Blackburneus charmionus (Bates, 1887)

Dellacasa, Marco, Dellacasa, Giovanni & Gordon, Robert D., 2011, Systematic revision of the American taxa belonging to the genera Alloblackburneus Bordat, 2009, and Blackburneus Schmidt, 1913, with description of seven new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae), Insecta Mundi 2011 (204), pp. 1-52 : 20-21

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Felipe (2021-08-04 23:23:02, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-18 03:28:41)

scientific name

Blackburneus charmionus (Bates, 1887)


Blackburneus charmionus (Bates, 1887)

( Fig. 76-83 View Figures 71-83 )

Aphodius charmionus Bates, 1887: 89 ; Blackwelder 1944: 212.

Aphodius (Volinus) charmionus ; Schmidt 1913: 142.

Aphodius (Chilothorax) charmionus ; Dellacasa 1988: 108.

Blackburneus charmionus ; Dellacasa et al. 2002: 201; Skelley et al. 2007: 2.

Typelocality. Jalapa, [Estado de Veracruz], Mexico.

Type repository. Natural History Museum, London (type examined).

Redescription. Length 3.0- 3.5 mm; oblong, moderately convex, shiny, glabrous. Piceous; head anteriorly, pronotum at sides, testaceous; elytra yellowish with juxtasutural interstria and sides more or less widely piceous; usually also elytral apical third piceous with a more or less extended yellowish preapical spot ( Fig. 79 View Figures 71-83 ), or elytra dirty yellow with juxtasutural interstria and lateral margins piceous ( Fig. 80 View Figures 71-83 ), or elytra piceous with transverse irregular binds of yellow stripes ( Fig. 81 View Figures 71-83 ), sometimes elytra piceous with only shoulder and preapical declivity shadowy yellow ( Fig. 82 View Figures 71-83 ); legs reddish brown; antennal club dark brown. Head with epistome feebly gibbous, coarsely, regularly and rather densely punctured; clypeus subsinuate at middle, widelyround at sides, distinctly bordered, edge nearly imperceptibly bristled; genae obtusely round, shortly ciliate, feebly but distinctly protruding from the eyes; frontal suture extremely fine; front coarsely, regularly and densely punctured. Pronotum transverse, convex, rather finely and subregularly punctured, punctation coarser and denser laterally; sides thinly bordered, edge glabrous; hind angles obtusely round; base feebly bisinuate. Scutellum triangularly elongate, with curved sides, superficially and finely punctured near base and with a trace of longitudinal groove at each side. Elytra oval-elongate, regularly convex and with epipleural carina distinctly raised at shoulder, finely striate; striae distinctlycrenulate; interstriae feebly convex, sparsely, irregularly, and finely punctured, apically distinctly microreticulate. Hind tibiae superior apical spur distinctly shorter than first tarsal segment; latter as long as following three segments combined. Male: pronotum somewhat more transverse; metasternalplate distinctlygrooved; aedeagus Fig. 77-78 View Figures 71-83 . Female: pronotumsomewhatnarrower frontward; metasternal plate nearly flat.

Material examined. BRAZIL: Guayabillos, SW Abhang, Irazu , 2200 m (im Fell von Bradypus sp (zufall 33) (1 ex., USNM) ; MEXICO, Chihuahua: El Manzano, 28 o 10’44.0”N – 107 o 28’39.1”W, m 2171, 25.VI.2005, leg. M. Dellacasa & I. Martínez (1 ex. DCGI) GoogleMaps ; Oaxaca: San Juan Teposcolula , 17 o 33’56.4"N- 97 o 25’32.8"W, m 2376, 1.VII.2007, leg. M. Dellacasa, C. Fresi & I. Martínez (horse dung) (1 ex., DCGI) GoogleMaps ; 5 Km S Sola de Vega , m 1600, 4-9.VII.2005, leg. D. Curoe (2 exx., DCGI) ; Puebla: 4 mi. E Tezuitlan , 5000’, 14.VII.1971, leg. A. Newton (3 exx., CNCI) ; Veracruz: El Zeltlal, carr. Actopan-Veracruz, desv. Otates , m 480, 20.IX.1994, leg. L. Arellano & R. Sanchez (2 exx., DCGI) ; Municipio Coscomatepec , 15.VI.1999, leg. M. Cruz & alii (11 exx. DCGI) ; idem, Cuiyachapa , m 2700, 06.II.1999, leg. M. Alvarado (2 exx., DCGI) ; idem, 08.III.1999, leg. M. Alvarado & M. Cruz (1 ex., DCGI) idem, 11.V.1999, leg. M. Cruz (1 ex., MSNT) ; idem, 14.VI.1999, leg. M. Alvarado, M.Cruz & J. Sosa (horse dung) (4 exx., DCGI) ; idem, 15.VI.1999, leg. M. Cruz & M. Alvarado (8 exx., DCGI; 43 exx., MSNT) ; idem, 13.VII.1998, leg. M. Cruz (11 exx., DCGI; 6 exx., MSNT) ; idem, VI-VII.1998, leg. J. S. Sosa, M. Alvarado & M. Cruz (43 exx., DCGI) ; idem, VII-VIII.1999, leg. J. S. Sosa (45 exx., DCGI) ; idem, 4.IX.2000, leg. F. Cabrero & J. Passerat (2 exx., DCGI) ; idem, 10.X.1998, leg. M. Cruz & J. Sosa (6 exx., MSNT) ; idem, 8.XII.1998, leg. Alvarado M. & Sosa J. (1 ex., MSNT) ; idem, camino à Potrero Nuevo , 15.XI.1994, leg. L. Arellano & M. Zunino (sheep dung) (1 ex., DCGI) ; Municipio Xico, Km 14.5 rd. Xico-Oxtlapa , m 2050, 18.XI.1999, leg. M. Dellacasa (2 exx., DCGI) ; idem, 2 Km desp. Oxtlapa , m 2400, 18.XI.1999, leg. M. Dellacasa (6 exx., DCGI) ; idem, Oxtlapa , m 2100, 18.XI.1999, leg. M. Dellacasa (10 exx., DCGI) ; idem, San José Paso Nuevo , 19 o 26’58”N- 97 o 06’28”W, m 2300, 8.V-1.VI.2000, leg. E. Montes De Oca & Q. Santiago (6 exx., DCGI) GoogleMaps ; idem, 9.III.2000, leg. I. Martínez & C. Huerta (1 ex., DCGI) GoogleMaps ; idem, Tonalaco , 19 o 25’59”N- 97 o 07’51”W, m 2620, 7.II.2005, leg. F. Cabrero, N. Trotta & T. Suarez (9 exx., DCGI) GoogleMaps ; idem, 7.III.2005, leg. F. Cabrero, N. Trotta & T. Suarez (5 exx., DCGI) GoogleMaps ; idem, 4.IV.2005, leg. F. Cabrero, N. Trotta & T. Suarez (13 exx., DCGI) GoogleMaps ; 4 mi. N Huatusco , 4200’, 2.VII.1973, leg. A. Newton (Cl. For.) (1 ex., CNCI) ; PANAMA: Bugaba , leg. Champion (1 ex., USNM) .

Gallery Image

Figures 71-83. Blackburneus caracaensis (Petrovitz, 1970) (Sierra Caraça, Minas Gerais, Brazil). 71-72) Habitus (morphological details and length ideogram). 73-74) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view). 75) Epipharynx. Blackburneus charmionus (Bates, 1887) (Cuiyachapa, Municipio Coscomatepec, Estado Veracruz, Mexico). 76) Epipharynx. 77-78) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view). 79-82) Habitus (length ideogram and colour variations). 83) Habitus (morphological details).


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Canadian National Collection Insects


Museo Civico DI Storia Naturale DI Torino











