and VII on sublateral tubercles of reflexed vltg VI and VII and visible from above, VIII dorsolateral.

Legs. Long and slender, tibiae medially curved, claws with thin pulvilli.

Etymology. It is a pleasure to dedicate this interesting new flat bug genus to my friend Giovanni Onore (Quito), versatile and successful entomologist in Ecuador who made the species available for study.



