Stenoeurilla herediana, Brailovsky & Barrera, 2019

Brailovsky, Harry & Barrera, Ernesto, 2019, A revision of the Costa Rican species of Stenoeurilla Brailovsky & Barrera (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Stenoscelideini), with the description of two new species, new distributional records, synonymical note, and key to the known species, Zootaxa 4550 (4), pp. 545-556 : 547-552

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Plazi (2019-04-03 07:42:58, last updated 2022-01-31 21:01:04)

scientific name

Stenoeurilla herediana

sp. nov.

Stenoeurilla herediana sp. nov.

( Figs. 4 View FIGURES 1–5 , 8 View FIGURES 6–9 , 12 View FIGURES 10–14 , 17 View FIGURES 15–19 , 23 View FIGURES 20–23 , 27 View FIGURES 24–27 )

Description. Holotype male. Dorsal coloration. Head: pale yellowish-orange with black spot behind postocular region, and two broad pale brown stripes running lateral to middle line; ocellar tubercle shiny red with black spot behind; antennal segment I pale yellowish-orange with basal joint black; segments II and III pale yellowish orange with apical joint black to reddish brown, IV dark reddish brown with sub-basal dark yellowish-orange ring. Pronotum: dark castaneous-orange with darker punctures; above posterolateral margins with dark reddish-brown irregular marks; pronotal disk with pale yellowish-orange longitudinal medial stripe; neck pale yellowish-orange with darker punctures; callar region pale yellowish orange; anterolateral borders dark castaneous. Scutellum: dark castaneous-orange with lateral margins, apex, and longitudinal medial stripe pale yellowish-orange. Hemelytra: clavus and corium dark castaneous-orange, with claval and corial veins, costal boarder, apical angle, and apical margin pale yellow; hemelytral membrane pale brown with basal veins black. Abdomen: connexival segments yellow, with posterior angle black; dorsal abdominal segments III–VI pale yellowish-orange with narrow pale brown fringe between the borders of each tergite; segment VII pale yellowish-orange with posterior margin black. Ventral coloration. Head and rostral segments yellow with apex of rostral segment IV, and wide quadrate spot on middle third black; pro-., and mesosternum pale yellowish-orange with two shiny black elongate spots lateral to middle line; metasternum entirely pale yellowish-orange; propleura pale yellowish-orange; mesopleura pale yellowish-orange with shiny black transversal spot near middle third of anterior and posterior margins; metapleural pale yellowish-orange with black opaque spot near metathoracic peritreme; anterior and posterior lobes of metathoracic peritreme pale yellow; coxae of each leg pale yellowish-orange with black shiny elongate spot on upper margin; fore and middle leg entirely pale yellowish-orange; hind leg pale yellowish-orange with inner and outer expansion of tibiae dark reddish-castaneous; abdominal sterna including the spiracles pale yellowish-orange, with small dark reddish brown trichobothria lateral to middle line; genital capsule pale yellowish-orange with black transversal stripe behind the posteroventral margin. Structure. Head: rostrum reaching anterior border of metasternum; rostral segment I reaches anterior border of prosternum. Thorax. Pronotum: collar present; frontal angles rounded, not exposed; humeral angles slightly exposed, subacute. Legs: femora ventrally armed with a single row of numerous small spines-like teeth; hind tibiae with inner dilation lanceolate, occupying 45 % of the total length of hind tibiae; outer dilation barely phylliform with one shallow emargination, occupying 54% of the total length of hind tibiae ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 15–19 ). Hemelytra: macropterous, extending beyond apex of last abdominal segment. Genital capsule: posteroventral edge with rounded median notch ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 20–23 ). Parameres. Fig. 27 View FIGURES 24–27 .

Female. Color and habitus similar to male holotype. Head: rostrum reaching middle third of metasternum; rostral segment I reaches anterior border of prosternum. Pronotum: anterolateral margins black; calli yellow with two black spots on each side of middle line. Hemelytra: corium dark castaneous-orange with apical third pale orange and corial veins, costal boarder, apical angle and apical margin yellow: Abdomen: connexival segments VIII–IX, abdominal segments and spiracles black; genital plates pale yellowish-orange. Structure. Hind tibiae with inner dilation lanceolate, occupying 54 % of the total length of hind tibiae; outer dilation expanded, with one shallow emargination, occupying 57 % of the total length of hind tibiae.

Measurements. Male. Body length 13.50; head length 1.45; width across eyes 2.35; interocular distance 0.90; preocular distance 0.66; interocellar distance 0.30; antennal segments: I 3.20, II 3.95, III 3.15, IV 6.60; pronotum length 2.50; width across humeral angles 3.45; scutellum: length 1.90, width 1.40; hind tibiae: total length 7.67; length inner dilation 3.49; length outer dilation 4.18; width inner dilation 0.30; width outer dilation 0.98.

Measurements. Female. Body length 14.51; head length 1.55; width across eyes 2.45; interocular distance 0.90; preocular distance 0.70; interocellar distance 0.35; antennal segments: I 3.05, II 3.80, III 3.05, IV 6.45; pronotum length 2.80; width across humeral angles 3.95; scutellum: length 1.95, width 1.60; hind tibiae: total length 8.89; length inner dilation 4.86; length outer dilation 5.09; width inner dilation 0.38; width outer dilation 1.20.

Variation. 1, rostral segment I not reaching the anterior border of prosternum. 2, rostrum reaching the posterior border of mesosternum. 3, head dorsally with two broad black longitudinal stripes. 4, inner and outer dilation of hind tibiae with or without yellow spots. 5, meso- and metapleura without shiny or opaque black mark. 6, male genital capsule entirely pale yellowish-orange.

Type material. Holotype, male, Costa Rica, Prov. Heredia, Finca La Selva Verde , 12 km S Puerto Viejo, 500’, 23–26-IX-1989, leg. J. E. Eger (UNAM). Paratypes, 1 male, Costa Rica, Prov. Heredia, Finca La Selva Verde , 12 km S Puerto Viejo, 500’, 23–26-IX-1989, leg. J. E. Eger ( UNAM) . 1 macho, Costa Rica, Prov. Puntarenas, Sirena, Corcovado National Park , 0–100 m, 27.0500°N– 56.4700°W, IV-1989, leg. R. Blanco & G. Fonseca ( INBIO) GoogleMaps . 1 male, Costa Rica, Prov. Limon, Río Sardinas, R. N. F. S., Barra del Colorado , 10 m, 29.1500°N– 56.4700°W, 11-XII-1992, leg. F. Araya ( NBIO) GoogleMaps . 3 females, Costa Rica, Prov. Heredia, La Selva Biological Station , 3 km S Puerto Viejo, 10°26’N– 84°01’W, 20-VII-1974, 1-IX-2003, leg. H. A. Hespenheide ( UNAM) GoogleMaps .

Biology. Some of the specimens were collected with a light trap.

Etymology. The specific name derives from the type locality of this species.

Distribution. Costa Rica.

Diagnosis. This species is related to S. hansoni ( Brailovsky & Barrera, 1997) , also described from Costa Rica. Both species have antennal segment IV dark reddish brown to dark brown, with sub-basal dark yellow or dark yellowish-orange ring; humeral angles slightly exposed and subacute; hind tibiae with inner dilation lanceolate, outer dilation barely phylliform with one shallow emargination ( Figs. 16–17 View FIGURES 15–19 ); the anterior and posterior lobes of metathoracic peritreme are pale yellow; and the posteroventral edge of male genital capsule with median rounded notch ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 20–23 , 27 View FIGURES 24–27 ).

In S. herediana , the dorsal abdominal segments III–VI are pale yellowish-orange with narrow pale brown fringe between borders of tergites ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 6–9 ), and outer dilations of hind tibiae more expanded ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 15–19 ). In S. hansoni dorsal abdominal segments have a longitudinal brown black band, and narrow black fringe between tergites on a yellow back ground ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 6–9 ); and outer dilations of male hind tibiae conspicuously narrower ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 15–19 ).

Brailovsky, H. & Barrera, E. (1997) Especies nuevas del genero Stenoscelidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Acanthocephalini). Anales del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Serie Zoologia, 68 (2), 261 - 273.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–5. Dorsal view of Stenoeurilla spp. 1, S. aenescens (Stål) (female). 2, S. hansoni (Brailovsky & Barrera) (male). 3, S. pellucida (Brailovsky & Barrera) (female). 4, S. herediana sp. nov. (male). 5, S. mesoamericana sp. nov. (male).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 6–9. Dorsal abdominal segments of Stenoeurilla spp. 6, S. aenescens (Stål) (female). 7, S. hansoni (Brailovsky & Barrera) (male). 8, S. herediana sp. nov. (male). 9, S. mesoamericana sp. nov. (male).

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FIGURES 10–14. Abdomen in lateral view of Stenoeurilla spp. 10, S. aenescens (Stål) (male). 11, S. hansoni (Brailovsky & Barrera) (male). 12, S. herediana sp. nov. (male). 13, S. mesoamericana sp. nov. (male). 14, S. pellucida (Brailovsky & Barrera) (female).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 15–19. Hind tibiae of Stenoeurilla spp. 15, S. aenescens (Stål) (female). 16, S. hansoni (Brailovsky & Barrera) (male). 17, S. herediana sp. nov. (male). 18, S. mesoamericana sp. nov. (male). 19, S. pellucida (Brailovsky & Barrera) (female).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 20–23. Male genital capsule of Stenoeurilla spp. 20, S. hansoni (Brailovsky & Barrera). 21, S. mesoamericana sp. nov. 22, S. aenescens (Stål). 23, S. herediana sp. nov.

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FIGURES 24–27. Parameres of Stenoeurilla spp. 24, S. hansoni (Brailovsky & Barrera). 25, S. mesoamericana sp. nov. 26, S. aenescens (Stål). 27, S. herediana sp. nov.


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico











