Esagonatopus perdebilis (R. Perkins)
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Esagonatopus perdebilis (R. Perkins) |
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Esagonatopus perdebilis (R. Perkins) Figs 45, 6
Chalcogonatopus perdebilis Perkins 1907: 27.
Chalcogonatopus perdebilis R. Perkins: Olmi 1982: 313.
Esagonatopus perdebilis (R. Perkins): Olmi 1984: 1497.
Nec Esagonatopus perdebilis (R. Perkins): Malausa et al. 2003: 25.
Nec Esagonatopus perdebilis (R. Perkins): Nusillard et al. 2003: 3.
Nec Esagonatopus perdebilis (R. Perkins): Malausa 2004: 23.
Esagonatopus perdebilis (R. Perkins): Guglielmino and Olmi 2006: 53.
Esagonatopus perdebilis (R. Perkins): Moya-Raygoza and Olmi 2010: 81, 99.
Material examined.
Types:Lectotype (designated by Olmi 1982), female, USA: Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Nogales, 22.ix.1906, A. Koebele coll. (BPBM!); same locality label, female paralectotype (BPBM!). Further specimens examined: MEXICO: Michoacan: 83th Km of road 200 from Lazaro Cardenas to Tecoman, near Huahua (MOLC!). Nayarit: about 10 Km S of San Blas, Matachén, Crocodilario (MOLC!). Nuevo Leon: San Juan, Río San Juan (UCR!). USA.: Georgia (New record): Pike Co. (EMG!). Kansas (New record): Douglas Co., University of Kansas Natural History Reserve (SEMC!). Texas: Brewster Co., Big Bend Nat. Park, Window Trail (CNC!); Presidio Co., Big Bend Ranch SNA, 2.5 mi. SE La Sauceda (TAMU!); Val Verde Co., Seminole Canyon State Park, Rio Grande Trail (TAMU!); Brazos Co., College Station (TAMU!).
Female with meso-metapleural suture obsolete; metanotum laterally not protruding (Fig. 4). Male with notauli posteriorly meeting; dorsal process of parameres very slender and narrow (Fig. 6).
Female: apterous; length 2.9-3.1 mm. Completely yellow-testaceous, except petiole black; antenna yellow, except segments 4-10 or 8-10 darkened. Antenna clavate; antennal segments in following proportions: 7:4.5:11:6:5:5:5:4.5:4:6. Head excavated, shiny, smooth, with vertex without sculpture and anterior region of face and occiput granulated. Palpal formula 6/2. Pronotum crossed by a strong transverse impression, shiny, without sculpture. Scutum shiny, without sculpture, without lateral pointed apophyses. Scutellum flat, without sculpture. Meso-metapleural suture obsolete. Metanotum transversely striate, not hollow behind scutellum. Metathorax + propodeum shiny, without sculpture, without lateral rounded protrusions (Fig. 4). Posterior surface of propodeum strongly transversely striate. Fore tarsal segments in following proportions: 10:2:3:13:19; Enlarged claw (Fig. 5) with a small subapical tooth and a row of 7-9 peg-like bristles. Segment 5 of fore tarsus (Fig. 5) with 1-2 rows of approximately 13-15 lamellae; distal apex with a group of 9-11 lamellae. Tibial spurs 1/0/1.
Male: fully winged; length 1.6 mm. Head black, except mandibles testaceous; antenna brown; mesosoma black; gaster brown-black; legs brown, except articulations, fore tibiae and fore tarsi testaceous. Antenna hairy, filiform; antennal segments in following proportions: 4:4.5:6:5:5:4:4:5:4:7; antennal segment 3 about three times as long as broad (6:2). Head dull, granulated, laterally with two shiny and smooth areas situated between posterior ocelli and eyes and surrounded by very low keels; frontal line absent; occipital carina absent; occiput concave; temples distinct; POL = 4.5; OL = 2; OOL = 3. Palpal formula 6/2. Scutum dull, granulated. Notauli complete, posteriorly meeting. Scutellum and metanotum shiny, very finely punctate, without sculpture among punctures. Propodeum dull, reticulate rugose, without keels. Forewing hyaline, without dark transverse bands; marginal cell open; distal part of stigmal vein longer than proximal part (10:6). Dorsal process of the parameres (Fig. 6) slender, much shorter than parameres, with distal apex broadened. Tibial spurs 1/1/2.
Cicadellidae ( Guglielmino and Olmi 2006): in Mexico, Michoacan: Xyphon sagittifera (Uhler) ( Guglielmino and Olmi 2006; Moya-Raygoza and Olmi 2010). Quotation by Nusillard et al. (2003) and Malausa et al. (2003) in USA, New York, from Scaphoideus titanus Ball wrong because related to testaceous females of Esagonatopus niger (Fenton).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.