Lygephila lubrosa orbonaria Stshetkin YuL & Stshetkin YuYu, 1994 [1997]

Pekarsky, Oleg, 2014, Taxonomic studies of the Lygephila lubrica (Freyer, 1842) species complex with notes on other species in the genus (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Toxocampinae), ZooKeys 452, pp. 107-129 : 114

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ZooKeys by Pensoft (2015-12-27 19:39:06, last updated 2022-11-11 09:39:13)

scientific name

Lygephila lubrosa orbonaria Stshetkin YuL & Stshetkin YuYu, 1994 [1997]


Lygephila lubrosa orbonaria Stshetkin YuL & Stshetkin YuYu, 1994 [1997] (TL: SW Tajikistan, "Tigrovaya balka" reserve) Figs 19, 20

Type material examined.

Neotype (here designated) male, Tajikistan, down stream of Planj river, "Tigrovaya Balka" reserve, 1-5.08.2006, leg. V. Gurko, slide No. JB1218m (coll. P. Gyulai, will be deposited in HNHM Budapest).

Additional material examined.

1 ♂, S. Tajikistan, down stream of Pianj riv., "Tigrovaya Balka" reserve, 1-5.08.2006, V. Gurko lgt., slide No. OP2268m (coll. M. Dvořák).


Described as a subspecies of Lygephila lubrosa . The original description does not contain any information about the genitalia structures. However, the male genitalia show some recognisable differences compared with those of the nominate subspecies.

There is no trustworthy information about the holotype and paratypes of this taxon. According to the information from the Lepidoptera collection of IZIP, Stshetkins’s collection was totally destroyed sometime after the end of the 1990's. Also, there are no corresponding type labels in institute’s collection. To ensure the stability and identification of the taxon it is necessary to designate a neotype of Lygephila lubrosa orbonaria .


Differs from Lygephila lubrosa lubrosa by its smaller size and better marked reniform stigma. In the male genitalia, ssp. orbonaria differs from ssp. lubrosa by its narrower uncus without a medial thickening, and the narrower upper part of valva with more expressed asymmetry.


Wingspan 34-43 mm. The external features, with the exception of the smaller size and somewhat roundish forewing, match those of the nominate subspecies.

Male genitalia (Figs 35, 36). Uncus long, stout, sabre-like, anal tube membranous with oval hardening of tissue - scaphial crown on scaphium and sclerotized fig on subscaphium; valva elongated, wide, with parallel margins in the middle, tapering to apex; clasper digitiform, strong, thickened with wide base, placed subapically, somewhat asymmetrical, left one short, right one longer, almost reaches costa. Aedeagus tubular with narrow, long, acute sclerotised lamina on ventral side of carina. Vesica globular, multidiverticulate, membranous; basal diverticulum small; medial diverticulum large with small lateral hemispherical bulging; 1st terminal diverticulum large, more or less wedge shaped, membranous with cauliflower-like part bearing numerous small pockets; 2nd terminal diverticulum large, cone shaped, scobinated on top; 3rd terminal diverticulum medial sized, bifurcated, Y-shaped; 4th terminal diverticulum large, bilobate, located opposite to 3rd medial diverticulum; terminal tube membranous, as long as aedeagus, opening point of terminal tube located near carina.

Female genitalia. Unknown.


SW Tajikistan, Pianj river valley.











