Gibbosaverruca Young, 2002

Young, Paulo S., 2002, Revision of the Verrucidae (Crustacea, Cirripedia) from the Atlantic Ocean studied by Abel Gruvel (Travailleur and Talisman scientific expeditions), Zoosystema 24 (4), pp. 771-797 : 792-794

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Felipe (2021-02-09 13:39:32, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-29 20:23:37)

scientific name

Gibbosaverruca Young, 2002


Genus Gibbosaverruca Young, 2002 View in CoL View at ENA

Gibbosaverruca nitida ( Hoek, 1883) ( Figs 18-20 View FIG View FIG View FIG )

Verruca nitida Hoek, 1883: 138 , pl. 12, figs 6, 7.

Verruca trisulcata – Foster & Buckeridge 1995b: 363, fig. 9a, b [non Metaverruca trisulcata ( Gruvel, 1900) ].

Gibbosaverruca nitida – Young 2002: 20.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — La Réunion. Cruise MD 32, stn DC 10, 21.133°S, 55.520°E, 930-980 m, 2 spec. rc 4.5 and 4.6 mm ( MNHN Ci 2186). — Stn CP 140, 20.412°S, 55.382°E, 1612-1690 m, 1 spec. rc 4.8 mm ( MNHN Ci 2267) (identified as Verruca trisulcata by Foster & Buckeridge [1995b]). DESCRIPTION

Shell ( Fig. 18 View FIG ) white, opercular valves inclined toward base of wall, with growth lines prominent

on all plates; shell plates with rough longitudinal ridges, especially on carina; basal margin not thickened. Cuticle not persistent on wall and opercular valves. Rostrum-carina suture indentated.

Rostrum ( Fig. 18 View FIG ) nearly rectangular, with two or three articular ridges, apex slightly projected, straight. Carina ( Fig. 18 View FIG ) elongated, higher than rostrum, with three articular ridges; apex slightly

to strongly projected, straight. Tergum ( Fig. 18 View FIG ) quadrangular, with three articular ridges, axial ridge prominent as wide as intermediate ridge;

and a small ridge marginal to occludent margin, with a conspicuous depression below; carinal area smooth. Scutum ( Fig. 18 View FIG ) slightly smaller than tergum, strongly recurved backwards and toward tergum; with three articular ridges; axial ridge conspicuous, but well-marked at tergal border,

and curving continuously to rostral surface; other ridges wide; rostral area smooth, apex strongly curved toward tergum.

Labrum ( Fig. 19A View FIG ) with a series of about 70teeth, in groups of two to four teeth. Palp

Revision of Verrucidae ( Crustacea, Cirripedia) studied by Gruvel

( Fig. 19A View FIG ) long and thin, with few simple setae on margins and distal region. Mandible ( Fig. 19B View FIG ) with three teeth, distance between first and second a little larger than distance between second and third; lower angle denticulate. Maxilla I ( Fig. 19C View FIG ) with lower part projecting; two large spines at upper angle, two small spines between upper large spines and lower projected part, and five unpaired intermediate and three small spines on basal portion. Maxilla II ( Fig. 19D View FIG ) triangular, anterior margin with shallow concavity medially; covered by long simple setae, except on the shallow concavity. Cirrus I ( Fig. 20A View FIG ) with unequal rami, anterior ramus shorter than posterior, 0.6 length of posterior, covered with several long simple setae. Cirrus II ( Fig. 20B View FIG ) with anterior ramus about 0.4 length of posterior, articles more protuberant; both rami covered by numerous long, simple setae, and distal articles of anterior ramus with pinnate and bipectinate setae ( Fig. 20C View FIG ). Rami of cirri III-VI equal in length ( Fig. 20E View FIG ). Setal-article ratio about 6:1. Intermediate articles of cirrus VI ( Fig. 20D View FIG ) with width 0.7 length; two pairs of setae on anterior margin and a thin small setula between lower pair, longer setae finely pinnate; two or three fine simple setae on posterior angle. Caudal appendage ( Fig. 20E View FIG ) with 19 articles, three times length of protopodite; long simple setae on antero-distal margins of articles. Penis long, twice length of protopodite, clothed by thin setulae at mid-distal portion. Number of articles of cirri I-VI and caudal appendage is presented in Table 6.


Foster & Buckeridge (1995b) recorded Verruca trisulcata from La Réunion, which was known previously from the Northeastern Atlantic: Morocco, Azores, Canary, and Cape Verde islands. Young (1998a) commented on this discrepancy in the distribution record and suspected there was another species. Of the three samples cited by Foster & Buckeridge (1995b), I could find only two in the MNHN collection: cruise MD32, stn DC 10 and stn CP 140. A reexamination of these samples from La Réunion confirmed it is Gibbosaverruca nitida . G. nitida occurs only in the Indo-West Pacific ( Hoek 1883, 1913; Rosell 1981; Ren 1984; Buckeridge 1994, 1997) and this record is included in its geographic distribution.


BUCKERIDGE J. S. 1994. - Cirripedia Thoracica: Verrucomorpha of New Caledonia, Indonesia, Wallis and Futuna Islands, in CROSNIER A. (ed.), Resultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, volume 12. Memoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle 161: 87 - 125.

BUCKERIDGE J. S. 1997. - Cirripedia Thoracica: New ranges and species of Verrucomorpha from the Indian and Southwest Pacific Oceans, in CROSNIER A. (ed.), Resultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, volume 18. Memoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle 176: 125 - 149.

FOSTER B. A. & BUCKERIDGE J. S. 1995 b. - Barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica) of seas off Reunion Island and East Indies. Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle ser. 4, 16: 345 - 382.

GRUVEL A. 1900. - Sur les especes nouvelles du genre Verruca provenants du Talisman . Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle 6: 242 - 244.

HOEK P. P. C. 1883. - Report on the Cirripedia collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 - 76. Reports of the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, Zoology part 25, 8: 1 - 169, 13 pls.

HOEK P. P. C. 1913. - The Cirripedia of the Siboga Expedition. B. Cirripedia Sessilia. Siboga Expeditie 31 b: 129 - 275, pls 11 - 27.

REN X. 1984. - Studies on Chinese Cirripedia (Crustacea). IV. Family Verrucidae. Studia marina sinica 23: 165 - 179, pls. 1 - 2 (in Chinese).

ROSELL N. C. 1981. - Crustacea: Cirripedia, in Resultats des Campagnes MUSORSTOM, volume 1. Phillipines. Memoires ORSTOM 9: 277 - 307.

YOUNG P. S. 1998 a. - Cirripedia (Crustacea) from the Campagne Biacores in the Azores region, including a generic revision of Verrucidae. Zoosystema 20 (1): 31 - 92.

YOUNG P. S. 2002. - The Verrucidae from the Western coast of North America, with a revision on the genus Altiverruca. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 60: 5 - 40.

Gallery Image

FIG. 18. — Gibbosaverruca nitida (Hoek, 1883); A, specimen from La Réunion, cruise MD32, stn DC 10 (MNHN Ci 2186), rostro-carinal

Gallery Image

FIG. 19. — Gibbosaverruca nitida (Hoek, 1883), specimen from La Réunion, cruise MD32, stn DC 10 (MNHN Ci 2186); A, labrum and palp; B, mandible; C, maxilla I; D, maxilla II. Scale bar: 0.2 mm.

Gallery Image

FIG. 20. — Gibbosaverruca nitida (Hoek, 1883), specimen from La Réunion, cruise MD32, stn DC 10 (MNHN Ci 2186); A, cirrus I; B, cirrus II; C, distal article of anterior ramus of cirrus II; D, median article of cirrus VI; E, cirrus VI and caudal appendage. Scale bars: A, B, E, 0.5 mm; C, 0.1 mm; D, 0.2 mm.


Museum Donaueschingen


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute









