Gastronyssinae Fain, 1959

Bochkov, Andre V., Zabludovskaya, Svetlana & Oconnor, Barry M., 2008, Phylogeny and systematics of the endoparasitic astigmatid mites (Acari: Sarcoptiformes) of mammals: families Gastronyssidae, Lemurnyssidae, and Pneumocoptidae, Zootaxa 1951 (1), pp. 1-152 : 36

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Felipe (2021-08-21 23:34:12, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 07:10:38)

scientific name

Gastronyssinae Fain, 1959


Subfamily Gastronyssinae Fain, 1959

Fain 1959a: 3; 1964b: 40, 1972: 71.

Type genus: Gastronyssus Fain, 1955 .

Diagnosis. ADULTS. Gnathosoma in terminal position, separated from propodonotal shield and apodemes I or in ventral position, fused with propodonotal shield. Subcapitulum with or without ventral projections. Setae subc. present or absent. Setae elc.p. present or absent, stick-like if present. Idiosoma slightly elongated, 2–2.5 times longer than wide or vermiform. Idiosomal dorsum and opisthosomal venter with or without transverse striations. Anterior apices of apodemes I fused or not with propodonotal shield or gnathosomal branches (in Gastronyssus ). Apodemes II–IV shaped differently. Median part of idiosomal venter with or without sclerotization. Median transverse sclerite present or absent. Coxal fields I with or without membranous posterior projections. Folds posterior to coxal fields II present or absent. Anal opening situated ventrally or terminally. Projections or folds on leg podomeres present or absent. Coxal fields sclerotized or not. Tarsi of legs I–II distinctly shorter than respective tibiae. Pretarsi absent or present but strongly reduced on legs III–IV. Setae cp, ba I–II, and pR I–II absent. Setae e I–II situated dorsally or antiaxially, represented by alveoli, microsetae or spines; e III–IV present or absent, if present displaced dorsally, represented by alveoli.

FEMALE. Posterogynal folds of oviporus distinctly developed, smooth or ornamented. Median fold with paired sclerites or without sclerites. Opisthogastric shield absent, or its sclerotized remnants present.

MALE. Postgenital and adanal shields present or absent. Setae g variously positioned.

Tribes included: monobasic Gastronyssini and Phyllostomonyssini , and Rodhainyssini with 5 genera.

Fain, A. (1955) Un acarien remarquable vivant dans l'estomac d'une chauve-souris: Gastronyssus bakeri n. g., n. sp. Annales de la Societe Belge de Medicine Tropicale, 35, 681 - 688.

Fain, A. (1959 a) La famille Gastronyssidae Fain, 1956. Description de deux nouvelles especes chez des chauves-souris asiatiques (Acarina: Sarcoptiformes). Bulletin de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 35, 1 - 22.

Fain, A. (1964 b) Chaetotaxie et classification des Gastronyssidae avec description d'un nouveau genre parasite nasicole d'un ecureuil sudafricain (Acarina: Sarcoptiformes). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique africaines, 70, 40 - 52.