Hispanocader Golub, Popov et Arillo, 2012

Golub, V. B., Popov, Yu. A. & Arillo, A., 2012, Hispanocaderidae n. fam. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingoidea), one of the oldest lace bugs from the Lower Cretaceous Álava amber (Spain), Zootaxa 3270 (1), pp. 41-50 : 43

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3270.1.3



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Hispanocader Golub, Popov et Arillo

gen. nov.

Hispanocader Golub, Popov et Arillo , n. gen.

Type species: Hispanocader lisae Golub, Popov et Arillo , n. sp.

Included species: monotypic.

Diagnosis. Relation of antennal segment lengths: I <II> III> IV. Head strongly elongate, with one pair of frontal short spines. Bucculae short and low, settled in anterior quarter of the lower head surface only. Hemelytral venation comparatively rich. Areolae of hemelytra are small.

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