Lemurnyssidae Fain, 1957

Bochkov, Andre V., Zabludovskaya, Svetlana & Oconnor, Barry M., 2008, Phylogeny and systematics of the endoparasitic astigmatid mites (Acari: Sarcoptiformes) of mammals: families Gastronyssidae, Lemurnyssidae, and Pneumocoptidae, Zootaxa 1951 (1), pp. 1-152 : 130-131

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scientific name

Lemurnyssidae Fain, 1957


Family Lemurnyssidae Fain, 1957 View in CoL

Fain 1957a: 470, 1959e: 3, 1964c: 453. Type genus: Lemurnyssus Fain, 1957 .

Diagnosis. ADULTS. Sexual dimorphism weakly expressed. Males smaller than females. Gnathosoma in terminal position, separated from propodonotal shield and apodemes I. Palpal segments fused to each other, bearing setae dp and v, and solenidion ω; setae da and eupathidia absent. Subcapitulum without ventral projections and setae subc.; setae elc.p. present, distinctly developed, thickened, shorter than palps. Chelicerae modified; fixed digit strongly reduced; movable digit elongated, needle-like, bearing small teeth; other cheliceral structures absent. Idiosoma strongly elongated, 3–5 times longer than wide. Remnant of sejugal furrow indistinct. Supracoxal glands and setae scx absent. Propodonotal shield transversely divided onto prescapular and postscapular shields; propodonotal apodeme absent; paired metapodosomal, and hysteronotal shields present. Opisthosoma distinctly developed. Openings of opisthonotal glands indiscernible. Apodemes I fused, Y-shaped. Apodemes II free. Apodemes III–IV variable in different shape. Median sclerite absent. Coxal fields sclerotized. Genital papillae absent. Anal opening situated terminally. Legs normally developed, with 5 free podomeres. Tibiae and tarsi subequal in length. No projections or folds on leg podomeres. All tarsi bearing distinctly developed or strongly reduced pretarsi. Sclerites of pretarsi indiscernible (reduced). Condylophores (if present) straight. Idiosomal setation (maximum): si, se, c2, cp, cp3, e1, h1, h2, 1a, 3a, 4a, 4b, g, and ps 3 in males. Leg setation (maximum): ba I–II, laI–II, d I–IV, f I–IV, e I–IV, s I–IV, r I–IV, w I–IV, g T I–II, kT III– IV, cG I–II, mG I–II, vF I–II, solenidia ω 1 I–II, ω 3 I, ϕI–IV, and famulus ε.

FEMALE. Bursa copulatrix opening dorsal. Oviporus situated at level of legs III. Epigynum reduced. Posterogynal folds of oviporus distinctly developed, smooth. Median fold with paired sclerites or without sclerites. Opisthogastric shield(s) present.

MALE. Coxal fields distinctly sclerotized but more weakly than in females. Aedeagus situated ventrally at level of legs IV. Post-dorsal apodeme of aedeagus present. Pregenital apodeme weakly developed. Postgenital shield present. Opisthosomal lobes, adanal suckers, and adanal shields absent. Posterior legs not modified. Setae d IV and e IV setiform.

JUVENILE STAGES. Females ovoviviparous. Tritonymph similar to female, other immature stages unknown.

Genera included: Lemurnyssus , Mortelmansia .

Fain, A. (1957 a) Notes sur l'acariase des voies respiratoires chez l'homme et les animaux. Description de deux nouveaux acariens chez un lemurien et des rongeurs. Annales de la Societe Belge de Medicine Tropicale, 37, 469 - 482.

Fain, A. (1959 e) Deux nouveaux acariens nasicoles chez un singe platyrrhinien Saimiri sciurea (L.) (Lemurnyssidae: Sarcoptiformes). Bulletin de la Societe Royale de Zoologie d'Anvers, 12, 3 - 12.

Fain, A. (1964 c) Les Lemurnyssidae parasites nasicoles des Lorisidae africains et des Cebidae sud-americains. Description d'une espece nouvelle (Acarina: Sarcoptiformes). Annales de la Societe Belge de Medicine Tropicale, 44, 453 - 458.