Bezzia (Bezzia) laciniastyla Dow & Turner, 1976
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Bezzia (Bezzia) laciniastyla Dow & Turner |
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Bezzia (Bezzia) laciniastyla Dow & Turner View in CoL
( Figs. 7–19 View FIGURES 7–14 View FIGURES 15–19 )
Bezzia (Pseudobezzia) laciniastyla Dow & Turner, 1976: 42 View in CoL . Florida. (in revision of Nearctic Bezzia View in CoL ; Maryland, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas).
Bezzia (Pseudobezzia) male form 27B, Dow & Turner 1976: 66. Florida
Bezzia (Bezzia) laciniastyla: Wilkening et al. 1985: 529 View in CoL (Florida, records from Alachua & Wakulla counties); Borkent & Grogan
2009: 26 (in Nearctic catalog; distribution).
Diagnosis. The only Nearctic species of the B. pulverea complex with the following combination of characters. Males fore femur yellowish, tibia with broad basal, narrower subapical brown bands; mid femur yellow on proximal 2/3, distal 1/3 brown, tibia brown with subapical yellow band; hind femur, tibia uniformly dark brown; gonostylus moderately short, apex with a very short slightly pointed to rounded outer prong, inner prong variable in shape but usually flap-like and folded. Females leg coloration and banding patterns as in males; sternite 9 with slender, moderately to greatly curved anterior prong, posterior prong short; spermathecae unequal-size, ovoidal with very short necks, the larger 0.13–0.25 mm long, smaller 0.09–0.14 mm long.
Male. Head ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7–14 ). Dark brown. Eyes separated by the diameter of 3–4 ommatidia.Antennal flagellum golden brown on flagellomeres 1–4, 5–9 becoming increasingly paler proximally, 10 pale on proximal 4/5, distal 1/5 brown, 11–13 darker brown, paler on extreme bases; flagellomeres 1–9 vasiform, 10–13 elongate, 10 or 13 longest; plume moderately dense, extending near mid length of flagellomere 11; AR 0.88–1.13 (0.98, n=20); flagellum length 1.06–1.58 (1.35 mm, n=20). Palpus moderately long; segment 5 extending beyond apex of labellum; segment 3 moderately long with meso-central group of 3–5 capitate sensillae; PR 2.75–3.75 (3.05, n=16). Mandible slender with 2–6 slender large distal medial teeth, 3–5 very small widely spaced lateral teeth. Thorax ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7–14 ). Reddish brown. Scutum with moderately dense course setae, 6–12 large pre-alar setae; scutellum yellowish brown with row of 5–9 (11 in 1 specimen) long stout setae. Fore femur yellowish with broad basal and narrower subapical brown bands; mid femur yellow on proximal 2/3, distal 1/3 dark brown; hind femur brown, darkest distally; 2–8 fore, 1–2 mid, 0–2 hind ventral femoral spines. Fore, mid tibiae brown with narrow yellow subapical band, hind tibia entirely dark brown; 2–3 fore, 4–5 mid, 3 hind tibial long, black, stout apical spines; dorsum of hind tibia with double row of long spines. Tarsomeres 1–3 yellowish; 4–5 brown. Wing ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7–14 ) moderately narrow; membrane slightly infuscated, darkest on anterior portion of cell r 1; anterior veins brownish, posterior veins pale; WL 1.43–2.07 (1.79 mm; n=20), WW 0.42–0.56 (0.49 mm, n=19); CR 0.65–0.70 (0.69, n=20). Halter dark brown, distal portion of knob darkest. Abdomen. Tergites, sternites reddish brown, in some specimens sternites brown, both covered with moderately dense stout long setae. Genitalia ( Figs. 10–11 View FIGURES 7–14 ). Tergite 9 moderately long, broad; cerci elongate, extending to mid-length of gonocoxites ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 7–14 ); sternite 9 moderately long with deep V- or U-shaped apico-central excavation, the inner margin with dense fringe of long fine setae, and narrow distolateral extensions with inner serrations that extend to apicolateral margins of main body of aedeagus. Gonocoxite stout; gonostylus moderately long, slender to very short ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 7–14 ) in a few specimens, apex broad with very short inner prong that is slightly pointed to rounded ( Figs. 12–14 View FIGURES 7–14 ) in some specimens, the inner prong is also apparently variable in shape but usually flap-like, folded inwardly ( Figs. 10–11 View FIGURES 7–14 ). Parameres ( Figs. 10–11 View FIGURES 7–14 ) fused, very broad, basal arms moderately long, heavily sclerotized with broad rounded apices; distal portion more lightly sclerotized, broad, arrow-head shaped, tapered distally to broad rounded apex. Aedeagus ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 7–14 ) broadly triangular; basal arch broad, moderately deep, extending ½ of total length; basal arms short, heavily sclerotized, extreme apices recurved; main body very broad, more lightly sclerotized with well-developed rounded shoulder-like basolateral extensions; apical portion abruptly tapered distally, short with rounded apex and a thin, broad, lightly sclerotized underlying section that extends beyond apex.
Female. Similar to male with the following notable sexual and other differences. Head ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 15–19 ). Eyes more narrowly separated by the diameter of 2 ommatidia. Antennal flagellum with distal ½ of flagellomeres 1–8 brown, proximal ½ pale yellow or whitish; 2–8 with central whorl of stout setae; 9–13 elongate, 13 usually longest (12 longest in 1 specimen), 9–12 brown with extreme bases whitish, 13 brown with extreme base light brown; AR 1.25– 1.67 (1.45, n=18); flagellum relatively short, length 0.88–1.24 (1.04 mm, n=18). Palpus similar to, slightly broader than males; PR 2.80–3.56 (3.14, n=19). Mandible broad with 7–8 large distal, 3–5 smaller proximal medial teeth; 2-4 very small widely spaced lateral teeth. Thorax ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 15–19 ). Scutum yellowish brown to reddish brown, with a few large posterior setae, 5–10 large pre-alar setae; scutellum yellowish or brownish with single row of 4–8 long stout setae. Femora, tibiae with same coloration and banding patterns as males except basal portion of mid tibiae of some females from Florida are brown; 2–8 fore, 0–2 mid, hind femoral spines; 2–3 fore, 2–4 mid, 2 hind large apical tibial spines; tarsi, claws as in females of B. pulverea . Wing ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 15–19 ) broader than males with longer costa, radial cell; WL 1.57–2.33 (1.82 mm, n=20), WW 0.54–0.78 (0.67 mm, n=20); CR 0.73–0.80 (0.76, n=20). Abdomen. Tergites, sternites brown ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 15–19 ) or reddish brown ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 15–19 ) with sparse short setae. One pair of internal abdominal tergal apodemes. Sternite 9 ( Figs. 18–19 View FIGURES 15–19 ) moderately to heavily sclerotized, slightly to more greatly curved distally, apices narrowly to more broadly separated. Spermathecae ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 15–19 ) unequal-size, elongate ovoidal with very short necks; larger 0.13–0.25 (0.19 mm, n=19) long, smaller 0.09–0.14 (0.12 mm, n=19) long.
Distribution. Dow & Turner (1976) listed this species from Florida, Maryland, Mississippi South Carolina and Texas. I provide the first records from Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Virginia and West Virginia.
Derivation of specific name. This species name, laciniastyla , based on the Latin terms, lacin, (flap) and, styl, (a pointed instrument), in reference to the flap-like inner prong of the male gonostylus.
Specimens examined. ALABAMA, Baldwin Co., Tensaw Swamp, Lizard Creek , 10 mi. SW of Stockton, 20-26 April 1978, J. Harper, D. Botts, E. Stark, 1 female ( AUEM) . Lauderdale Co., Florence , 29 VIII 1968, G. E . Smith, 1 female ; Wright , 29 June 1956, W. E. Snow, 1 female . Lee Co., Auburn, Chewacla St. Pk., N. bank Chewacla River , 5 Oct-emerged 3 Dec (19)76, J. I. Glick, 1 male ( AUEM) . Mobile Co., Dog River , VI 1968, Blanton & Cannon, 1 male , same data except I X 1968, 1 female . ARKANSAS, Drew Co., Monticello, College Heights , 13 V 1969, Gary Hatley, 8 females . Hempstead Co., Hope , 4 VIII 1968, R. E. Woodruff, black light, 1 female , same data except 2 mi. E. of Smithe Farm, 1 female . FLORIDA, Alachua Co., Gainesville, Chantilly Acres , 19 IV–8 V 1967, F. S. Blanton, 3 males, 6 females ; same data except 19 IV–12 V 1967, F. S. Blanton, 1 male, 2 females ; same data except 3- V 1967, 1 male ; same data except 10- V 1967, 1 male ; same data except 12- V 1967; 1 male ; same data except May 1967, light trap, 1 male ; same data except May 1968, 2 females ; same data except West Gainesville , 29 IV–VI 1968, Blanton & Fletcher, light trap, 2 males, 5 females ; same data except Gainesville , 18 Apr. 1967, W. W. Wirth, Malaise Trap, 2 females , same data except Oak Crest 23 V–4 VIII 1985, UL trap, 2 females , same data except 14 V 1986, 1 female . Baker Co., Olustee , VII 1971, F. S. Blanton, B. L. Trap, 1 male . Collier Co., Immokalee , 1–28 V 2015, Scott Croxton, Suction Trap, 1 female, 1 male ; same data except 9–16 III 2016, 1 female ; same data except 13–21 VIII 2018, 1 female ; same data except 4-10-IX-2018, 1 female ; same data except 26-XI/ 3-XII-2018, 1 male ; same data except 2- 9-VII-2019, 1 male ; same data except 30-IX/ 7-X-2019, 1 female ; same data except Collier Co., Seminole St. Park, 17 VI 1973, W. W. Wirth., light trap, 1 male . Escambia Co., Bratt , VI 1968, FS & AJ Blanton, light trap, 2 females ; same data except FS & DC Blanton, 1 female . Glades Co., Palmdale , 14 July 1970, E. Irons, light trap, 2 males, 5 females (allotype female & paratypes) ; same data except LT (light trap), 1 female (non-paratype) . Highlands Co., Archbold Biol. Sta. , 13–19 Apr. 1970, W. W. Wirth, light trap, 2 males ; same data except 13-19 Apr. 1989, 1 male, 1 female ; same data except Lake Placid , 1-IV 1990, at UV light, 1 female ; same data except Sept. 1990, 1 male ; same data except Lake Placid , 1–7 May 1964, R. W. Hodges, light, 1 female ; same data except 19 Apr. 1970, J. N. Payne, light trap, 4 females ; same data except Lake Placid, Archbold Biological Station , 11 IX 1989 – 6 Apr. 1991, W. W. Wirth, at UV light, 4 males, 2 females ; same data except 13 IX 1989, malaise trap, West Bayhead , 1 female ; Sebring, Highlands Hamm. (ock) St. Park , 15 IV 1970, W. W. Wirth, light trap, 4 females . Hillsborough (sic as Hillsboro ) Co. , Harris Swamp , 14 IV 1967, 2 males, 2 females. (Indian River Co.) , Vero Beach, Ent. Res. Cntr. , April 1961, light trap, 1 male . Jackson Co., Fla. Caverns St. Park , 26 V 1973, W. W. Wirth, light trap, 2 females . Leon Co., Tall Timbers , Apr. 1970, F. W. Meade, LT, 1 male . Liberty Co., Torreya St. Pk. , 22 Apr. 1967, W. W. Wirth, Malaise trap, 2 females . Marion Co., Juniper Springs , 28 April 1970, W. W. Wirth, light trap, 1 male, 3 females . Orange Co., Lake Hope , 15 III 1985, W. W. Wirth, UVLT, 1 female , same data except 9 VII 1985, 1 male , same data except 5 V 1986, ex. UV trap, 2 females ; same data except Maitland, Lake Hope , 15 III 1985, UVLT, 1 female , same data except 25 VIII 1986, 1 female , same data except 5 VIII 1988, 1 female . Polk Co., Winter Haven, DPI Citrus Arboretum , 17–28 IX 2015, P. Sieburth, Suction Trap, 1 male ; same data except 18–25 VIII 2016, 1 female ; same data except 9–16 III 2017, 1 female . Putnam Co., Red Water Lake, Weems Property , 27-28-V-(19)67, F. S. Blanton, 1 male ( FSCA). ( Saint Lucie Co. ) , Ft. Pierce, Mar (ch) 1956, light trap, 1 male, 1 female . Santa Rosa Co., Jay , May 1962, TW Boyd, lt. trap, 1 female . Sarasota Co., Myakka River St. Park , 21 V 1973. W. W. Wirth, light trap, 4 males . Wakulla Co., Ochlockonee Riv. St. Park , 29 IV 1970, W. W. Wirth, light trap, 6 males, 4 females . LOUISIANA, (Baton Rouge Parish), Baton Rouge, Tigertown , 6 V 1947, W. W. Wirth, at light, 1 female . MARYLAND, Montgomery Co., Colesville , 9 VIII 1975, W. W. Wirth, light trap, 1 male ; Fairland , 12 May 1959, A. A. Hubert, light trap, 1 male ; Forest Glen , 13 July 1964, W. W. Wirth, light trap, 1 male , same data except 29 August 1966, 1 male , same data except August 1972, 1 male ; Plummers Island, 10 May-emerged 27 May 1976, Wm. L. Grogan, Jr., 1 male reared from pupa. Prince Georges Co., College Park, Lakeland Pond , 26 May-emerged 19 June 1975, Wm. L Grogan, Jr., 1 male reared from pupa. Wicomico Co., Salisbury , 12–20 V 1986, Wm. L. Grogan, Jr., Malaise trap, 1 male , same data except 17–24 May 1994, 1 male , same data except 5–11 VII 1994, 1 male . Worcester Co., Snow Hill , 19 V 1968, W. H. Anderson, light trap, 1 female . MISSISSIPPI, Washington Co., R. H. Roberts , Oct. 1962, light trap, 1 female , same data except 21 June 1966, 1 male . Winston Co., Tombigbee National Forest, Spring Seep (33˚ 15ʹ 18ʺ N, 89˚ 05ʹ 29ʺ W), 18 V 2013, W. L. Grogan, Jr., Sweeping vegetation, 1 female . SOUTH CAROLINA, (Georgetown Co.), Georgetown , 8 Aug. 1970, L. G. Henry, light trap, 4 females (paratypes) . TEXAS, Jasper Co., Jasper , 2 VIII 1968, R. E. Woodruff, blacklight trap, 1 female . Gillespie Co., Fredericksburg , 29 VII 1967, Blanton & Borchers, light trap, 1 male . VIRGINIA, (Fairfax Co.), Falls Church, Holmes Run , 17 IX 1962, W. W. Wirth, light trap, 1 male . Montgomery Co., Blacksburg , 16 VI 1960, D. H. Messersmith, 1 male . WEST VIRGINIA, Morgan Co., Largent , 3 July 1977, W. W. Wirth, Malaise trap, 1 female .
Discussion. The original type series only included specimens from Glades Co., Florida (type locality) and four females from Georgetown Co., South Carolina ( Dow & Turner 1976: 46). However, Dow & Turner listed other slide-mounted specimens of this species in the USNM from Maryland, Mississippi and Texas, and several of these were subsequently hand labeled “ Bezzia laciniastyla D. & T.” by Willis Wirth. Wilkening et al. (1985) also listed this species from Alachua and Wakulla counties, Florida. I identified additional specimens of this species in the USNM and FSCA from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia that are included in the specimens examined section above. Dow & Turner (1976: 66; Figs. 27 View FIGURES 25–30 A–B) also noted that the slide-mounted USNM specimens they studied included a complex of at least two undescribed species based on their male genitalia. One of these, male form 27A is described below as B. leptostyla , n. sp. However, I determined that their male form 27B from Florida was likely a specimen of B. laciniastyla that has an atypical gonostylus that appears to not have an apically folded inner prong. I identified several other males from Florida with similar gonostyli that I also consider to be atypical specimens of B. laciniastyla .
Dow & Turner (1976: 44) noted that females have 6 long scutellar setae, but, I recorded a range of 4–8 long setae for females. For males, they noted “Scutellar setae longer, 8 present.” However, I discovered that males usually have 5–9 long scutellar setae, but, 1 male had 11 setae. As with several other species in this complex, it is now obvious that the numbers of long scutellar setae in both sexes of B. laciniastyla is highly variable.
Auburn University Entomological Museum |
VI |
Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute |
V |
Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium |
R |
Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile |
UL |
University of Louisville |
AJ |
Central Research Laboratories |
UV |
Departamento de Biologia de la Universidad del Valle |
Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Ceratopogoninae |
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Palpomyiini |
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Bezzia |
Bezzia (Bezzia) laciniastyla Dow & Turner
Grogan, William L. 2020 |
Bezzia (Pseudobezzia) laciniastyla
Dow, M. I. & Turner, E. C. 1976: 42 |