Adelopsis ascutellaris, (Murray, 1856: 460)

Peck, Stewart B., Gnaspini, Pedro & Newton, Alfred F., 2020, Updated catalog and generic keys of the Leiodidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Neotropical region (“ Latin America ”: Mexico, the West Indies, and Central and South America), Zootaxa 4741 (1), pp. 1-114 : 42-43

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Plazi (2020-04-28 07:42:27, last updated by Guilherme 2025-02-03 18:44:38)

scientific name

Adelopsis ascutellaris


A. ascutellaris ( Murray, 1856: 460) View in CoL

(Catops); Portevin, 1921: 536 comb. (to Ptomaphagus View in CoL ); Jeannel, 1936: 65 comb. (not stated as taxonomic change); Szymczakowski, 1961: 142 (“ holotype ” seen) [see note 3]; Gnaspini, 1996: 539 (types seen); Gnaspini & Peck, 2001: 429 (assignment to group), 2019: 10 (types seen; lectotype designation; assignment to subgroup).

Lectotype male in BMNH [No information about types in original description [ Portevin, 1921: 535 refers to “cotypes”]; Syntypes (1 male, 1 female) in BMNH [in Gnaspini, 1996: 541—see Notes 1 – 4; label reads “Mon. Cati // Caracas” ( Gnaspini & Peck, 2019)]].

Type locality: Caracas, [Distrito Capital, Venezuela].

Distribution: Venezuela: Distrito Capital: known only from type locality. Note: Hatch, 1928: 168 also gives Colombia, in error(?).

Note 1: Murray, 1856: 461 explained that he received the species from Deyrolle “under the manuscript name of aequinoctialis ”, but decided to use a different name. Therefore, this is not a case of synonym, as it seems to be in Hatch, 1928: 168 and Jeannel, 1936: 65 (“ aequinoctialis Deyrolle (in litt.)”).

Note 2: Jeannel, 1936: 65 does not give reference to type depository, but mentions he examined five specimens from MNHN, from the same locality, referring to them as “probable cotypes” (one of them with label “ aequinoctialis Deyr.”—see Notes 1 and 3) (two of them, males, available for study for Gnaspini, 1996)—see Note 4]. Therefore, this might actually have been a syntype examined by Murray.

Note 3: Szymczakowski, 1961: 142 stated that Jeannel did not know the type of this species and based his description on five specimens, probably cotypes, from MNHN; and he (Szymczakowski) could analyze a male specimen labeled “ Catops ascutellaris Murray (Type) ”, but did not mention depository. He also stated that that type is identical to the specimens in MNHN, so he corroborated Jeannel (1936) interpretation (but see note 4).

Note 4: Some MNHN specimens (identified by Portevin [1902]) belong to different species (Gnaspini, 1996: 540). One male refers to A. portevini ( Gnaspini & Peck, 2019: 11, 18). See also Note under Parapaulipalpina filicornis .

Note 5: The records in Jeannel, 1922 seem to be a misidentification of ‘ Adelopsis filicornis Jeannel’ [1936] ( Jeannel, 1936: 66) [species presently in the genus Parapaulipalpina ]. See also Note under Parapaulipalpina filicornis .

Note 6: The record in Salgado, 2005d: 968 ( Venezuela: Bolívar State) from MHNG, based on females, was compared to types and considered a misidentification in Gnaspini & Peck, 2019: 11.

Gnaspini, P. & Peck, S. B. (2001) The Adelopsis of Colombia (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae, Ptomaphagini). Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia, 41, 427 - 463.

Gnaspini, P. & Peck, S. B. (2019) Redescription of the ' older Adelopsis ' species (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Pto- maphagini) based on the analysis of type specimens. Zootaxa, 4696 (1), 1 - 62. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4696.1.1

Hatch, M. H. (1928) Silphidae II. In: Schenkling, S. (Ed.), Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 95. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 63 - 244.

Jeannel, R. (1922) Biospeologica XLVII. Silphidae Catopinae (Coleopteres) (deuxieme serie) avec une etude phylogenique et paleogeographique de la sous-famille. Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generale, 61, 1 - 98.

Jeannel, R. (1936) Monographie des Catopidae. Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, New Series, 1, 1 - 433.

Murray, A. (1856) Monograph of the genus Catops. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 2, 18, 1 - 24. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222935608697570

Portevin, G. (1902) Note sur quelques Choleviens du Museum. Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 8, 512 - 513.

Portevin, G. (1921) Note sur quelques Silphidae et Liodides de la collection Grouvelle. Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 27, 535 - 538. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 27742

Salgado, J. M. (2005 d) New species of Leiodidae (Coleoptera) and new records from the Neotropical Region. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 112, 963 - 982. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 80333

Szymczakowski, W. (1961) Especes neotropicales nouvelles ou peu connues de la famille Catopidae (Coleoptera). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne, 31, 139 - 163.

















