Castolus, Stal, 1858

Forero, Dimitri & Mejía-Soto, Andrés, 2021, A striking sexually dimorphic new species of Castolus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera Reduviidae) from Colombia, with new records from Neotropical countries and taxonomic notes on the genus, Zootaxa 5048 (4), pp. 538-560 : 540-541

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Plazi (2021-10-08 11:52:52, last updated 2024-11-27 02:41:26)

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Key to the species of Castolus View in CoL (based on Maldonado, 1976)

1 Humeral angle of pronotum with a long spine.............................................................. 2

1’ Humeral angle of pronotum either unarmed, shortly produced, or with a very short tooth, but never with a long spine..... 6

2 Head black, or red-orange with area around ocelli and most of anteocular region black; anterior pronotal lobe black or orange; legs black; hemelytron of a single color with no markings..................................................... 3

2’ Head yellowish, with area around ocelli black; anterior pronotal lobe pale yellow; legs yellowish with dark markings; hemelytron not entirely yellow, usually basally with dark areas...................................................... 4

3 Anterior pronotal lobe black; posterior pronotal lobe on anterior half black with a yellowish orange broad longitudinal marking, posterior half yellowish orange; humeral spine yellowish orange........................ C. nigriventris Breddin, 1904 View in CoL

3’ Anterior pronotal lobe orange or red; posterior pronotal lobe entirely orange (male) or mostly black with posterior half reddish with a W-like pattern (female); humeral spine black............................................ C. rafaeli sp. nov.

4 Femora with an apical and a subapical dark ring, and fine longitudinal dark lines on basal half; anterior pronotal lobe with anterior and posterior margin black, posterior pronotal lobe mostly orange; hemelytron basally pale or with a small dark area............................................................................ C. lineatus Maldonado, 1976 View in CoL

4’ Femora pale yellow with only an apical dark ring; anterior pronotal lobe either entirely yellow or only with the posterior margin black; hemelytron basally with a large dark area, as long as the scutellum........................................ 5

5 Anterior pronotal lobe entirely pale yellow, posterior pronotal lobe pale yellow............. C. pallidus Maldonado, 1976 View in CoL

5’ Anterior pronotal lobe with posterior margin black, posterior pronotal lobe with anterior half orange................................................................................................. C. bolivari Brailovsky, 1982 View in CoL

6 Humeral angle of pronotum with a short tooth.............................................................. 7

6’ Humeral angle of pronotum unarmed or slightly subangularly dilated............................................ 9

7 Ocelli small, slightly elevated; pronotum pale yellow and whitish, posterior lobe with three black spots................................................................................................. C. trinotatus (Stål, 1866) View in CoL

7’ Ocelli large, elevated; pronotum brown or reddish brown with dark brown areas................................... 8

8 Anterior pronotal lobe pale brown usually with dark areas on disk; posterior pronotal lobe with lateral margin dark brown; antennal scape pale brown to brown.................................................... C. ferox (Banks, 1910) View in CoL

8’ Anterior pronotal lobe entirely black; posterior pronotal lobe with lateral margin reddish brown; antennal scape black..................................................................................... C. omega Swanson, 2018

9 Anterior and posterior lobes of pronotum concolorous, reddish brown or dark brown; head reddish or brown........... 10

9’ Anterior lobe of pronotum much lighter than posterior, posterior with extensive black or brown area; head black, yellowish or reddish............................................................................................ 11

10 Pronotum dark brown to black, posterior lobe of pronotum with lateral and posterior margins red; scutellum bright red, disc black; clavus and corium dark brown to black; hind margin of pronotum straight; humeral angles rounded....................................................................................... C. rufomarginatus Champion, 1899 View in CoL

10’ Pronotum reddish brown; scutellum brownish; clavus and corium dark red; hind margin of pronotum slightly concave; humeral angles slightly emarginated........................................................ C. spissicornis (Stål, 1860) View in CoL

11 Head black......................................................................................... 12

11’ Head reddish, if ocellar area black at least neck yellowish.................................................... 13

12 Posterior pronotal lobe with dark brown area on disc not reaching lateral margins; forewing with clavus dark brown, corium whitish with a central ovoid dark spot, area posterior to quadrate cell dark brown.............. C. multicinctus Stål, 1872 View in CoL

12’ Posterior pronotal lobe with brown area reaching lateral margins; forewing with clavus and corium yellowish white, both basally brown, corium apically brown................................................ C. fuscoapicatus (Stål, 1860) View in CoL

13 Head and legs reddish; posterior lobe of pronotum with pale area yellow or white; forewing with clavus and most of corium whitish, corium sometimes yellow, apically black, rarely as a mostly longitudinal black area.... C. plagiaticollis Stål, 1858 View in CoL

13’ Head yellowish, with black ocellar area, sometimes vertex black; fore and midlegs brownish; forewing with clavus and corium basally yellow up to level of scutellum, black between scutellum and middle of quadrate cell, remaining of corium red.................................................................................... C. tricolor Champion, 1899 View in CoL

Brailovsky, H. (1982) Hemiptera-Heteroptera de Mexico: XX. Notas acerca del genero Castolus Stal, y descripcion de una nueva especie. (Reduviidae-Harpactorinae). Anales del Instituto de Biologia de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Serie Zoologia, 1, 223 - 229.

Breddin, G. (1904) Neue Rhynchotenausbeute aus Sud-Amerika. Societas Entomologica, 20, 147 - 148 + 153 - 154 + 177 - 178. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 9279381

Champion, G. C. (1899) Insecta Rhynchota. Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Vol II. In: Godman, F. D. & Salvin, F. D. (Eds.), Biologia Centrali Americana. Taylor & Francis, London, pp. i - xvi + 1 - 416, 22 pls. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 14631

Maldonado, J. (1976) Three new species of Castolus and a key to the species (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 78, 435 - 446. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / part / 56099

Stal, C. (1858) Hemipterologiska bidrag. Ofversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar, 15, 433 - 454. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 15959503

Stal, C. (1872) Enumeratio Hemipterorum. Bidrag till en forteckning ofver alla hittills kanda Hemiptera, jemte systematiska meddelanden. 2. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 10, 1 - 159. https: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / part / 147036

Swanson, D. R. & Chordas, S. W. I. (2018) Annotated list of the assassin bugs (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) of Belize, with the description of two new species. Zootaxa, 4500 (3), 397 - 425. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4500.3.7









