Alloblackburneus cynomysi (Brown, 1927), 2011

Dellacasa, Marco, Dellacasa, Giovanni & Gordon, Robert D., 2011, Systematic revision of the American taxa belonging to the genera Alloblackburneus Bordat, 2009, and Blackburneus Schmidt, 1913, with description of seven new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae), Insecta Mundi 2011 (204), pp. 1-52 : 7

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Felipe (2021-08-04 23:23:02, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-18 03:28:41)

scientific name

Alloblackburneus cynomysi (Brown, 1927)

comb. nov.

Alloblackburneus cynomysi (Brown, 1927) new combination

( Fig. 16-20 View Figures 11-20 )

Aphodius cynomysi Brown, 1927: 166 .

Aphodius (Blackburneus) cynomysi ; Dellacasa 1988: 333.

Blackburneus cynomysi ; Gordonand Skelley 2007: 356.

Typelocality. Otoe Pasture, Noble Co., Oklahoma [ U.S.A.].

Type repository. Canadian National Collection, Ottawa (paratype examined).

Redescription. Length 3.0- 4.5 mm; stout, convex, moderately shiny, glabrous. Pale brownish red; legs reddish brown with palertarsi; antennal club yellowish. Headwith epistome feebly convex on disc, rather finely evenly punctured, punctation finer on disc; clypeus moderately sinuate at middle, subangulose at sides, thinly bordered, edge feebly reflexed at anterior angles, laterally shortly and sparsely bristled; genae broadly round, almost imperceptibly ciliate, not protruding from the eyes; frontal suture faintly indicate at middle; front evenly, finely punctured. Pronotum transverse, convex, dually, somewhat irregularly punctured; large punctures, twice to three times larger than small ones, denser and moderately coarser on sides, lacking on disc; small punctures, closer and coarser on sides, finer, very sparse and almost imperceptible ondisc; lateral margins feebly arcuate, finely bordered, edge glabrous; hind angles obtusely round; base very finely bordered, edge more or less widely interrupted medially. Scutellum irregularly, moderately punctured on basal half. Elytra convex, moderately tapered toward apex; striae moderately deep, rathercloselyfinely punctured, faintly crenulate; interstriaealmost flat, finely alutaceous, more strongly so on preapical declivity thus rather dull, very distinctly and rather closely punctured. Hind tibiae superior apical spur longer than first tarsal segment; latter as long as following three segments combined. Male: head and pronotum somewhat moresparsely punctured; elytral interstriae finely alutaceous, thus more shiny; metasternal plate moderately incavate; aedeagus Fig. 19-20 View Figures 11-20 . Female: head and pronotumsomewhat moredensely punctured; elytralinterstriae more strongly alutaceous; metasternal plate almost flat.

Material examined. USA, Kansas: Kiowa Co., 13 mi. S Greensburg, 4.V.1997, leg. G. Salsbury (prairie dog burrow) (2 exx., DCGI) ; Oklahoma: Noble Co., Otoe Pasture , 29.VI.1923, leg. W. J. Brown (from Cynomys hole) (1 male, paratype, DCGI) .

Distribution. U.S.A. (Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas).

Bionomics. Spring species known only from burrows of the black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus ).

Gallery Image

Figures 11-20. Alloblackburneus cavidomus (Brown, 1927) (Wichita, Mts. Refuge, Comanche Co., Oklahoma, U.S.A.). 11) Epipharynx. 12-13) Habitus (length ideogram and morphological details). 14-15) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view). Alloblackburneus cynomysi (Brown, 1927) (Noble Co., Oklahoma, U.S.A.). 16) Epipharynx. 17- 18) Habitus (morphological details and length ideogram). 19-20) Aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view).











