Meleonoma dorsidentata, Zhu & Wang, 2024

Zhu, Xiaoju & Wang, Shuxia, 2024, Six new species of the genus Meleonoma Meyrick, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae) from China, Zootaxa 5536 (3), pp. 465-474 : 468-470

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5536.3.6

publication LSID


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scientific name

Meleonoma dorsidentata

sp. nov.

Meleonoma dorsidentata sp. nov.

( Figs 3 View FIGURES 1−6 , 9 View FIGURES 7−12 , 13 View FIGURES 13−15 )

Type material. CHINA, Yunnan: Holotype ♂, Qinlangdang (27.69°N, 98.27°E), Mt. Gaoligong, Nujiang , 380 m, 28. V.2017, leg. KJ Teng et al., slide No. ZXJ19516 GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 73♂ 21♀, same data as holotype, slide No. ZXJ19517 GoogleMaps ♀; 30♂ 9♀, 29. V.2017, 16♂ 11♀, 30. V.2017, 16♂ 6♀, 31. V.2017, 7♂ 5♀, 1. VI.2017, other same data as holotype GoogleMaps ; 62♂ 18♀, Dulongjiang Town, Gongshan County, Nujiang , 4‒12. VI.2017, leg. KJ Teng et al., slide Nos. ZXJ19523 ♂, ZXJ19525 ♂; Guizhou : 1♂, Kuankuoshui, Suiyang , 1491 m, 8.VII.2019, leg. MR Xing et al .

Diagnosis. M. dorsidentata is similar to M. hirsuta sp. nov. in the forewing pattern, and can be distinguished by the male genitalia as follows: the costal part of the valva has a spine apically on the ventral margin, and the costa bears a denticle apically; in the female genitalia by the ductus seminalis arising from near the anterior end of the ductus bursae. In M. hirsuta sp. nov., the costal part of the valva lacks an apical spine on the ventral margin, the costa lacks an apical denticle, and the ductus seminalis arises from junction of the ductus bursae and the corpus bursae. It is also similar to M. avicapitata sp. nov., and the differences between them can be found in the diagnosis of that species.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1−6 ). Forewing length 5.0–7.0 mm.

Head black, frons mixed with yellow, occiput yellow. Labial palpus black; second segment with yellow scales on inner surface, yellow at apex; third segment yellow distally. Antenna black on dorsal surface, yellow on ventral surface.

Mesonotum and tegula black. Legs yellow, with exceptions on ventral surface: fore- and midlegs black except tibia of foreleg yellow apically, tibia of midleg yellow at middle and apex respectively, tarsi of fore- and midleg yellow at apices of basal two and apical one tarsomeres, femur of hindleg with scattered black scales, tibia dark brown except yellow at middle and apex, tarsus with basal four tarsomeres black except yellow at apices.

Forewing lanceolate, apex rounded; ground color yellow, with black scales, dense black scales forming a black stripe along basal 1/3 of costal margin; median fascia black, extending obliquely from middle of costal margin to tornus; subterminal fascia black extending from distal part of costal margin along termen to fuse with median fascia at tornus; with a small black dot at distal 1/5 of costal margin; plical spot indistinct, composed of a few black scales, at distal 2/5; discal and discocellular spots black, placed at middle and at outer margin of cell respectively, discal spot small, rounded, discocellular spot larger, banded, fused with median fascia; fringe black, with a yellow basal line. Hindwing and fringe deep grey.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7−12 ). Uncus sub-rectangular, setose in distal 2/3. Tegumen narrowed medially, narrowly and uniformly banded laterally, truncate at anterior end. Costal part of valva widened from base to middle, distal half sub-quadrate; ventral margin heavily sclerotized, slightly produced, with a spine apically; costa concave near base, reaching apex of costal margin, with a denticle apically; transtilla clavate, rounded at apex; sacculus wide at base, narrowed to rounded apex, with an elongate willow-leaved setose plate near base. Saccus triangular, longer than uncus. Juxta U-shaped. Phallus longer than costal part of valva, tubular in basal 2/5, distal 3/5 narrow and strongly sclerotized, concave before apex, ending with a spine; one cornutus being a spine dilated and basally with narrow folds.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 13−15 ). Papilla analis sub-rectangular, setose on dorsal surface.Apophysis posterioris approx. 3.0 times as long as apophysis anterioris. Eighth tergite sub-trapezoidal, slightly concave on posterior and anterior margins. Eighth sternal plate with a quadrate median groove, with a triangular plate narrowed to posterolateral corner laterally, lined with long stout setae on posterior margin. Lamella antevaginalis bone-shaped. Antrum fanshaped, narrowed anteriorly. Ductus bursae entirely sclerotized, straight, evenly wide. Corpus bursae sub-rounded, membranous except weakly sclerotized at entrance; signum gemmiform, bilobed at base, tubular distally; ductus seminalis arising from anterior end of corpus bursae.

Distribution. China (Guizhou, Yunnan).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin dors- and dentatus, referring to the costa ending with a denticle.


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