Opsonyssus pteropodi Bochkov, 2008

Bochkov, Andre V., Zabludovskaya, Svetlana & Oconnor, Barry M., 2008, Phylogeny and systematics of the endoparasitic astigmatid mites (Acari: Sarcoptiformes) of mammals: families Gastronyssidae, Lemurnyssidae, and Pneumocoptidae, Zootaxa 1951 (1), pp. 1-152 : 73-74

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Felipe (2021-08-21 23:34:12, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 07:10:38)

scientific name

Opsonyssus pteropodi Bochkov


4. Opsonyssus pteropodi Bochkov et OConnor sp. nov.

( Figs. 33 View FIGURE 33 , 37C View FIGURE 37 )

Description. FEMALE (holotype). Body, including gnathosoma, 375 long (370–385), 205 wide (200–205). Ventral projections of subcapitulum about 35 long, straight, basally angled. Posterior margin of propodonotal shield with median projection. Length of propodonotal shield, including median projection, about 57, maximum width about 70. Setae se 6 long (5–6). Idiosoma dorsally finely and irregularly striated. Alveoli of setae ps3 present; setae c3, and 4b absent. Setae g and h3 represented by alveoli. Setae h2 60 long (58–65). Sternum about 40 long. Lateral projections of sternal branches weakly developed, widely rounded, about 3 long, 15 wide. Foramen present between sternum and fusion of apodemes II. Posterior projections of coxal fields I widely rounded, distinctly developed, about 13 long, 30 wide. Posterior apodemes of coxal fields II about 25 long, with free distal ends. Apodemes of coxal fields III with free distal ends, about 55 long. Epigynum very small, about 6 long, 4 wide. Inseminatory canal about 25 long. Apodemes of coxal fields IV with free distal ends, 40 long. Setae g situated above these apodemes. Sclerotized areas between setae h2 and h3 absent. Distance ps3–h3 about 30 long, 2.3 times greater than h3–h2, about 13 long. Femora I–II with small dorsal lobe at level of seta vF bases; setae vF I–II about 10 long. Trochanters III–IV ventrally with distinctly developed, widely rounded lobes. Setae kT III situated in median part of tibiae.

MALE (5 paratypes). Body, including gnathosoma, 345–355 long, 170–180 wide. Ventral projections of subcapitulum 37–40 long, slightly curved, situated laterally. Propodonotum as in female. Propodonotal shield length about 45, including median projection, maximum width 75. Setae se 5–6 long. Idiosoma dorsally finely and irregularly striated. Alveoli of setae ps2 and microspines ps3 present; setae c3 and 4b absent. Setae g and h3 represented by microspines. Setae h2 60–65 long. Sternum about 40 long. Lateral projections of sternal branches weakly developed, widely rounded, about 3 long, 18 wide. Posterior projections of coxal fields I widely rounded, distinctly developed, about 13 long, 25 wide. Foramen between sternum and fusion of apodemes II present. Posterior apodemes of coxal fields II about 33 long, with free distal ends. Apodemes of coxal fields III with free distal ends, about 35 long. Pregenital sclerite about 5 long, 25 wide. Aedeagus about 27 long. Apodemes of coxal fields IV about 30 long. Adanal shields fused to each other, bearing setae h3, ps2 and ps3. Femora I–II with small dorsal lobe at level of seta vF bases; setae vF I–II about 9 long. Trochanters III–IV ventrally with distinctly developed, widely rounded lobes. Setae kT III situated in median part of tibiae.

TRITONYMPH. Idiosomal setae c2, 4a, and g absent, delayed to adult.

Type material examined. Female holotype, 4 female, 2 male, and 1 tritonymph paratypes ( HK 87-0421- 001) from Pteropus hypomelanus Temminck (Pteropodidae) ( USNM 458433) [eyes], PHILIPPINES: Leyte Prov., Maripipi Isl., 1.8 km N, 3 km W Maripipi, 11°47'N, 124°18'E, 740 m, 21 April 1987, P.D. Heideman ( PDH 3403); 1 female paratype ( HK 87-0423-001) [eye], same host ( USNM 458434) and region, Vega, 3.5 km N, 3.5 km W Maripipi, 11°48'13"N, 124°18'26"E, 50m, 23 April 1987, P.D. Heideman ( PDH 3441).

Type deposition. Holotype is deposited in USNM, paratypes in NMP, UMMZ.

Host range and distribution. This species is known only from the type host Pteropus hypomelanius from the Philippines .

Etymology. The species name is derived from the generic name of the host and is a noun in the genitive case.

Remarks. This new species is close to O. brutaertsi , O. b. indicus , O. pseudoindicus , and O. eidoloni . In all these species setae c3 are absent, the propodonotal shield has a median posterior projection, apodemes III have free distal ends, setae f2 are absent, and setae ps2 of males are present. O. pteropodi sp. nov. differs from the other three species in both sexes by the absence of setae 4b and by the weakly developed lateral lobes of the sternal branches.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 33. Opsonyssus pteropodi Bochkov et OConnor sp. nov., female (A, B). A, ventral view; B, propodonotum. Male (C, D). C, opisthosoma in ventral view; D, aedeagus. Scale bars: 100 µm (A–C), 50 µm (D).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 37. Opsonyssus spp., immature instars. O. klompeni Bochkov et OConnor sp. nov., (A, B). A, larva; B, opisthosoma of protonymph in ventral view. O. pteropodi Bochkov et OConnor sp. nov., C, tritonymph in ventral view.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History