Hylomyrma mitiae Ulysséa, 2021

Ulysséa, Mônica Antunes, 2021, Taxonomic revision of the Neotropical ant genus Hylomyrma Forel, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae), with the description of fourteen new species, Zootaxa 5055 (1), pp. 1-137 : 80-86

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scientific name

Hylomyrma mitiae Ulysséa

new species

Hylomyrma mitiae Ulysséa new species

Figures 53 View FIGURE 53 , 54 View FIGURE 54 , 80D View FIGURE 80 , 81H View FIGURE 81 , 87 View FIGURE 87 (map)

Holotype: GUYANE FRANÇAISE: [Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni: Maripasoula], Mitaraka Mts , Pente, 2.238226N -54.45203, 04.iii.2015, J. Orivel & F. Petitclerc cols., winkler 48h, A-P2-8, MI15-0380-25 (1W) ( MZSP67401 View Materials ) [ MZSP] . Paratypes: same data as holotype (3W) [ CASC, DZUP, IHVL] ; (7W) ( MZHY223 ) [ MZSP] ; same except Plateau, 2.243615N -54.45882, 03.iii.2015, J. Orivel & F. Petitclerc cols., winkler 48h, A-P1-12, MI15-0344-62 (1W 2Q, one worker and one queen covered with gold) ( MZSP67403 View Materials , MZSP67402 View Materials , MZSP67404 View Materials ) [ MZSP] ; (2W) [ MCZC, USNM] ; Maripasoula, vii.1999, S. Durou (1W) [ CEPLAC] ; [Cayenne]: Nouragues Natural Reserve Station , 102km SW of Cayenne, lat 4.08799, lon -52.67978, 145m, 21.viii-1.ix.2018, Rainforest, Ant Course 2018 (2W) ( MZHY224 ) [ MZSP].

Diagnosis. Vermicular to vermiculated-areolated striae on head dorsum and mesosoma; dorsal margin of petiole continuous, ventral surface smooth; longitudinal and anastomosed striae on postpetiole and tergum of first gastral segment; subpostpetiolar process prominent, subtriangular; profemur posterior surface and protibia extensor surface entirely striate; striae on tergum of first gastral segment shorter than postpetiole length; 2 short branches of equal size diverging from the main axis.

Description. WORKER (n=3) ( Fig. 53A–C View FIGURE 53 ): HL (0.95–1.06); HW (0.98–1.01); ML (0.67–0.75); SL (0.75–0.83); MOD (0.27–0.29); PNW (0.73–0.76); WL (1.41–1.52); PSL (0.32–0.356); PL (0.69–0.72); PW (0.27–0.30); PPL (0.30–0.32); PPW (0.33–0.36); GL (1.13–1.21); TL (5.27–5.52); CI (94.11–106.45); SI (74.24–81.81); OI (27.27– 28.78). Large-sized. Shiny integument. Dark brown body, lighter appendices. Thin and branched setae, long to midsized, erect to subdecumbent; 2 short branches of equal size diverging from the main axis ( Fig. 80D View FIGURE 80 ).

Head subquadrate; posterior margin straight. Mandible masticatory margin with 5 teeth. Anterior margin of clypeus concave medially, with a pair of medium teeth laterally; median area of clypeus with irregular and longitudinal striae converging to a point on the anterior margin, interspaces indistinguishable. Frontal triangle with 1 sagittal stria. Short scape, not reaching head posterior margin; apical antennomere slightly shorter than previous 3 antennomeres together. Frontal carina slightly concave posterior to antennal socket. Eye drop-shaped, midsized, larger diameter with 12 ommatidia. Head dorsum with vermicular to vermiculated-areolated striae, divergent towards posterior margin, interspaces smooth. Striae on head lateral and laterodorsal regions converge to eye margin; very thin striae (microsculpture) between vermicular to vermiculated-areolated striae (macrosculpture), interspaces between microesculpture indistinguishable; gena striate, with the same striation of head lateral, 2–3 regular and semicircular striae circumscribe the torulus, not reaching eye margin. Interspaces between striae on head ventral surface distinguishable.

Thick, vermicular to vermiculated-areolated striae on mesosoma, interspaces between thick striae on mesosoma dorsum smooth, but filled with thinner striae on mesosoma lateral. Promesonotal junction indistinct. Metanotal groove discernible by a slight depression. Transverse carina well-marked. Dorsal margin of mesosoma discontinuous, slightly convex. Propodeal lobe bidentate, dorsal tooth slightly longer and more acute than the shorter and blunt ventral tooth; dorsal tooth length 1 / of propodeal spine length. Propodeal spine long, straight (LV), divergent (DV), 2 sculptured on base. Thin and transverse striae of uniform thickness on procoxa; irregular and transverse striae on C2 and C3. Irregular to regular transverse striae on profemur dorsal and posterior surfaces; anterior and ventral surfaces smooth. Protibia extensor surface entirely striate.

Dorsal margin of petiole continuous, convex; ventral surface smooth; first third of dorsal surface smooth; irregular and transverse striae on second third of dorsal surface (aligned to petiolar spiracle) continuing on lateral surface; vermiculated-areolated striae on lateral and last third of dorsal surface. Longitudinal, regular to irregular striae on postpetiole, few anastomosed; subpostpetiolar process striae restricted to lateral region; subpostpetiolar process prominent, subtriangular.

First gastral segment striation similar to postpetiole striae; short striae on tergum, shorter than postpetiole length; sternite striation weakly marked, covering the laterobasal region.

QUEEN (n=2) ( Fig. 54A–C View FIGURE 54 ): HL (1.04); HW (1.06); ML (0.75–0.76); SL (0.81–0.86); MOD (0.30); PNW (0.89–0.90); WL (1.67–1.69); PSL (0.36); PL (0.73–0.76); PW (0.30–0.32); PPL (0.33–0.36); PPW (0.36–0.40); GL (1.40–1.43); TL (5.96–6.06); CI (95.74–100.97); SI (101.47); OI (28.98). Large-sized. Color, pilosity, and some sculpture characters shared with conspecific workers, only slightly larger. Larger diameter of eye with 16–17 ommatidia. Longitudinal, irregular to vermicular striae on scutum going from an anterior central point towards transcutal suture, interspaces distinguishable. Longitudinal and irregular striae on anepisternum and katepisternum, interspaces distinguishable. Axilla and scutellum with the same sculpture of scutum. Scutoscutellar sulcus inconspicuous. Transverse and regular striae on propodeum (DV). Thick striae (macrosculpture) on mesosoma lateral, irregular to vermiculated-areolated, directed to propodeal spine, interspaces between thicker striae filled with thinner striae (microsculpture). Wings as in Fig. 81H. View FIGURE 81

MALE Unknown.

Etymology. The epithet mitiae is a Latin noun in the genitive case created by adding the singular Latin genitive case suffix -e to the first name of a female person. This species is named in honor of M.A. Ulysséa’s beloved friend Mítia Heusi Silveira (1984–2010), who had her life interrupted by femicide. As an undergraduate student, she developed projects with Fungi and Coleoptera . After university, she worked at FUNAI, a Brazilian governmental agency for the protection of indigenous interests and culture.

Comments. Hylomyrma mitiae is similar to H. virginiae and H. sagax . All three are allopatric, but nevertheless occur in northwestern South America. Hylomyrma mitiae has been recorded only in French Guiana ( Fig. 87 View FIGURE 87 ), H. sagax is restricted to southeast Colombia ( Fig. 83 View FIGURE 83 ), whereas H. virginiae has been recorded in Ecuador (both sides of The Andes) and in western Colombia ( Fig. 89 View FIGURE 89 ). Hylomyrma mitiae can be distinguished from H. virginiae (characteristic in parentheses) by the comparatively larger body, TL 5.27–5.52 mm, WL 1.41–1.52 mm (vs. smaller, TL 4.94–5.20 mm, WL 1.24–1.40 mm), the gena and laterodorsal region of head are covered with very thin striae between the vermicular to vermiculated-areolated striae (vs. very thin striae superimposed on vermicular to vermiculated-areolated striae), the metanotal groove distinguished by a slight depression (vs. indistinct), the continuous dorsal margin of petiole (vs. discontinuous), and the very prominent and subtriangular subpostpetiolar process (vs. weak and slightly convex). Hylomyrma mitiae is distinguished from H. sagax by the pair of medium sized teeth laterally at the clypeus anterior margin (vs. large teeth), the presence of smooth interspaces between the vermicular striae only on the mesosomal dorsum (vs. on the entire mesosoma), and the subtriangular subpostpetiolar process (vs. convex).

Distribution. This species is only known from French Guiana ( Fig. 87 View FIGURE 87 ).

Natural history. Most specimens were found in leaf-litter samples, which suggests that nests are located in fallen logs, rotten wood, between leaves, or inside natural cavities of the superficial soil layers.

Hylomyrma montana Pierce, Branstetter & Longino, 2017

Figures 55 View FIGURE 55 , 56 View FIGURE 56 , 83 View FIGURE 83 (map)

Hylomyrma montana Pierce, Branstetter & Longino, 2017: 138 (W). Holotype: COSTA RICA: Limón: Cerro Platano   GoogleMaps , 9.86732 –83.24131 ± 20 m, 1130 m [a.s.l.], 18 June 2015, [Project] ADMAC [collection code] #Wm-E-03-1-01, cloud forest, ex sifted leaf litter (1W) (CASENT0637306) [CASC] [examined by image]. Paratypes: same data as holotype (1W) (CASENT0638686) [MCZC] [not examined]; (1W) (CASENT0638689) [UCD] [not examined]; (1W) (CASENT0638690) [UCR] [not examined]; (1W) (CASENT0638691) [USNM] [not examined]; (7W) (CASENT0638721, CASENT0638702, CASENT0638694, CASENT0638692, CASENT0638699, CASENT0638696, CASENT0638695) [JTLC] [not examined]; (1W) (CASENT0638719 MZSP67405 View Materials ) [MZSP] [examined].

Worker ( Fig. 55A–C View FIGURE 55 ) Diagnosis. Regular and longitudinal striae on head dorsum diverge towards posterior margin, interspaces between thicker striae filled with thinner striae; regular and irregular striae on mesosoma assuming multiple directions, interspaces smooth; dorsal tooth of propodeal lobe acute, ventral tooth blunt; dorsal margin of mesosoma slightly discontinuous, somewhat straight (mesosoma slightly flattened dorsally), promesonotal junction and metanotal groove discernible by a slight depression (LV) and altered sculpture (DV); propodeal spine long; dorsal margin of petiole continuous, convex; ventral surface with transverse striae from petiole spiracle to posterior end of petiole; irregular, longitudinal and anastomosed striae node dorsum; postpetiole smooth; subpostpetiolar process predominantly smooth, weak, convex; profemur posterior surface and protibia extensor surface smooth; striation on tergum of first gastral segment restricted to base, very short striae.

QUEEN (first description) (n=3) ( Fig. 56A–C View FIGURE 56 ): HL (1–1.02); HW (0.96–0.97); ML (0.64–0.68); SL (0.72–0.74); MOD (0.24–0.26); PNW (0.78–0.80); WL (1.48–1.51); PSL (0.31–0.34); PL (0.71–0.74); PW (0.28–0.30); PPL (0.36–0.38); PPW (0.42); GL (1.30–1.36); TL (5.49–5.62); CI (95.10–97); SI (74.22–77.08); OI (24.74–26.80). Large-sized. Color, pilosity, and some sculpture characters shared with conspecific workers, only slightly larger. Larger diameter of eye with 12–13 ommatidia. Longitudinal, regular to irregular striae on scutum going from an anterior central point towards transcutal suture, interspaces distinguishable. Longitudinal and mostly irregular striae on anepisternum and katepisternum, interspaces distinguishable. Axilla and scutellum with same sculpture of scutum. Scutoscutellar sulcus inconspicuous. Transverse striae on propodeum (DV). Irregular striae on mesosoma lateral directed in part to propodeal dorsum and in part to propodeal spine, interspaces distinguishable. Wings unknown.

MALE Unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet is in reference to the montane distribution of this species.

Comments. This species is easily distinguished from almost all of its congeners, but it is very similar to H. lispectorae regarding the shape of mesosoma, and the sculpture and shape of the procoxa, petiole, postpetiole, and gaster. The two species are sympatric, co-occuring in two Ecuadorian localities: Centro Científico Río Palenque, and 4 km E of Santo Domingo de los Colorados ( Figs. 83 View FIGURE 83 , 84 View FIGURE 84 ). Hylomyrma montana can be distinguished from H. lispectorae (characteristic in parentheses) by the dorsum of head and mesosoma with irregular striae of uniform thickness with interspaces distinguishable (vs. vermicular striae of variable thickness with interspaces indistinguishable), and the somewhat straight dorsal margin of mesosoma (vs. notably convex).

The morphological variation displayed by H. montana is associated with the presence of intercastes. Three specimens have an inconspicuous central ocellus, and a more pronounced depression on the metanotal groove. Two specimens (#17842, #17840) from Chiriqui-Bocas del Toro, Panama, have more queen-like traits, as larger bodies [HL (1); HW (0.94–0.98); ML (0.58–0.62); SL (0.68–0.70); MOD (0.22–0.23); PNW (0.25–0.26); WL (1.32–1.34); PSL (0.30–0.31); PL (0.64–0.65); PW (0.25–0.26); PPL (0.36); PPW (0.35–0.38); GL (1.18–1.30); TL (5.09–5.26)], the presence of three ocelli, the well-marked promesonotal suture, the differentiated mesonotum (scutum, transcutal suture, prescutellum, and scutellum) and metanotum.

Distribution. Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Panama ( Fig. 83 View FIGURE 83 ).

Natural history. This species inhabits wet forest sites at elevations between 29 and 1800 m. Specimens are frequently found in leaf-litter samples, which suggests that nests are located in leaf-litter, fallen logs, rotten wood, or inside natural cavities of the superficial soil layers. Except for the presence of intercastes, there is no further information available regarding the biology of H. montana .

Additional material examined (40 workers, 15 queens, 5 intercastes): COSTA RICA: Heredia: 16km SSE La Virgem , 10.26877 -84.08531 + 200m, 1110m, 1.iv.2001, ALAS #11/WF/01/all montane wet forest, ex sifted leaf litter (2I) [ MZSP]. GoogleMaps ECUADOR: Cotopaxi: Otonga , 00°25′S, 79°00′W, 2AUG1977, L. Tapia & P. Ponce, ex monte, B5, QCAZ I 26128 (1Q) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; same except MN008I, LL4-P2WI (1Q) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; [Los Rios]: Rio Palenque, Univ. Miami Res. Sta. , 29July.1978, G.J. Umphrey (1W) (MCZENT00525538) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; Agosto/Septiembre, 1977, 55235, Bosque primario, cuad.cerr, QCAZ I 114015 (1Q) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; Pichincha: Centr. Cient. R. Palenque , 4.i.1981, Sonia Sandoval col., Bosque primario cerrado, 196 (1Q) [ IHVL] GoogleMaps ; same except 28.ii.1981, 279 (1Q) [ IHVL] GoogleMaps ; 4km E Santo Domingo de los Colorados , 8.vii.1976, S. & J. Peck (2Q) (MCZENT00524645, MCZENT00524644) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; 4km E Santo Domingo de los Colorados , 520m, 22 June 1975, rainfor., B-304, S. & J. Peck (2W) (MCZENT00524657, MCZENT00524665) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; same data (1W) (MZCENT00524664) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; 20-30km ENE Alluriquin on Chiriboga Rd., 1400-1800m, moss for., B301, 1975, S. & J. Peck (1W 1Q) (MCZENT00524672, MCZENT00524671) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; Otongachi , 850m, 0°18′49″S, 78°57′15″W, 04SEP2009, G. Ramón, KT-601, LL8W14 (2W) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; same except KT-1668, LL8W7 (2W) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; KT-691, LL8W1 (1W) (MZHY213) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; KT-691, LL8W1 (1W) [ IHVL] GoogleMaps ; 04-AUG-2008, D. Donoso, KT-1270, LL6-W2 (2W 1Q) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; 03AUG2011, G. Ramón, VD-604, LL12-PF18 (1Q) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; 06AUG2009, G. Ramón, KT-1055, GR-018 (1Q) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; Tinalandia, 16km SE S. Domingo de los Colorados, 5.vi.1976, S. & J. Peck (5W) (MCZENT00524687, MZCENT00525525, MZCENT00524685, MZCENT00525526, MZCENT00524686) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; same data (1W) (MZCENT00525527) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; same except 4.vi.1976 (1W) (MCZENT00525483) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; 680m, B-300, (1W 1Q) ( MIZA0021697 About MIZA , MIZA0021698 About MIZA ) [ MIZA] GoogleMaps ; 680m (1Q) ( MIZA0021700 About MIZA ) [ MIZA] GoogleMaps ; Río Toachi , 900m, 0.3304033°S, 78.9413833W, 05.Sep.2003, D. Donoso, KT-786, N.O W LL-1, 19/26 (2W, one covered with gold) ( MZSP67433 View Materials ) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; same except LL1P11W48h, xc275, QCAZ I 59348 View Materials (1W 1Q) [ MZSP]. GoogleMaps PANAMA: Chiriqui-Bocas del Toro : Cont. Div., 9.vi.95, R. Anderson, #17845 (2W) MZSP] GoogleMaps ; same data (1W) [ UTEP] GoogleMaps ; (2W) [ DZUP] GoogleMaps ; same except #17842 (8W 1I) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; #17840 (2I) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; La Fortuna area, 9.v.95, R. Anderson, #17846 (1W 1Q) ( MZSP67406 View Materials ) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; Veraguas: 6.1k N Santa Fe, Cerro Tute , 1220m, 13.vi.1996, litter extr., wet cloud for., R. Anderson, #17893 (1W) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; same except #17891 (1W) [ UTEP] GoogleMaps .

Hylomyrma montana Pierce, Branstetter & Longino, 2017

Figures 55 View FIGURE 55 , 56 View FIGURE 56 , 83 View FIGURE 83 (map)

Hylomyrma montana Pierce, Branstetter & Longino, 2017: 138 (W). Holotype: COSTA RICA: Limón: Cerro Platano   GoogleMaps , 9.86732 –83.24131 ± 20 m, 1130 m [a.s.l.], 18 June 2015, [Project] ADMAC [collection code] #Wm-E-03-1-01, cloud forest, ex sifted leaf litter (1W) (CASENT0637306) [CASC] [examined by image]. Paratypes: same data as holotype (1W) (CASENT0638686) [MCZC] [not examined]; (1W) (CASENT0638689) [UCD] [not examined]; (1W) (CASENT0638690) [UCR] [not examined]; (1W) (CASENT0638691) [USNM] [not examined]; (7W) (CASENT0638721, CASENT0638702, CASENT0638694, CASENT0638692, CASENT0638699, CASENT0638696, CASENT0638695) [JTLC] [not examined]; (1W) (CASENT0638719 MZSP67405 View Materials ) [MZSP] [examined].

Worker ( Fig. 55A–C View FIGURE 55 ) Diagnosis. Regular and longitudinal striae on head dorsum diverge towards posterior margin, interspaces between thicker striae filled with thinner striae; regular and irregular striae on mesosoma assuming multiple directions, interspaces smooth; dorsal tooth of propodeal lobe acute, ventral tooth blunt; dorsal margin of mesosoma slightly discontinuous, somewhat straight (mesosoma slightly flattened dorsally), promesonotal junction and metanotal groove discernible by a slight depression (LV) and altered sculpture (DV); propodeal spine long; dorsal margin of petiole continuous, convex; ventral surface with transverse striae from petiole spiracle to posterior end of petiole; irregular, longitudinal and anastomosed striae node dorsum; postpetiole smooth; subpostpetiolar process predominantly smooth, weak, convex; profemur posterior surface and protibia extensor surface smooth; striation on tergum of first gastral segment restricted to base, very short striae.

QUEEN (first description) (n=3) ( Fig. 56A–C View FIGURE 56 ): HL (1–1.02); HW (0.96–0.97); ML (0.64–0.68); SL (0.72–0.74); MOD (0.24–0.26); PNW (0.78–0.80); WL (1.48–1.51); PSL (0.31–0.34); PL (0.71–0.74); PW (0.28–0.30); PPL (0.36–0.38); PPW (0.42); GL (1.30–1.36); TL (5.49–5.62); CI (95.10–97); SI (74.22–77.08); OI (24.74–26.80). Large-sized. Color, pilosity, and some sculpture characters shared with conspecific workers, only slightly larger. Larger diameter of eye with 12–13 ommatidia. Longitudinal, regular to irregular striae on scutum going from an anterior central point towards transcutal suture, interspaces distinguishable. Longitudinal and mostly irregular striae on anepisternum and katepisternum, interspaces distinguishable. Axilla and scutellum with same sculpture of scutum. Scutoscutellar sulcus inconspicuous. Transverse striae on propodeum (DV). Irregular striae on mesosoma lateral directed in part to propodeal dorsum and in part to propodeal spine, interspaces distinguishable. Wings unknown.

MALE Unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet is in reference to the montane distribution of this species.

Comments. This species is easily distinguished from almost all of its congeners, but it is very similar to H. lispectorae regarding the shape of mesosoma, and the sculpture and shape of the procoxa, petiole, postpetiole, and gaster. The two species are sympatric, co-occuring in two Ecuadorian localities: Centro Científico Río Palenque, and 4 km E of Santo Domingo de los Colorados ( Figs. 83 View FIGURE 83 , 84 View FIGURE 84 ). Hylomyrma montana can be distinguished from H. lispectorae (characteristic in parentheses) by the dorsum of head and mesosoma with irregular striae of uniform thickness with interspaces distinguishable (vs. vermicular striae of variable thickness with interspaces indistinguishable), and the somewhat straight dorsal margin of mesosoma (vs. notably convex).

The morphological variation displayed by H. montana is associated with the presence of intercastes. Three specimens have an inconspicuous central ocellus, and a more pronounced depression on the metanotal groove. Two specimens (#17842, #17840) from Chiriqui-Bocas del Toro, Panama, have more queen-like traits, as larger bodies [HL (1); HW (0.94–0.98); ML (0.58–0.62); SL (0.68–0.70); MOD (0.22–0.23); PNW (0.25–0.26); WL (1.32–1.34); PSL (0.30–0.31); PL (0.64–0.65); PW (0.25–0.26); PPL (0.36); PPW (0.35–0.38); GL (1.18–1.30); TL (5.09–5.26)], the presence of three ocelli, the well-marked promesonotal suture, the differentiated mesonotum (scutum, transcutal suture, prescutellum, and scutellum) and metanotum.

Distribution. Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Panama ( Fig. 83 View FIGURE 83 ).

Natural history. This species inhabits wet forest sites at elevations between 29 and 1800 m. Specimens are frequently found in leaf-litter samples, which suggests that nests are located in leaf-litter, fallen logs, rotten wood, or inside natural cavities of the superficial soil layers. Except for the presence of intercastes, there is no further information available regarding the biology of H. montana .

Additional material examined (40 workers, 15 queens, 5 intercastes): COSTA RICA: Heredia: 16km SSE La Virgem , 10.26877 -84.08531 + 200m, 1110m, 1.iv.2001, ALAS #11/WF/01/all montane wet forest, ex sifted leaf litter (2I) [ MZSP]. GoogleMaps ECUADOR: Cotopaxi: Otonga , 00°25′S, 79°00′W, 2AUG1977, L. Tapia & P. Ponce, ex monte, B5, QCAZ I 26128 (1Q) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; same except MN008I, LL4-P2WI (1Q) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; [Los Rios]: Rio Palenque, Univ. Miami Res. Sta. , 29July.1978, G.J. Umphrey (1W) (MCZENT00525538) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; Agosto/Septiembre, 1977, 55235, Bosque primario, cuad.cerr, QCAZ I 114015 (1Q) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; Pichincha: Centr. Cient. R. Palenque , 4.i.1981, Sonia Sandoval col., Bosque primario cerrado, 196 (1Q) [ IHVL] GoogleMaps ; same except 28.ii.1981, 279 (1Q) [ IHVL] GoogleMaps ; 4km E Santo Domingo de los Colorados , 8.vii.1976, S. & J. Peck (2Q) (MCZENT00524645, MCZENT00524644) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; 4km E Santo Domingo de los Colorados , 520m, 22 June 1975, rainfor., B-304, S. & J. Peck (2W) (MCZENT00524657, MCZENT00524665) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; same data (1W) (MZCENT00524664) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; 20-30km ENE Alluriquin on Chiriboga Rd., 1400-1800m, moss for., B301, 1975, S. & J. Peck (1W 1Q) (MCZENT00524672, MCZENT00524671) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; Otongachi , 850m, 0°18′49″S, 78°57′15″W, 04SEP2009, G. Ramón, KT-601, LL8W14 (2W) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; same except KT-1668, LL8W7 (2W) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; KT-691, LL8W1 (1W) (MZHY213) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; KT-691, LL8W1 (1W) [ IHVL] GoogleMaps ; 04-AUG-2008, D. Donoso, KT-1270, LL6-W2 (2W 1Q) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; 03AUG2011, G. Ramón, VD-604, LL12-PF18 (1Q) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; 06AUG2009, G. Ramón, KT-1055, GR-018 (1Q) [ UTLP] GoogleMaps ; Tinalandia, 16km SE S. Domingo de los Colorados, 5.vi.1976, S. & J. Peck (5W) (MCZENT00524687, MZCENT00525525, MZCENT00524685, MZCENT00525526, MZCENT00524686) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; same data (1W) (MZCENT00525527) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; same except 4.vi.1976 (1W) (MCZENT00525483) [ MCZC] GoogleMaps ; 680m, B-300, (1W 1Q) ( MIZA0021697 About MIZA , MIZA0021698 About MIZA ) [ MIZA] GoogleMaps ; 680m (1Q) ( MIZA0021700 About MIZA ) [ MIZA] GoogleMaps ; Río Toachi , 900m, 0.3304033°S, 78.9413833W, 05.Sep.2003, D. Donoso, KT-786, N.O W LL-1, 19/26 (2W, one covered with gold) ( MZSP67433 View Materials ) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; same except LL1P11W48h, xc275, QCAZ I 59348 View Materials (1W 1Q) [ MZSP]. GoogleMaps PANAMA: Chiriqui-Bocas del Toro : Cont. Div., 9.vi.95, R. Anderson, #17845 (2W) MZSP] GoogleMaps ; same data (1W) [ UTEP] GoogleMaps ; (2W) [ DZUP] GoogleMaps ; same except #17842 (8W 1I) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; #17840 (2I) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; La Fortuna area, 9.v.95, R. Anderson, #17846 (1W 1Q) ( MZSP67406 View Materials ) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; Veraguas: 6.1k N Santa Fe, Cerro Tute , 1220m, 13.vi.1996, litter extr., wet cloud for., R. Anderson, #17893 (1W) [ MZSP] GoogleMaps ; same except #17891 (1W) [ UTEP] GoogleMaps .

Pierce, M. P, Branstetter, M. G. & Longino, J. T. (2017) Integrative taxonomy reveals multiple cryptic species within Central American Hylomyrma Forel, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological News, 25, 131 - 143.

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FIGURE 53. Holotype worker of Hylomyrma mitiae (MZSP67401). A) frontal view; B) dorsal view; C) lateral view. Photos by Gabriel Biffi.

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FIGURE 54. Paratype queen of Hylomyrma mitiae (MZSP67402). A) frontal view; B) dorsal view; C) lateral view. Photos by Gabriel Biffi.

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FIGURE 55. Holotype worker of Hylomyrma montana (CASENT0637306). A) frontal view; B) dorsal view; C) lateral view. Photos by Michele Esposito, available from www.antweb.org.

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FIGURE 56. Queen of Hylomyrma montana (MZSP67406). A) frontal view; B) dorsal view; C) lateral view. Photos by M.A. Ulysséa.

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FIGURE 80. Types of setae found in the species of Hylomyrma. Unbranched setae: A) Hylomyrma adelae, H. blandiens, H. macielae; B) H. immanis; C) H. marielleae. Branched setae: D) H. dentiloba, H. lispectorae, H. mitiae, H. peetersi, H. virginiae; E) H. balzani, H. lopesi; F) H. blandiens, H. jeronimae, H. versuta; G) H. dolichops; H) H. transversa; I) H. longiscapa; J) H. balzani, H. lopesi, H. primavesi, H. reitteri, H. versuta; K) H. plumosa.

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FIGURE 81. Queen’s wings. A) Hylomyrma balzani (MZSP67324); B) H. reitteri (MZSP67431); C) H. versuta (MEXICO: VeraCr.: Pueblo Nuevo, nr. Tetzonapa, Aug.14 -53, E.O. Wilson, 221, rain forest [MCZC]); D) H. longiscapa (MZSP67352); E) H. lispectorae (MZSP67348); F) H. adelae paratype (MZSP67316); G) H. dentiloba (MZSP67319); H) H. mitiae paratype (MZSP67402). Venation: costa (C), radial (R), radial sector (Rs), media (M), cubitus (Cu), anal (A), radial-subcosta (R+Sc), media-cubitus (M+Cu), cubitus-anal crossvein (cu-a), first media-cubitus crossvein (1m-cu), radial sector-media 1 (Rs+M1), radial sector-media 2 (Rs+M2), second radial-radial sector crossvein (2r-rs), radial-subcosta (R+Sc), media-first radial sectormedia (M+1rs-m), submarginal 1+2 (2rs-m). Cells: basal (B), sub-basal (BS), discal (D), sub-marginal 1 (SM1), marginal (M), sub-marginal 2 (SM2).

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FIGURE 83. Distribution records of Hylomyrma adelae, H. dandarae, H. longiscapa, H. montana, and H. sagax.

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FIGURE 84. Distribution records of Hylomyrma balzani, H. blandiens, H. jeronimae, and H. lispectorae.

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FIGURE 87. Distribution records of Hylomyrma dolichops, and H. mitiae.

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FIGURE 89. Distribution records of Hylomyrma lopesi, H. margaridae, H. peetersi, H. transversa, and H. virginiae.


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museo del Instituto de Zoologia Agricola Francisco Fernandez Yepez


University of Texas at El Paso Biodiversity Collections











