Trachylepis Fitzinger, 1843
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Trachylepis Fitzinger, 1843 |
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Genus Trachylepis Fitzinger, 1843 View in CoL
Trachylepis acutilabris (Peters, 1862) WEDGE-SNOUTED SKINK
Euprepes acutilabris Peters 1862a:19 View in CoL . Syntypes: ZMB 4214, 4215, 4216, 64286–90 (formerly ZMB 4214 part), 64348–49 (formerly ZMB 4216 part) fide Bauer et al. (2003) (collector C.H. Hahn) (see notes below). Type locality: “Neu-Barmen” [= Gross Barmen, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia].
Euprepes acutilabris View in CoL : Bocage (1870:68), Peters (1877a:614).
Mabuya acutilabis : Boulenger (1887:208), Bocage (1895a:46), Schmidt (1919:551), Monard (1937b:37), Mertens (1937a:11), Laurent (1947:8, 1954a:65, 1964a:75), Hellmich (1957a:58, 1957b:53), Branch (1998:151).
Trachylepis acutilabris View in CoL : Haacke (2008:90), Ceríaco et al. (2016a:34, 57).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: This species occupies sandy substrates from Cabinda and the western Democratic Republic of Congo, through western Angola continuously through to central Namibia, with several additional scattered populations.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 214): The species occurs in the western Angola , along the coast . Cabinda: “ Chinchoxo ” [-5.10000,
12.10000] ( Peters 1877a:614; Bocage 1895a:
46). Zaire: “Noki” [-5.86667, 13.43333] GoogleMaps
( Schmidt 1919:551-553), “António [do
Congo]” [-6.13333, 12.36667] ( Schmidt GoogleMaps
1919:551-553). Luanda: “ Luanda ” [-8.83333,
13.26667] ( Hellmich 1957a:58). Malanje :
“ Duque de Bragança ” [-9.10000, 15.95000] GoogleMaps
( Bocage 1895a:46). Benguela: “ Plage de Lobito (Restinga)” [-12.33333, 13.50000] ( Laurent GoogleMaps
1954a:65, Laurent 1964a:75); “Lobito”
[-12.35000, 13.55000] ( Monard 1937b:94;
Mertens 1937a:11); “Catumbella” [-12.43333,
13.55000] ( Bocage 1895a:46); “ Benguela ”
[-12.58333, 13.41667] ( Boulenger 1887:208;
Bocage 1895a:46); “Baía dos Elefantes” MAP 214. Distribution of Trachylepis acutilabris in Angola.
[-13.23333, 12.73333] ( Laurent 1947:8);
“Mullet Bay ” [-13.40000, 12.56667] ( Laurent 1947:8); “ Baía Farta” [-12.60000, 13.20000] ( Laurent 1947:8); “ Baía de St. Bras, près Lobito” ( Laurent 1947:8). Namibe: “Cahinde-Ongueira” [-15.48333, 13.36667] ( Hellmich 1957b:53; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Désert de Mossâmedes, 35 km au sud de la ville” [-15.49752, 12.20051] ( Laurent 1964a:75; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “ Rio Coroca” [-15.78333, 12.06667] ( Bocage 1895a:46; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Iona National Park, 3.4 km south-west (by air) of Espinheira, vicinities of Lion Cave” [-16.81514, 12.33714] (Ceríaco et al. 2016a:34); “Iona National Park, car wreck 20 km south-west (by air) of Espinheira” [-16.93161, 12.24595] (Ceríaco et al. 2016a:34); “Namibe-Lubango road, road marker 59, 1.8 km (by road) of Caraculo, north side of the road” [-15.01647, 12.64267] (Ceríaco et al. 2016a:34); Pico Azevedo [-15.53400, 12.49197] (Ceríaco et al. 2016a:34). Undetermined Locality: “Carangigo” ( Boulenger 1887:208; Bocage 1895a:46).
Taxonomic and distributional notes: Previously placed in the genus Mabuya , typical skinks from the Afro-Malagasy region were assigned to Trachylepis Fitzinger, 1843 by Bauer (2003). The species appears to vary little morphologically across its extensive range. Additional possible syntypes include MNHN 1471 ( Brygoo 1985), BMNH–3, 1935.2.8.9, 1946.8.19.19 ( Boulenger 1887), and MCZ R-21037–38. (Barbour and Loveridge 1929). As discussed by Bauer et al. (2003), the type series for this species was large, and it is likely that there are numerous specimens outside Berlin that may have syntype status.
Trachylepis affinis ( Gray, 1838) View in CoL SENEGAL SKINK
Tiliqua affinis Gray 1838:289 View in CoL . Holotype: BMNH 1946.8 .18.21 (formerly BMNH xiv.92a) (collector unknown). Type locality: Not stated.
Euprepes Blandingii : Bocage (1866a:44), Peters (1877a:614).
Mabuia Raddonii : Bocage (1895a:40).
Mabuia raddonii : Boulenger (1887:165).
Mabuya radoni : Ferreira (1903:14), Parker (1936:138), Hellmich (1957b:55).
Mabuya affinis : Hoogmoed (1974:6).
Euprepis affinis : Mausfeld-Lafdhiya et al. (2004:159).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: The species is a widespread species complex distributed across all of western Africa, from Sénegal to Angola.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 215): The species occurs in western Angola. However,
the accepted distribution range for the species is limited to the northwestern Angola. Cabinda: “Chinchoxo (côte d’Loango)” [-5.10000,
12.10000] ( Peters 1877a:614; Bocage
1895a:40). Kwanza Norte: “Piri-Dembos”
[-8.56667, 14.50000] ( Hellmich 1957b:55).
Malanje: “ Duque de Bragança ” [-9.10000,
15.95000] ( Ferreira 1903:14). Kwanza Sul :
“Congulu” [-10.86667, 14.28333] ( Parker
1936:138). Huíla: “Caconda” [-13.73333,
15.06667] ( Bocage 1895a:40).
Taxonomic and distributional notes:
The long and complex history of Trachylepis
[= Mabuya ] affinis ( Gray, 1838) has been reviewed by Hoogmoed (1974). At present
MAP 215. Distribution of Trachylepis affinis in Angola.
there are numerous synonyms, of which two have been applied to Angolan material: Euprepis blandingii Hallowell, 1857 and Euprepis raddoni Gray, 1845 . Molecular phylogenetic studies ( Allen 2015) have revealed some significant structure across the distribution, but a thorough revision is needed in order to determine if any of the names in synonymy may be applicable to Angolan populations. The record from “Caconda,” Huíla Province ( Bocage 1895a), here plotted with an X, is certainly incorrect, although it is unclear to which other species it may apply.
Trachylepis cf. albopunctata (Bocage, 1867) ANGOLAN VARIABLE SKINK
Euprepes Oliveiri var. albo-punctatus Bocage 1867b:223. Syntypes: MBL specimen numbers unknown (collector J. A. d’Anchieta), destroyed by fire 18 March 1978. Type locality: “ Benguella, and “Catumbella,”
[= Benguela and Catumbela ], Benguela Province, Angola. Euprepes angolensis ( Bocage 1872:89) View in CoL . Holotype: MBL specimen numbers unknown (collector J. A.
d’Anchieta [Biballa] and F. A. P. Bayão [Dondo]), destroyed by fire 18 March 1978. Type locality:
“Biballa, dans l’intérieur de Mossamedes” and “Dondo” [= Bibala and Dondo], Namibe and Kwanza
Norte provinces, respectively, Angola. Euprepes Oliveiri : Bocage (1867c:227). Euprepes angolensis : Bocage (1872:78). Mabuia varia : Boulenger (1887:202, 1905:111), Bocage (1895a:43, 1896a:111). Mabuya varia : Schmidt (1933:12), Monard (1937b:87), Mertens (1938a:437), Parker (1936:138), Laurent
(1964a:72), Grillitsch et al. (1996:32), Branch (1998:157), Broadley (2000:99). Mabuya varia varia : Hellmich (1957a:66, 1957b:57), Loveridge (1957: 212). Trachylepis varia : Ceríaco et al. (2016a:31, 58), Ceríaco et al. (2016b:67), Conradie et al. (2016 b:26). Trachylepis varia Clade B: Weinell and Bauer (2018:107).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: This taxon occupies much of Angola except the southeast, as well as western Zambia and the former Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The extent of its extralimital distribution is not known.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 216): The species is widely distributed in Angola, except in the southeast, where it is replaced by
T. damarana . Kwanza Norte: “Ambaca”
[-9.26667, 15.18333] ( Bocage 1895a:43);
“Dondo” [-9.68333, 14.43333] ( Bocage
1872:78, 1895a:43; Hellmich 1957b:57);
unnamed localities [-10.223, 14.811; -10.839,
14.629; -11.901, 15.45] (Weinell and Bauer
2018:Supplementary Data 3). Malanje:
“Pungo-Andongo” [-9.66667, 15.58333]
( Boulenger 1905:111); “Cangandala National
Park” [-9.81858, 16.65403] (Ceríaco et al.
2016b: 67; Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data 3); unnamed locality [-9.074, 16]
(Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data
3). Lunda Norte: “Capaia” [-8.33333,
20.20000] ( Grillitsch et al. 1996:32). Lunda MAP 216. Distribution of Trachylepis cf. albopunctata in Angola .
Sul: “Alto Chicapa” [-10.88333, 19.23333] GoogleMaps
( Laurent 1964a:72). Moxico: “Sandando, 85 km east from Luso” [-11.61667, 20.63333] ( Laurent 1964a:72). Bié: “Gauca” [-11.18333, 17.45000] ( Schmidt 1933:12); “Chitau” [-11.43333, 17.15000] ( Schmidt 1933:12). Huambo: “ Mt. Moco ” [-12.41667, 15.18333] ( Parker 1936:138); unnamed locality [-12.503, 15.225] (Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data 3). Benguela: “Lobito” [-12.35000, 13.55000] ( Parker 1936:138); “Cahata” [-12.35000, 14.81667] ( Bocage 1895a:43); “Catumbela” [-12.43333, 13.55000] ( Bocage 1867c:223; Loveridge 1957:212); “Quissange” [-12.43333, 14.05000] ( Bocage 1895a:43); “ Benguela ” [-12.58333, 13.41667] ( Bocage 1867b:223; Loveridge 1957:212); “Ebanga” [-12.73333, 14.73333] (Monard 1397b:87); “Entre Rios” [-13.01667, 14.63333] ( Hellmich 1957a:66); “Cubal” [-13.03333, 14.25000] ( Mertens 1938a:437); “Hanha” [-13.30000, 14.20000] (Bocage 1896:111); unnamed localities [-8.345, 20.212; -8.346, 20.212; -12.163, 13.877; -12.252, 14.266; -11.901, 15.45] (Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data 3). Huíla: “Caconda” [-13.73333, 15.06667] ( Bocage 1895a:43); “Sangevé” [-13.88333, 15.83333] ( Monard 1937b:87); unnamed localities [-15.317, 13.533; -14.741, 15.058; -14.94, 13.512; -14.184, 14.428; -14.638, 13.928; -14.769, 14.808; -13.65, 21.426; -13.786, 14.643] (Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data 3). Namibe: “Biballa” [-14.76667, 13.36667] ( Bocage 1872:78; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:58); “Mossamedes” [-15.20000, 12.15000] ( Bocage 1867c:227; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:58); “Leba Pass” [-15.07003, 13.24339] (Ceríaco et al. 2016a:31); unnamed locality [-14.733, 13.345] (Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data 3). Cuando Cubango: “Cubango basin (46)” [-14.58981, 16.90739] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9, 12, 25); “Cubango basin (47)” [-14.70214, 17.37806] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9, 12, 25). Undetermined locality: “Between Benguela and Bihé” ( Boulenger 1905:111).
Taxonomic and distributional notes: Although considered as Trachylepis varia by most authors who have cited these skinks for Angola, a recent molecular and morphological review (Weinell and Bauer 2018) demonstrated that true T. varia is absent from Angola, with the Angolan “ varia ” belonging to a separate clade that extends from Angola to Zambia. As noted by Weinell and
Bauer (2018) it is likely that the names Euprepes olivieri var. albo-punctatus Bocage, 1867 and Euprepes angolensis Bocage, 1872 apply to this clade. Boulenger (1887) and Bocage (1895a, 1896a) incuded both in the synonymy of varia . The original description of albopunctata is consistent with the morphological characters of members of the Angolan clade, and given its precedence, we tentatively recognize it as the name applicable to varia -like Trachylepis in Angola, exclusive of the southeast. Euprepis angolensis , which we consider as a probable junior synonym of T. albopunctata has been considered by some to refer to the same species as Mabuia striata angolensis Monard, 1937 (see Trachylepis monardi account). Unfortunately, all of the original Bocage specimens associated with this name were destroyed, exacerbating the task of trying to link this name with particular specimens in the T. varia complex. It is likely that some of the older literature records may refer to other species of Trachylepis outside the T. varia complex, so our assessment of the distribution of this group in Angola should be interpreted as a rough estimate at best. A review of the Angolan Trachylepis being prepared to resolve this and other similar problems.
Trachylepis bayonii ( Bocage, 1872) View in CoL BAYÃO’S SKINK
Euprepes Bayonii ( Bocage 1872:75) View in CoL . Syntypes: MBL specimen numbers unknown , BMNH 1946.8 .19.13 (formerly BMNH , ZMB 6477 View Materials (collector F.A.P. Bayão [var. A – Duque de Bragança ] and J.A. d’Anchieta [var. B – Huíla]), destroyed by fire 18 March 1978. Type locality: “Duque de Bragança dans l’intérieur d’Angola” [= Calandula], Malanje Province and “Huilla, plateau assez élevé dans l’intérieur de Mossamedes” [= Huíla], Huíla Provincce, Angola .
Mabuya bayonii huilensis View in CoL ( Laurent 1964a:67). Holotype: MD 1886 (collector A. Barros Machado). Type locality: “ Boca de Humpata , environs de Sá da Bandeira, Huíla” [= Humpata], Huíla Province, Angola.
Euprepes Gravenhorstii View in CoL : Bocage (1866a:44)
Euprepes Bayonii View in CoL ( Bocage 1870:68, 1879b:95, 1887a:179).
Euprepes Bayonii View in CoL var. A: Bocage (1872:75).
Euprepes Bayonii View in CoL var. B: Bocage (1872:75).
Mabuia bayonii Boulenger (1887:201)
Mabuia Bayonii Bocage (1895:38) .
Mabuya bayonii View in CoL : Boulenger (1887:201, 1905:111), Bocage (1895a:38, 1897a:195), Schmidt (1933:11), Monard (1937b:87), Hellmich (1957b:54), Manaças (1963:234), Spawls et al. (2004:130), Bauer et al. (2003:270).
Mabuya bayonii bayonii View in CoL : Laurent (1964a:67).
Euprepes Bayonii View in CoL : Bauer et al. (2003:270).
Trachylepis bayonii View in CoL : Menegon and Spawls (2011), Ceríaco et al. (2016b:57).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Data Deficient.
Global distribution: The species has been reported from Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Kenya and Tanzania, although the East African forms are referable to T. b. keniensis (Loveridge, 1956) and are almost certainly specifically distinct from the West African T. b. bayonii and T. b. huilensis.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 217): The species mainly occurs in central Angola and southwestern Angola. Zaire: “S. Salvador do Congo” [-6.26667, 14.23333] ( Bocage 1887a:179, 1895a:38). Kwanza Norte: “Piri-Dembos” [-8.56667, 14.50000] ( Hellmich 1957b:54); “Ambaca” [-9.26667, 15.18333] ( Boulenger 1905:111). Malanje: “Duque de Bragança” [-9.10000, 15.95000] ( Bocage 1866a:44, 1872:75, 1895a:38, 1897a:195; Boulenger 1887:201, 1905:111; Bauer et al. 2003:270). Lunda Norte: “Cassange” [-9.58333, 17.86667] ( Bocage 1879b:95, 1895a:38; 1897a:195). Moxico: “environs du lac Calundo” [-11.80000, 20.86667] ( Manaças 1963:263); “Calombe, Luso” [-11.83333, 19.93333] ( Manaças 1963:263). Bié: “Gauca” [-11.18333, 17.45000] ( Schmidt 1933:11; Laurent 1964a:67); “Chitau” [-11.43333, 17.15000] ( Schmidt
1933:11). Huambo: “Santo-Amaro”
[-12.70000, 15.85000] ( Monard 1937b:87).
Benguela: “Cahata” [-12.35000, 14.81667] GoogleMaps
( Bocage 1895a:38). Huíla: “Caconda”
[-13.73333, 15.06667] ( Bocage 1895a:38);
“Kalukembé” [-13.78333, 14.68333] ( Monard
1937b:87); “Kuvangu” [-14.46667, 16.30000]
( Monard 1937b:87); “Boca de Humpata, Sá da
Bandeira” [-14.93333, 13.51667] ( Laurent
1964a:67); “Huilla” [-15.05000, 13.55000]
( Bocage 1872:75, 1895a:38).
Taxonomic and distributional notes:
Bocage (1872) distinguished between two varieties: var. A, which corresponds to specimens with a uniform color collected at “Duque de
Bragança ” [= Calandula] and var. B from the
“Huilla Plateau.” He later ( Bocage 1895a) sep-
Map 217. Distribution of Trachylepis bayonii in Angola. arated the uniform specimens from those from throughout the rest of the species range. Laurent (1964a) described Mabuya bayonii huilensis from “Boca de Humpata, environs de Sá da Bandeira.” This subspecies, based on a single juvenile specimen, has never been critically assessed, and although it may warrant recognition, we have here lumped all literature records to both it and the nominotypical form pending further research. The record from “S. Salvador do Congo” is out of the expected species range and probably represents a misidentification.
Trachylepis binotata (Bocage, 1867) OVAMBO TREE SKINK View in CoL Euprepes binotatus Bocage 1867b:223 View in CoL ; 1867d:230. Syntypes: MBL specimen numbers unknown, destroyed by fire 18 March 1978, MNHN 1462 fide Brygoo (1985), BMNH 1946.8.15.32 (formerly BMNH fide Boulenger (1887), ZMB 5830 fide Bauer et al. (2003) (collector J.A. d’Anchieta). Type locality: “Benguella”, “Dombe” and “Catumbella” Benguela and Huíla provinces, Angola fide Bocage (1867b:223).
Euprepes binotatus View in CoL : Bocage (1879c:88), Brygoo (1985:13).
Mabuya quinquetaeniata View in CoL : Boulenger (1887:198).
Mabuya binotata : Bocage (1895a:46, 1897a:196), Monard (1937b:91), Hellmich (1957a:59, 1957b:54), Laurent (1964a:68), Branch (1998:151), Bauer et al. (2003:270).
Euprepes binotata : Bauer et al. (2003:270).
Mabuya quinquetaeniata binotata : Mertens (1926:152, 1937a:10, 1938a:437).
Trachylepis binotata View in CoL : Ceríaco et al. (2016a:57).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: The species is known from southern Angola and northwestern Namibia. Ocurrences in Angola (Map 218): The species occurs in the southwestern Angola. Benguela: “Catumbella” [-12.35000, 14.81667] ( Bocage 1867b:223, 1895a:46, 1897a:196; Bauer et al. 2003:27); “Benguella” [-12.58333, 13.41667] ( Bocage 1867b:223, 1867d:230, 1895a:46, 1897a:196; Boulenger 1887:198; Brygoo 1985:13; Bauer et al. 2003:271); “Dombe” [-12.95000, 13.10000] ( Bocage 1867b:223, 1895a:46, 1897a:196; Bauer et al. 2003:271); “Cubal” [-13.03333, 14.25000] ( Mertens 1938a:437); “Catengue Station, Benguella” [-13.03333, 13.73333] ( Mertens 1926:152, 1937a:10). Huíla: “Caconda” [-12.43333, 13.55000] ( Bocage 1879c:88). Namibe: “Capangombe” [-15.10000, 13.15000] ( Bocage 1895a:46; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “ 50 km Moçâmedes road to Sá da Bandeira” [-15.01358,
12.518628] ( Laurent 1964a:68; Ceríaco et al.
2016a:57); “Maconjo” [-15.01667, 13.20000]
( Bauer et al. 2003:271; Ceríaco et al.
2016a:57). Cunene: “Mupa” [-16.18333,
15.75000] ( Monard 1937b:91).
Taxonomic and distributional notes:
Bocage (1867b) first named Euprepes binotatus , from three localities in Benguela Province,
but without a description or diagnosis. In the subsequent paper, Bocage (1867d) published a detailed description but noted only the locality
“Benguella” by name. The original type series was large and syntypes were sent to Bocage’s correspondents at other major European museums. Boulenger (1887) erroneously listed the
BMNH syntype under Mabuya quinquetaeniata .
MAP 218. Distribution of Trachylepis binotata in Angola.
Trachylepis bocagii ( Boulenger, 1887) View in CoL BOCAGE’S SKINK
Euprepes Petersi View in CoL : Bocage 1872:74. Syntypes (see notes below): MBL specimen numbers unknown (collector
F.A.P. Bayão), destroyed by fire 18 March 1978. Type locality: “Duque de Bragança ” [= Calandula ]
Malanje Province, Angola. Mabuia bocagii ( Boulenger 1887:203) . Replacement name for Euprepes petersi Bocage, 1872 , preoccupied by E. petersi Steindachner, 1867 = Eutropis dissimilis ( Hallowell, 1857) . Euprepes quinquetaeniatus : Bocage (1866a:44). Mabuia Petersi : Bocage (1895a:42, 1897a:197), Ferreira (1900a:49, 1903:15, 1906:170), Tiedemann and
Häupl (1980:43), Tiedemann et al. (1994:53). Mabuia quinquetaniata : Boulenger (1905:111). Mabuya bocagii : Parker (1936:136), Mertens (1938a:437), Bauer et al. (2003:275). Mabuya bocagii bocagii : Hellmich (1957a:60). Mabuya quinquetaeniata quinquetaeniata : Hellmich (1957b:54). Mabuya bocagei : Frade (1963:252). Euprepes quinquetaeniata : Brygoo (1985:90).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Least Concern.
Global distribution: The species is known from southern Africa, occuring from Angola, through Zambia to Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 219): The species has been recorded at widely scattered sites in Angola, but is absent form the arid far southwest and the forested areas of the northwest and northeast. Malanje: “Duque de Bragança” [-9.10000, 15.95000] ( Bocage 1866a:44, 1872:74, 1895a:42; Boulenger 1887:203; Brygoo 1985:90; Bauer et al. 2003:275); “Pungo-Andongo” [-9.66667, 15.58333] ( Boulenger 1887:203, 1905:111; Bocage 1895a:42). Kwanza Norte: “Piri-Dembos” [-8.56667, 14.50000] ( Hellmich 1957b:54); “Cambondo” [-9.15963, 14.65771] ( Ferreira 1906:170); “Dondo” [-9.68333, 14.43333] (Bocage 1972:80, 1895a:42, Tiedemann and Häupl 1980:43; Tiedemann et al. 1994:53). Kwanza Sul: “Congulu” [-10.86667, 14.28333] ( Parker 1936:136). Benguela: “Quibula” [-12.28333, 14.68333] ( Bocage 1895a:42, 1897a:195); “Entre Rios” [-13.01667, 14.63333] ( Hellmich 1957a:60); “Cubal” [-13.03333, 14.25000] ( Mertens 1938a:437). Without precise locality: “with no precise location” ( Ferreira 1900a:49).
Taxonomic and distributional notes:
Euprepes petersi Bocage, 1872 View in CoL was preoccupied by E. petersii Steindachner, 1867 View in CoL (syn.
Eutropis dissimilis ( Hallowell, 1857)) View in CoL and
Mabuia bocagii was proposed as a replacement name by Boulenger (1887). As such its type material is identical to that of Bocage (1872).
Bocage (1872) applied his name to the species he originally called Euprepes quinquetaeniata
( Bocage 1866a). His description of E. petersi gives details for only a single specimen but his earlier mention of E. quinquetaeniata from
“ Duque de Bragança ” reveals that there were originally many specimens in the series in Lisbon. Several of these have been suggested to be potential syntypes of E. petersi , including
ZMB 6479 in Berlin ( Bauer et al. 2003)
BMNH 1946.8.15.30 (formerly in MAP 219. Distribution of Trachylepis bocagii in Angola. London, MNHN 1286 and 1286ª in Paris (Bygoo 1985) , and NHMW 16677 in Vienna (Tiedemann and Häupl 1980; Tiedemann et al. 1994). The last of these, however, is from “Dondo” and cannot be part of the type series. Those from London and Paris are from the type locality and are almost certainly part of the series of E. quinquetaeniata noted by Bocage (1866a). However, they were received from Lisbon several years before the description of E. petersi and were not among those on hand in Lisbon when Bocage prepared the description of E. petersi . The date of receipt of the Berlin specimen is unknown, but it is likely that it too significantly predated the description of E. petersi . Thus, conservatively, any types of this taxon are likely to have been in Lisbon only, although those specimens in other collections nonetheless provide valuable confirmation of Bocage’s concept of the species. There are several literature records of T. quinquetaeniata from Angola, all of which are highly unlikely. This species has a broad distribution across the Sahel, in the Nile Valley and in East Africa, but the nearest records to Angola are in the northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo and even the closely related T. pulcherrima (de Witte, 1953) extends no closer than ~ 1000 km to the nearest purported Angolan sites (Broadley and Bauer 1998). This is borne out by the examination of the specimens upon which these errant records are based. Thus, Malanje and Kwanza Norte references to T. quinquetaeniata ( Boulenger 1905; Hellmich 1957b) are here referred to T. bocagii . Trachylepis bocagii has also recently been collected in Quiçama National Park, Bengo Province (M. Marques and L. Ceríaco, pers. obs.).
Trachylepis chimbana ( Boulenger, 1887) CHIMBA SKINK View in CoL
Euprepes affinis Bocage 1872:77 View in CoL . Syntypes: MBL 822 View Materials (2 specimens), 824 (collector not stated). Type locality: “Rio Chimba, dans l’intérieur de Mossamedes” [= Rio Chimba ], Namibe Province, Angola.
Mabuia chimbana Boulenger 1887:204 View in CoL . Replacement name for Euprepes affinis Bocage, 1872 View in CoL , preoccupied by E. affinis ( Gray, 1838) View in CoL .
Euprepes affinis View in CoL : Bocage (1872:77).
Mabuia chimbana View in CoL : Bocage (1895a:45, 1897a:195), Schmidt (1933:12), Frade (1963:252).
Mabuya striata angolensis View in CoL : Hellmich (1957b:56).
Mabuya striata chimbana View in CoL : Laurent (1964a:69).
Mabuya chimbana View in CoL : Broadley (1975a:13), Branch (1998:153).
Trachylepis chimbana View in CoL : Portik and Bauer (2012:128), Ceríaco et al. (2016a:57).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not
Global distribution: The species is known from Angola and extreme northern
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 220): The species occurs in southwest and eastern Angola. Lunda Sul: “Alto Cuílo” [-10.01667,
19.55000] ( Laurent 1964a:69); “Alto Chicapa”
[-10.88333, 19.23333] ( Laurent 1964a:69) [in error]. Moxico: “environs du lac Calundo”
[-11.80000, 20.86667] ( Laurent 1964a:69);
“Cazombo” [-11.88333, 22.91667] ( Laurent
1964a:69); “Calunda” [-12.11667, 23.46667]
( Laurent 1964a:69). Huambo: “Bela-Vista
(Sanguengue)” [-12.36667, 16.20000] ( Hellmich 1957b:56). Benguela: “Quindumbo”
[ -12.46667, 14.93333] ( Bocage 1895a:45, MAP 220. Distribution of Trachylepis chimbana in Angola. GoogleMaps
1897a:195; Broadley 1975a:14); “ 10 km E of
Caembombo” [-13.01667, 14.01667] ( Broadley 1975a:14); “Coporolo” [-13.38333, 13.88333] ( Broadley 1975a:14); “ 5 km S of Catara River on Lucira Road” [-13.55000, 12.55000] ( Broadley 1975a:14). Huíla: “Jau, around Sá da Bandeira” [-15.20000, 13.51667] ( Laurent 1964a:69). Namibe: “Lucira” [-13.86667, 12.53333] ( Broadley 1975a:14; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “ Rio Chimba” [-14.30000, 12.40000] ( Bocage 1872:77, 1895a:45, 1897a:195; Boulenger 1887:204; Broadley 1975a:14; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Chapeau Armando turnoff, Mossamedes” [-14.45000, 12.36667] ( Broadley 1975a:14; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Assuncao” [-14.86667, 13.10000] ( Broadley 1975a:14; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “ 14 km NE Caraculo” [-14.90214, 12.74229] ( Broadley 1975a:14; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Maconjo” [-15.01667, 13.20000] ( Bocage 1895a:45, 1897a:195; Broadley 1975a:14; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Capangombe” [-15.10000, 13.15000] ( Bocage 1895a:45, 1897a:195; Broadley 1975a:14; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Mossamedes” [-15.20000, 12.15000] ( Boulenger 1887:204; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Saiona River, NW of Cain- de” [-15.40000, 13.20000] (Broadley 1975:14; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Cainde” [-15.48333, 13.36667] ( Broadley 1975a:14; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “ Rio Coroca” [-15.78333, 12.06667] ( Broadley 1975a:14; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57). Cunene: “Othinjau” [-17.33333, 14.26667] ( Hellmich 1957b:56); “Humbe” [-16.68333, 14.90000] ( Schmidt 1933:12). Undetermined locality: “ 12 km W of Humbia” ( Broadley 1975a:14); “Huke” ( Broadley 1975a:14).
Taxonomic and distributional notes: Boulenger (1887) provided E. chimbana as a replacement name for Bocage’s (1872) Euprepes affinis which was preoccupied. Laurent (1964a) treated M. chimbana as a subspecies of Mabuya striata but Broadley (1975a) treated it as a member of the Trachylepis lacertiformis complex. It seems likely that Laurent’s concept of this species was different than that of other authors and that his localities, far to the east of what is usually regard- ed as a western species ( Broadley 1975a; Branch 1998; Portik and Bauer 2012), apply to another congener. These specimens have recently been rediscovered and are under study.
Trachylepis damarana ( Peters, 1870) KALAHARI VARIABLE SKINK View in CoL
Euprepes damaranus Peters 1870:20 View in CoL . Lectotype: ZMB 6153 View Materials (collector W. C. H. Peters). Type locality: “Damaraland,” [= north central Namibia], Namibia.
Trachylepis varia View in CoL : Conradie et al. (2016 b: 26).
Trachylepis damarana : Weinell and Bauer (2018:215).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: T. damarana is distributed from southeastern Angola and northeastern Namibia, across northern Botswana to Zimbabwe and adjacent western areas of Mozambique and the northeastern South Africa.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 221): The species occurs only in the southeastern areas of the country. Cuando Cubango: “Cuito basin
(30c)” [-17.51222, 20.06027] ( Conradie et al.
2016:9–10, 25; Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data 3); “Cuito basin (35)”
[-16.62322, 19.05352] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9–
10, 25; Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary
Data 3); “Cuito basin (32)” [-17.04880,
19.53333] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9–10, 25;
Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data
3); “Cuando basin (37)” [-17.67833, 22.61475]
( Conradie et al. 2016:9–10, 25; Weinell and
Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data 3); “Cuando basin (38)” [-17.58830, 22.65694] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9–10, 25; Weinell and Bauer
2018:Supplementary Data 3); “Cuando basin
(39)” [-17.46333, 22.86638] ( Conradie et al. MAP 221. Distribution of Trachylepis damarana in Angola. GoogleMaps
2016:9–10, 25; Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data 3); “Cuando basin (42)” [-17.49611, 23.13444] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9–10, 25; Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data 3); “Cuando basin (44a)” [-17.57333, 23.26000] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9–10, 25; Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data 3); “Cubango basin (59)” [-16.28392, 18.84744] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9, 12, 25; Weinell and Bauer 2018:Supplementary Data 3).
Taxonomic and distributional notes: Originally described by Peters (1870) from “Damaraland,” then applicable to much of northern Namibia, this species was recently resurrected from the synonymy of Trachylepis varia . Broadley (1966, 2000) considered T. damarana as a synonym of T. varia , but recently Weinell and Bauer (2018) provided molecular and morphological evidence that supports its validity as a distinct species.
Trachylepis hoeschi ( Mertens, 1954) View in CoL HOESCH’S SKINK
Mabuya hoeschi Mertens 1954:178 View in CoL , fig. 4. Holotype: SMF 45681 About SMF (collector W. Hoesch). Type locality: “Roessing-Berge, östlich von Swakopmund, SW-Afrika” [= Rössing Mts. , east of Swakopmund, Erongo Region], Namibia.
Mabuya hoeschi View in CoL : Laurent (1964a:68), Branch (1998:153).
Trachylepis hoeschi View in CoL : Ceríaco et al. (2016b:32, 57).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: The species is restricted to southwestern Africa, occuring from northwestern Namibia to southwestern Angola.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 222): The species is limited to the Namibe desert region. Namibe: “Plage «das Conchas», Moçâmedes” [-15.13333, 12.11667] ( Laurent 1964a:68; Ceríaco GoogleMaps
Trachylepis cf. lacertiformis ( Peters, 1854) BRONZE ROCK SKINK View in CoL
Euprepes lacertiformis Peters 1854:618 . Syntypes: ZMB 5523 (4 specimens) (collector W.C.H. Peters), lost fide Bauer et al. (2003). Type locality: “Boror” [ Mozambique], considered in error for “ Tete,” Mozambique fide Broadley (1975a).
Mabuya lacertiformis : Broadley (1975a:12, 2000:101), Branch (1998:154).
Trachylepis lacertiformis View in CoL : Broadley (2004:324), Broadley and Maritz (2010b), Portik and Bauer (2012:128), Ceríaco et al. (2016a:57).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Least Concern.
Global distribution: The species occurs from the southern end of Malawi Lake through the Tete District of Mozambique into eastern Zimbabwe and westwards along the Zambezi. The Angolan population is disjunct.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 223): The species occurs in an isolated population in southwestern Angola in Nambie and Cunene
Province, near the Namibian border. Namibe:
“Cainde, Mossamedes” [-15.48333, 13.36667]
( Broadley 1975a:12; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57);
“ 14 km NE of Caraculo, Mossamedes”
[-14.90214, 12.74229] ( Broadley 1975a:12;
Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57). Cunene: “Otchinjau,
Huíla ” [-16.57903, 13.90516] ( Broadley GoogleMaps
Taxonomic and distributional notes: Trachylepis lacertiformis has frequently been confused with other species, particularly Trachylepis varia (Peters, 1867) (Broadley 1975) .
The status of the Angolan population with respect to supposed conspecifics in southeast
MAP 223. Distribution of Trachylepis cf. lacertiformis in Africa requires further investigation. Angola.
Trachylepis laevis (Boulenger, 1907) ANGOLAN BLUE-TAILED SKINK
Mabuia laevis Boulenger 1907a:212 . Holotype: BMNH 1946.8 .15.31 (formerly BMNH (collector W.J. Ansorge). Type locality: “Maconjo, Benguela ” [= Fazenda Mucungo], Namibe Province, Angola.
Mabuya laevis View in CoL : Hellmich (1957b:54), Laurent (1964a:76), Branch (1998:155).
Trachylepis laevis View in CoL : Ceríaco et al. (2016a:33, 57).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: This species inhabits in large rock cracks in granite outcrops, from the Kaokoveld of northern Namibia and Southern Angola.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 224): The species occurs in southern Angola , in desert areas. Kwanza Norte: “Piri-Dembos (record questionable)” [-8.56667, 14.50000] ( Hellmich GoogleMaps
1957b:54). Namibe: “ Munhino 50 km west Sá da Bandeira ” [-14.96667, 12.96667] ( Laurent GoogleMaps
1964a:76; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Maconjo
(= Fazenda Mucungo)” [-14.782192,
12.486557] ( Boulenger 1907a:212; Ceríaco et al. 2016a: 57); “Iona National Park, north of
Tambor ” [-15.99642, 12.40711] (Ceríaco et al. GoogleMaps
Taxonomic and distributional notes:
Hellmich (1957b) cited this species from “PiriDembos,” which is significantly further north than the type locality. Laurent (1964a) cited another specimen from Namibe Province and also expressed doubt about the validty of MAP 224. Distribution of Trachylepis laevis in Angola.
Hellmich’s specimen. The “Piri-Dembos” record is highly improbable and surely represents a misidentification, although it is not clear to which species it might actually belong.
Trachylepis maculilabris ( Gray, 1845) SPECKLED-LIPPED SKINK View in CoL
Euprepes maculilabris Gray 1845:114 . Holotype: BMNH 1946.8 .18.17 (formerly BMNH xv.109a) (collector
W. Raddon). Type locality: “ W. Africa ” [= West Africa ]. Euprepes notabilis Peters 1879:36 View in CoL . Syntypes: ZMB 9204 View Materials (collector A. von. Homeyer), 8485 (collector J.G.
Falkenstein) lost fide Bauer et al. (1995, 2003). Type locality: “ Chinchoxo ,” [Cabinda Province] ( ZMB
8485) and “ Pungo Andongo ,” [Malanje Province, Angola] ( ZMB 9204 View Materials ). Euprepes Anchietae Bocage 1886a:44 (nomen nudum), 1866b:62. Holotype: MBL specimen number unknown. (collector J.A. d’Anchieta) destroyed by fire 18 March 1978. Type locality: “ Zaire ” [= Zaire
Province], Angola. Euprepes (Eupr.) Perrotetii : Peters (1877a:614), Bocage (1895a:39). Mabuia maculilabris : Boulenger (1887:164), Bocage (1895a:40), Ferreira (1906:170). Mabuya maculilabris : Loveridge (1933:312), Parker (1936:138), Laurent (1950a:12, 1954a:65), Broadley
(2000:94), Bauer et al. (2003:275). Mabuya maculilabris maculilabris : Hellmich (1957a:61), Loveridge (1957:209), Laurent (1964a:65). Euprepes notabilis : Bauer et al. (2003:275). Euprepes maculialbris : Mausfeld et al. (2004:160). Trachylepis maculilabris : Trape et al. (2012:398), Ceríaco et al. (2014b:671), Branch and Conradie
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: This species has a wide distribution in sub-Saharan Africa from Liberia to the Horn of Africa southwards as far as Angola in the west and Mozambique in the east. It is a human commensal and may expand its range as habitats are modified.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 225): The species is widely distributed in the northern regions of the country and is represented by scattered records in the south. Cabinda:
“Chinchoxo” [-5.10000, 12.10000] ( Peters
1877a:614, 1879:36; Bocage 1895a:39; Loveridge 1957:209; Bauer et al. 2003:275);
“ Cabinda ” [-5.55000, 12.18333] ( Bocage GoogleMaps
1895a:40); 1957:209 Bengo: “Ambriz”
[-7.844312, 13.106493] ( Boulenger 1887:164;
Bocage 1895a:40; Loveridge 1933:312).
Luanda: “Quifangondo” [-8.76667, 13.43333] GoogleMaps
(Ceríaco et al. 2014b:671). Kwanza Norte:
“Golungo” [-9.13333, 14.76667] ( Ferreira
1906:170); “Cambondo” [-9.15963, 14.65771]
(Ferreira:1906:170; Loveridge 1947:179);
“Mucoso” [-9.53333, 14.65000] ( Hellmich
1957a:61); “Dondo (Quanza edges)”
MAP 225. Distribution of Trachylepis maculilabris in Angola.
[-9.68333, 14.43333] ( Bocage 1895a:40).
Malanje: “Pungo-Andongo” [-9.66667, 15.58333] ( Peters 1879:36; Bocage 1895a:39, 40; Loveridge 1957:209; Bauer et al. (2003:275); “Capanda” [-9.72841, 15.34585] (Ceríaco et al. 2014:671). Lunda Norte: “Dundo” [-7.36667, 20.83333] ( Laurent 1950a:12, 1954a:65, 1964a:65); “Muita (Luembe E)” [-7.80000, 21.45000] ( Laurent 1950a:12); “Carumbo, Lucapa” [-8.42278, 20.73917] (Branch and Conradie 2000:200). Lunda Sul: “Alto Cuílo” [-10.01667, 19.55000] ( Laurent 1964a:65). Kwanza Sul: “Quirimbo” [-10.68333, 14.26667] ( Parker 1936:138); “Congulu” [-10.86667, 14.28333] ( Parker 1936:138). Benguela: “Entre Rios, Chivitidi” [-13.01667, 14.63333] ( Hellmich 1957a:61).
Taxonomic and distributional notes: Mausfeld et al. (2004) noted that Trachylepis maculilabris ( Gray, 1845) may comprise at least two distinct species, one from West Africa representing the nominotypic maculilabris , and other from East Africa representing a cryptic species. Ongoing research suggests that this is an underestimate and that the complex may contain many species. Bocage (1866a) introduced the name Euprepes anchietae as a nomen nudum, but a valid description appeared in a second paper ( Bocage 1866b) in the the same issue of the journal. Peters (1877a) originally referred one of the types of E. notabilis to E. perottetii Duméril and Bibron, 1839 and although Peters (1879) revised his identification, this correction was not noted by Bocage (1895a).
Trachylepis cf. megalura ( Peters, 1878) GRASS-TOP SKINK View in CoL
Euprepes (Mabuia) megalurus Peters 1878:204 View in CoL , pl. 2, fig. 4. Syntypes: ZMB 9281 View Materials (2 specimens), 9304 (collector J. M. Hildebrandt). Type locality: “ Taita ” [= Kenya].
Mabuya megalura subsp.: Laurent (1964a:74).
Trachylepis cf. megalura View in CoL : Ceríaco et al. (2016b:71).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: The species is known from Ethiopia south to Mozambique and west to the southern Democratic Republic of Congo and northern Angola.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 226): The species has only been recorded from northeastern Angola. Lunda Sul: “Alto Cuílo” [-10.01667, 19.55000] ( Laurent 1964a:74). Malanje: “Cangandala National Park” [-9.84606, 16.72233] (Ceríaco et al. 2016b:71) GoogleMaps .
Taxonomic and distributional notes: According to Laurent (1964a) the two specimens from “Alto Cuílo” differ from the specimens of Mabuya megalura ( Peters, 1878) (= Trachylepis megalura ) from East Africa and around Lake Kivu and probably represent an undescribed “angolo-katangaise” variety or new species. Recently collected specimens from Cangandala National Park, Malanje Province (Ceríaco et al. 2016b) appear to be conspecific with Laurent’s material and further studies are now in progress. MAP 226. Distribution of Trachylepis cf. megalura in
Trachylepis monardi nom. nov. Marques, Ceríaco, Blackburn and Bauer MONARD’S SKINK (Endemic)
Mabuia striata angolensis Monard 1937b:89 . Syntypes: MHNC 91.0599 View Materials - 0613 View Materials [15 specimens], MHNG 858.95 (collector A. Monard). Type locality: “Kuvangu” [= Cuvango], Huíla Province and “Bimbi” [=Bimbe] Huambo Province, Angola .
Mabuya striata angolensis View in CoL : Mahnert (1976:488), Ortiz (1989:56).
Mabuya angolensis View in CoL : Laurent (1964a:72).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: The species is known only from Angola.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 227): The species occurs mainly in the central-west
Angola. Huambo: “Bimbi” [-11.81667,
15.83333] ( Monard 1937b:89; Mahnert
1976:488; Ortiz 1989:56). Bié: “Silva Porto ”
[-12.33333, 16.86667] ( Laurent 1964a:72).
Huíla: “Kuvangu” [-14.46667, 16.30000] GoogleMaps
( Monard 1937b:89; Mahnert 1976:488; Ortiz
Taxonomic and distributional notes:
Monard (1937b) described Mabuia striata angolensis perhaps unaware of Bocage’s
(1872) Euprepis angolensis , a name that has been largely neglected or sometimes subsequently synonymized with Mabuya striata angolensis , however, its identity remains uncertain. Both Boulenger (1887) and Bocage
(1895a) treated it as a synonym of Euprepes MAP 227. Distribution of Trachylepis monardi in varia Peters, 1867 , and we include the relevant Angola.
material under that account. As both names are currently placed in the same genus Monard’s name is a junior secondary homonym of Bocage’s. As such Bocage’s name, despite being a junior subjective synonym of Trachylepis varia , must retain the epithet angolensis , and Monard’s name requires a replacement (the special conditions of Article 23.9 do not apply as an insufficient number of citations by an insufficient number of authors have used Monard’s name). As no junior synonyms are known to exist for Trachylepis angolensis (Monard, 1937) we propose Trachylepis monardi nom. nov. as a replacement name, in recognition of the contributions of Albert Monard (2 September 1886 – 27 September 1952), Swiss naturalist from La Chaux-de-Fonds, who undertook two major expeditions to Angola and left a legacy of specimens and published papers relating to the zoology of not only Angola, but also Cameroon, Guinea-Bissau and North Africa. Monard (1937b) noted 26 syntypes in the type series. Fifteen of these remain in La Chaux-de-Fonds. Ortiz (1989) cited MHNN (Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Neuchâtel) 2130 as the lectotype, giving both localities “Kuvangu” and “Bimbi”. The MHNC specimens thus are paralectotypes, as is the single Geneva “ paratype ” cited by Mahnert (1976) and Schätti and Perret (1997), for which the locality is also uncertain. Monard typically dispersed specimens to the many Swiss institutions that helped sponsor his field work, including high schools. It is likely thjat the “missing” nine specimens were or are in such small collections.
Trachylepis occidentalis (Peters, 1867) WESTERN THREE-STRIPED SKINK
Euprepes vittatus var. australis Peters 1862a:19 View in CoL . Syntypes: ZMB 4212 View Materials , 64401–02 View Materials (formerly ZMB 4212 View Materials A–B)
(collector C.H. Hahn). Type locality: “Neu-Barmen” [= Gross Barmen, Otjozondjupa Region] Namibia by implication fide Bauer et al. (1995, 2003). Euprepes occidentalis Peters 1867:20 View in CoL , replacement name for E. v. australis Peters 1862 View in CoL , preoccupied by
Euprepes australis Gray, 1838 [= Ctenotus australis View in CoL ( Gray, 1838 “1839”)]. Euprepes occidentalis View in CoL : Bocage (1870:68). Mabuia occidentalis : Bocage (1895a:42). Mabuya occidentalis View in CoL : Laurent (1964a:73), Branch (1998:156), Broadley (2000:97). Trachylepis occidentalis View in CoL : Bates et al. (2014:263), Ceríaco et al. (2016a:33, 57).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not
Global distribution: Distributed from arid western South Africa and southwestern
Botswana through Namibia to arid areas of southwestern Angola.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 228): The species distribution is limited to the desert regions in Namibe Province. Namibe :
“Mossâmedes desert, 35 km south from the city” [-15.50575, 12.20768] ( Laurent 1964a:
73; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “ Rio Coroca”
[-15.78333, 12.06667] ( Bocage 1895a:42;
Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Pico Azevedo”
[-15.53400, 12.49197] (Ceríaco et al.
Taxonomic and distributional notes:
Bauer et al. (2003) also included ZMB 4213, MAP 228. Distribution of Trachylepis occidentalis in MNHN 1468 (see Brygoo 1985), and BMNH Angola. among the putative syntypes, although they noted that only three specimens could be types as Peters was explicit about the number of specimens he had. The original ZMB catalogue notes in Peters’ hand both that ZMB 4212 View Materials corresponds to the types and that there were three specimens under this number ZMB 4212 View Materials A and B reported by Bauer et al. (1995, 2003) have since been renumbered. Thus only ZMB specimens have status as types .
Trachylepis punctulata ( Bocage, 1872) SPECKLED SAND SKINK View in CoL
Euprepes punctulatus Bocage 1872:76 View in CoL . Syntypes: MBL 742 View Materials (2 specimens) (collector J.A. d’Ancheita), destroyed by fire 18 March 1978. Type locality: “Rio Coroca, dans le littoral au sud de Mossamedes” [= Rio Coroca , Namibe Province, Angola].
Mabuia punctulata : Boulenger (1887:204), Bocage (1895a:44, 1897a:195).
Mabuya punctulata : Schmidt (1933:12), Frade (1963:253), Broadley (2000:100).
Mabuya longiloba longiloba View in CoL : Laurent (1964a:73).
Mabuya variegata punctulata : Broadley (1975a:7), Branch (1998:158).
Trachylepis punctulata View in CoL : Portik (2009:136), Portik and Bauer (2012:128), Bates et al. (2014:264), Ceríaco et al. (2016a:31, 57).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: Widely distributed across the Kalahari and adjacent regions of Southern Africa, with several extensions eastwards in central South Africa and Mozambique and reaching its northern extent in southwestern Angola with an islaoted record in western Zambia ( Broadley 1975a; Branch 1998).
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 229): The species occurs in southwestern Angola. Huíla:
“ 15 km north Quilengues ” [-13.95256,
14.04704] ( Laurent 1964a:73). Namibe: “Ina-
mangando River on Lucira Road ” [-14.05000,
12.38333] ( Broadley 1975a:11; Ceríaco et al.
2016a:57); “Mucungu” [-14.78333, 12.48333]
( Schmidt 1933:12; Broadley 1975:11; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Sao Nicolau, Mossamedes”
[-14.26667, 12.36667] ( Broadley 1975a:11;
Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “ 17 km N of Sao
Nicolau” [-14.12714, 12.37577] ( Broadley
1975a:11; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Caraculo”
[-15.01667, 12.66667] ( Broadley 1975a:11;
Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “ 15 km W of Caraculo” [-15.02039, 12.50489] ( Broadley 1975a:11;
Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Cima” [-15.06667,
12.15000] ( Broadley 197a5:11; Ceríaco et al. MAP 229. Distribution of Trachylepis punctulata in Angola.
2016a:57); “Pico Acezevedo” [-15.55000,
12.51667] (Broadley 1975:11); “ 23 km W of Virei” [-15.66907, 12.74847] ( Broadley 1975a:11; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “ Rio Coroca” [-15.78333, 12.06667] ( Bocage 1872:76, 1895a:44, 1897a:195; Boulenger 1887:204; Broadley 1975a:11, 2000:100; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “ 6 km S of Rio Coroca on Iona road” [-15.78333, 12.06667] ( Broadley 1975a:11, 2000:100; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “ Porto Alexandre” [-15.80000, 11.83333] ( Broadley 1975a:11); “ 30 km N of Tambor” [-16.13556, 12.42972] (Broadley 1975:11; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Octchinfengo River on Onocua road, Iona Reserve” [-16.61667, 12.88333] ( Broadley 1975a:11; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57);
“ Foz de Cunene ” [-17.28333, 11.80000] (Broadley 1975:11; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57); “Espinheira” [-16.78906, 12.35756] (Ceríaco et al. 2016a:31); “Namibe-Lubango road, road marker 59, 1.8 km west (by road) of Caraculo, on the north side of the road” [-15.01531, 12.64244] (Ceríaco et al. 2016a:31); “ Praia do Navio coastal dunes, ca 124 km SSW of Namibe ” [-16.27233, 11.83164] (Ceríaco et al. 2016a:31). Undetermined Locality: “Mossamedes to Benguela ” ( Broadley 1975a:11) GoogleMaps .
Taxonomic and distributional notes: This species was long considered as a subspecies of T. variegata ( Peters, 1870) following Broadley (1975 a, 2000). Based on morphological differences outlined in these papers and a high level of molecular divergence, these two taxa are now treated as full species (Portik 2009; Portik and Bauer 2012; Bates et al. 2014). The monophyly of T. punctulata is relatively poorly supported and further revisionary work may support the recognition of additional taxa within this taxon as currently construed (Portik and Bauer 2012). Broadley (1975a) remarked that populations of T. punctulata from the Northern Cape Province, Botswana, Rhodesia, Zambia and Mozambique differ in several morphological characters from populations in Angola and Namibia, and that the eastern populations may ultimately deserve taxonomic recognition. The results obtained by Portik and Bauer (2012) partially support this division, although they found evidence for the Northern Cape Province sample clustering with samples of T. punctulata from Namibia (Portik and Bauer 2012, Bates et al. 2014). The presence of a record from Kalabo, Zambia (Broadley 1971, 1975a) close to the eastern border of Angola suggests that further fieldwork may eventually yield T. punctulata , or a superficially similar taxon, from Moxico or Cuando Cubango.
Trachylepis spilogaster (Peters, 1882) KALAHARI TREE SKINK
Euprepes (Euprepis) striatus var. spilogaster Peters 1882:68 View in CoL . Type: Not located fide Bauer et al. (1995:63,
2003:307). Type locality: “Bei Otjimbingue im Hererolande (Westafrika)” (Peters 1882:68), [= Otjimbingwe, Erongo Region], Namibia. Mabuya striata spilogaster : Laurent (1964a:71). Mabuya spilogaster : Branch (1998:156). Mabuya spilogaster : Broadley (2000:105). Trachylepis spilogaster View in CoL : Bates et al. (2014:265). Trachylepis cf. spilogaster View in CoL : Conradie et al. (2016:25).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: This species extends from the Kalahari of northwestern South Africa and southwestern Botswana, through the length of Namibia to southwest Angola.
Ocurrences in Angola ( Map 230 View MAP ): The only published record for this species is from “Serra do Moco” in Huambo Province, although museum specimens from southeastern provinces exist. These latter are treated separately as Trachylepis aff. spilogaster and marked with a triangle in the map. Trachylepis spilogaster (plotted as circles). Huambo: “Serra do Moco, Luimbale ” [-12.53333, 15.18333] ( Laurent 1964a:71). Trachylepis aff. spilogaster (plotted as triangles). Bié: “Cubango basin (12b)” [-13.59638, 16.87722] ( Conradie et al. 2016:8-9, 25). Cuando Cubango: “Cubango basin (6a)” [-14.67155, 17.73525] ( Conradie et al. 2016:25); “Cubango basin (20)” [-14.67175, 17.15331] ( Conradie et al. 2016:8-9, 25); “Cuito basin (25)” [-15.13919, 19.14350] ( Conradie et al. 2016:8-9, 25); “Cuito basin (30a)” [-16.90980, 19.30769] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9-10, 25); “Cuito basin (35)” [-16.62322, 19.05352] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9-10, 25); “Cuito basin (32)” [-17.04880, 19.53333] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9-10, 25); “Cubango basin (49)” [-14.66300, 17.66550] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9, 12, 25); “Cuito basin (57)” [-15.45969, 18.76833] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9, 12, 25); “Cuito basin (62)” [-17.50875, 20.06608] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9, 12, 25); “Cubango basin (47)” [-14.70214,
17.37806] ( Conradie et al. 2016:25).
Taxonomic and distributional notes:
Previously considered as a subspecies of
T. striata ( Peters, 1844) View in CoL , Branch (1998),
Broadley (2000) and all subsequent authors have considered this species specifically distinct. Conradie et al. (2016) published numerous records of T. aff. spilogaster View in CoL from Cuando
Cubango. We think it is highly unlikely that these records refer to the same lineage as true
T. spilogaster . The true affinities of this population will require a comprehensive revision of the Trachylepis of Angola.
Trachylepis sulcata (Peters, 1867) View in CoL WESTERN ROCK SKINK Euprepes olivaceus Peters 1862a:21 View in CoL . Syntypes: ZMB 4209 View Materials , 4210 View Materials , 64329–30 View Materials (formerly ZMB 4210 View Materials part),
64346–47 (formerly ZMB 4209 View Materials ), MNHN 1470 About MNHN (collector C. H. Hahn). Type locality: “Neu-Barmen”
[= Gross Barmen, Otjozondjupa Region] Namibia. Euprepes sulcatus Peters 1867a:20 , replacement name for E. olivaceus Peters, 1862 which is preoccupied by
E. olivaceus Gray, 1839 View in CoL [= Dasia olivacea (Gray, 1839) View in CoL ]. Mabuia Ansorgii Boulenger 1907a:213 View in CoL . Holotype: BMNH 1946.8.3.33 (formerly BMNH 1906.8.24.62) (collector W.J. Ansorge). Type locality: “Caconda, Benguella,” Huíla Province, Angola. Euprepes olivaceus View in CoL : Bocage (1970:68). Mabuia sulcata : Bocage (1895a:41, 1896a:111). Mabuia sulcata ansorgii : Monard (1937b:90), Mertens (1938a:438), Hellmich (1957a:64), Laurent
(1964a:74). Mabuia bocagi ansorgei : Laurent (1947:8). Mabuya sulcata ansorgii : Branch (1998:157). Mabuya sulcata View in CoL : Broadley (2000:102). Trachylepis sulcata View in CoL : Portik (2009:23), Portik et al. (2010:147), Protik et al. (2011:1745), Ceríaco et al.
(2016a:34, 57). Trachylepis sulcata ansorgii : Portik (2009:23), Portik et al. (2010:147), Protik et al. (2011:1745), Bates et al.
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: The species extends from the Western Cape Province of South Africa, through most of Namibia except the northeast to the southwestern quadrant of Angola.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 231): The species occurs in southwestern Angola. Huambo: “Nova Lisboa” [-12.76667, 15.73333] ( Hellmich 1957a:64). Benguela: “Farta bay” [-12.60000, 13.20000] ( Laurent 1947:8); “Entre Rios” [-13.01667, 14.63333] ( Hellmich 1957a:64); “Cubal” [-13.03333, 14.25000] ( Mertens 1938a:438), “Hanha” [-13.30000, 14.20000] ( Bocage 1896a:111). Huíla: “Rio Cuce” [-13.51667, 15.20000] ( Bocage 1895a:41) “Caconda” [-13.73333, 15.06667] (Boulenger 1907:213; Laurent 1947:8); “Sangevé” [-13.80000, 16.11667] ( Monard 1937b:90; Laurent 1947:8). Namibe: “Munhino 50 km à l’ouest de Sá da Bandeira,
district de Moçâmedes ” [-14.96667, 12.96667] GoogleMaps
( Laurent 1964a:74; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57);
“Campangombe” [-15.10000, 13.15000]
( Bocage 1895a:41; Ceríaco et al. 2016a:57);
“ Iona National Park, Rio Curoca in Pediva Hot
Springs area ” [-16.28359, 12.56106] (Ceríaco et al. 2016a:34); “Leba Pass” [-15.07003, GoogleMaps
13.24339] (Ceríaco et al. 2016a:34); “NamibeLubango road, 2 km east (by road) of Mangueiras, south side of the road” [-15.04464,
13.15861] (Ceríaco et al. 2016a:34).
Taxonomic and distributional notes:
Three subspecies of this species have been recognized: the nominate form, Trachylepis s.
ansorgii (Boulenger, 1907) and T. s. nigra
(Werner, 1915) (Portik 2009; Portik et al. 2010,
2011; Bates et al. 2014). Trachylepis sulcata nigra
has been synonymized with the typical MAP 231. Distribution of Trachylepis sulcata in Angola.
form but the taxonomic status of T. s. ansorgii remains uncertain ( Portik et al. 2010, 2011). Ostensibly T. s. ansorgii is diagnosable by a larger snout-vent length and larger head size ( Branch 1998; Portik 2009; Bates et al. 2014). The geographic limit of ansorgii is unclear. Branch (1998) depicted both it and T. s. sulcata as occuring parapatrically in northwestern Namibia, but no concerted effort has been made to determine if there are actually two taxa in Angola and adjacent Namibia or, if there are, where their boundaries lie. Preliminary molecular phylogenetic results suggest that there is significant structure within Angolan popluations, but the taxonomic status of these cannot yet be assessed. We here treat all Angolan material T. sulcata pending further study.
Trachylepis wahlbergii (Peters, “1869” 1870) WAHLBERG’S STRIPED SKINK
Euprepes Wahlbergii ( Peters “1869” 1870:661). Lectotype: ZMB 6155 View Materials (collector J.A. Wahlberg) designated by implication by Boulenger (1887). Type locality: “Damaraland” Namibia. NHR 2190 is the paralectotype and has the same data as the lectotype.
Euprepes punctatissimus View in CoL : Bocage (1866a:44, 1870:68).
Mabuia striata : Bocage (1895a:41, 1896a:111, 1897b:211), Boulenger (1905:111), Angel (1923:160), Schmidt (1933:12), Monard (1937b:88), Themido (1941:8).
Mabuya striata View in CoL : Parker (1936:136).
Mabuya striata striata View in CoL : Manaças (1963:235).
Mabuya striata wahlbergi : Branch and McCartney (1992:1), Branch (1998:157), Broadley (2000:106).
Trachylepis wahlbergii View in CoL : Branch and Conradie (2015:200), Conradie et al. (2016:26).
Trachylepis striata View in CoL : Ceríaco et al. (2016b:69).
Global conservation status (IUCN): Not Evaluated.
Global distribution: A widespread species in southern Africa, from Malawi, western Mozambique, northern and western Zimbabwe and norther Botswana through Zambia and parts of the former Katanga region of the Democratic Republic of Congo to most of Namibia and Angola.
Ocurrences in Angola (Map 232): Widley distributed across Angola, although apparently absent from the forested far north and the arid far southwest. Uíge: “Fazenda Otília, Encoge” [-7.55000, 15.03333] ( Manaças 1963:235). Malanje: “Duque de Bragança” [-9.10000, 15.95000] ( Bocage 1866a:44, 1895a:41); “Cangandala National Park” [-9.81858, 16.65403] (Ceríaco et al.
2016b:69). Lunda Norte: “Lucapa” [-8.42278,
20.73917] (Branch and Conradie 2015:200).
Lunda Sul: “Lunda” [-10.96667, 20.06667] GoogleMaps
( Monard 1937b:88); “Mutianvo” [-11.45000,
19.33333] ( Themido 1941:8). Moxico : “ Lago
Dilolo” [-11.50000, 22.01667] ( Manaças
1963:235); “ Lago Cameia ” [-11.71667,
20.80000] ( Manaças 1963:235); “Fazenda
Santa Curz, Luso” [-11.78333, 19.91667]
( Manaças 1963:235); “Calombe-Luso”
[-11.83333, 19.93333] ( Manaças 1963:235).
Bié: “Gauca” [-11.18333, 17.45000] ( Schmidt GoogleMaps
1933:12); “ Silva Porto ” [-12.33333, 16.86667] GoogleMaps
( Manaças 1963:235); “Chitau” [-11.43333,
17.15000] ( Schmidt 1933:12). Huambo :
“Galanga” [-12.06667, 15.15000] ( Bocage
1895a:41); “ Nova Lisboa ” [-12.76667,
15.73333] ( Manaças 1963:235). Benguela: MAP 232. Distribution of Trachylepis wahlbergii in Angola .
“Hanha” [-13.30000, 14.20000] ( Bocage
1896a:111, 1897b:211). Huíla: “Rio Cuce” [-13.51667, 15.20000] ( Bocage 1895a:41); “Caconda” [-13.73333, 15.06667] ( Bocage 1895a:41); “Sangevé” [-13.88333, 15.83333] ( Monard 1937b:88); “Kuvangu” [-14.46667, 16.30000] ( Monard 1937b:88); “Indungu” [-14.81667, 16.26667] ( Monard 1937b:88); “Kapelongo” [-14.88333, 15.08333] ( Monard 1937b:88); “Huilla” [-15.05000, 13.55000] ( Bocage 1895a:41; Angel 1923:160); “Kambisa” [-15.31667, 16.21667] ( Monard 1937b:88); “Kuluï” [-15.41667, 15.73333] ( Monard 1937b:88); “Molundo” [-15.63333, 15.20000] ( Monard 1937b:88); “Gambos” [-15.76667, 14.10000] ( Bocage 1895a:41). Cunene: “Kuvelaï” [-15.65000, 15.80000] ( Monard 1937b:88); “Humbe/Humbi” [-16.68333, 14.90000] ( Bocage 1895a:41; Monard 1937b:88); “Mupa” [-16.18333, 15.75000] ( Monard 1937b:88); “Mupanda” [-17.13333, 15.76667] ( Monard 1937b:88). Cuando Cubango: “Kwito region, tributary of Kubango” [-15.16667, 19.18333] ( Angel 1923:160); “Vicinity of Cuito Cuanavale - approximately 75 km W of Mavinga” [-15.78333, 19.70000] (Branch and McCartney 1992:1); “Cuando basin (43a)” [-17.53500, 23.18916] ( Conradie et al. 2016:9-10, 26). Undetermined locality: “Rio Quando” [-12.58333, 13.41667] ( Bocage 1895a:41); “Between Benguela and Bihé” ( Boulenger 1905:111). Taxonomic and distributional notes: Trachylepis wahlbergii was long considered a subspecies of T. striata ( Peters, 1844) (e.g., Broadley 1977a; Branch 1998), but following Broadley (2000), the former subspecies in this complex have been treated as full species. However, Castigilia et al. (2006) provided a molecular data analyses that suggested that T. striata and T. wahlbergii may not be reciprocally monophyletic. All records in the T. striata complex from across Namibia are assignable to T. wahlbergii as are all records from western Zambia. It would seem likely, therefore that members in this group in Angola would also be assignable to this taxon. Color patterns of Angolan members of the group are variable and some specimen do at least superficially resemble true T. striata . However, it is probable on biogeographic grounds that most or all older Angolan literature records of “ T. striata ” are, in fact, referable to T. wahlbergii , or perhaps to another species, but not to T. striata sensu stricto. Nonetheless, only in recent years have newly collected specimens been assigned to T. wahlbergii at the outset, e.g., specimens from near Mavinga (Branch and McCarthy 1992), and from Lunda Norte Province (Branch and Conradie 2015), and recently in Malanje Province (M. Marques pers. obs), in the the Laúca Dam area. Further research is needed to determine definitively if T. wahlbergi and T. striata are specifically distinct and if all Angolan specimens are referable to the former. Pending the outcome of such research, we here tentatively treat all “ striata ” records as T. wahlbergii .
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Family |
Genus |
Trachylepis Fitzinger, 1843
Marques, Mariana P., Ceríaco, Luis M. P., Blackburn, David C. & Bauer, Aaron M. 2018 |
Trachylepis wahlbergii
CONRADIE, W. & R. BILLS & W. R. BRANCH 2016: 26 |
CONRADIE, W. & W. R. BRANCH & G. WATSON 2015: 200 |
Trachylepis punctulata
Trachylepis acutilabris
HAACKE, W. D. 2008: 90 |
Euprepis affinis
Euprepes Bayonii
BAUER, A. M. & G. SHEA & R. GUNTHER 2003: 270 |
Euprepes binotata
BAUER, A. M. & G. SHEA & R. GUNTHER 2003: 270 |
Mabuya striata wahlbergi
BRANCH, W. R. 1998: 157 |
Mabuya striata angolensis
ORTIZ, J. C. 1989: 56 |
MAHNERT, V. 1976: 488 |
Mabuya chimbana
BRANCH, W. R. 1998: 153 |
BROADLEY, D. G. 1975: 13 |
Mabuya lacertiformis
BRANCH, W. R. 1998: 154 |
BROADLEY, D. G. 1975: 12 |
Mabuya variegata punctulata
BRANCH, W. R. 1998: 158 |
BROADLEY, D. G. 1975: 7 |
Mabuya affinis
HOOGMOED, M. S. 1974: 6 |
Mabuya bayonii huilensis
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 67 |
Mabuya bayonii bayonii
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 67 |
Mabuya striata chimbana
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 69 |
Mabuya hoeschi
BRANCH, W. R. 1998: 153 |
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 68 |
Mabuya megalura
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 74 |
Mabuya angolensis
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 72 |
Mabuya longiloba longiloba
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 73 |
Mabuya striata striata
MANACAS, S. 1963: 235 |
Mabuya striata angolensis
HELLMICH, W. 1957: 56 |
Mabuya laevis
BRANCH, W. R. 1998: 155 |
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 76 |
HELLMICH, W. 1957: 54 |
Mabuya hoeschi
MERTENS, R. 1954: 178 |
Mabuia striata angolensis
MONARD, A. 1937: 89 |
Mabuya striata
PARKER, H. W. 1936: 136 |
Mabuya punctulata
FRADE, F. 1963: 253 |
SCHMIDT, K. P. 1933: 12 |
Mabuya quinquetaeniata binotata
MERTENS, R. 1938: 437 |
MERTENS, R. 1937: 10 |
MERTENS, R. 1926: 152 |
Mabuia laevis
BOULENGER, G. A. 1907: 212 |
E. olivaceus
HELLMICH, W. 1957: 64 |
MERTENS, R. 1938: 438 |
MONARD, A. 1937: 90 |
BOULENGER, G. A. 1907: 213 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1896: 111 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 41 |
Mabuya radoni
HELLMICH, W. 1957: 55 |
PARKER, H. W. 1936: 138 |
FERREIRA, J. B. 1903: 14 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 40 |
Mabuya binotata
BAUER, A. M. & G. SHEA & R. GUNTHER 2003: 270 |
BRANCH, W. R. 1998: 151 |
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 68 |
HELLMICH, W. 1957: 59 |
HELLMICH, W. 1957: 54 |
MONARD, A. 1937: 91 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1897: 196 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 46 |
Mabuia chimbana
FRADE, F. 1963: 252 |
SCHMIDT, K. P. 1933: 12 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1897: 195 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 45 |
Mabuia striata
THEMIDO, A. A. 1941: 8 |
MONARD, A. 1937: 88 |
SCHMIDT, K. P. 1933: 12 |
ANGEL, M. F. 1923: 160 |
BOULENGER, G. A. 1905: 111 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1897: 211 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1896: 111 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 41 |
Mabuya acutilabis
BRANCH, W. R. 1998: 151 |
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 75 |
HELLMICH, W. 1957: 58 |
HELLMICH, W. 1957: 53 |
LAURENT, R. F. 1954: 65 |
LAURENT, R. F. 1947: 8 |
MONARD, A. 1937: 37 |
MERTENS, R. 1937: 11 |
SCHMIDT, K. P. 1919: 551 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 46 |
BOULENGER, G. A. 1887: 208 |
Mabuia raddonii
BOULENGER, G. A. 1887: 165 |
Mabuia bayonii
BOULENGER, G. A. 1887: ) |
Mabuya bayonii
SPAWLS, S. & K. HOWELL & R. C. DREWES & J. ASHE 2004: 130 |
BAUER, A. M. & G. SHEA & R. GUNTHER 2003: 270 |
MANACAS, S. 1963: 234 |
HELLMICH, W. 1957: 54 |
MONARD, A. 1937: 87 |
SCHMIDT, K. P. 1933: 11 |
BOULENGER, G. A. 1905: 111 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1897: 195 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 38 |
BOULENGER, G. A. 1887: 201 |
Mabuya quinquetaeniata
BOULENGER, G. A. 1887: 198 |
Mabuia chimbana
BOULENGER, G. A. 1887: 204 |
Mabuia punctulata
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1897: 195 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 44 |
BOULENGER, G. A. 1887: 204 |
Euprepes binotatus
BRYGOO, E. - R. 1985: 13 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1879: 88 |
Euprepes (Mabuia) megalurus
PETERS, W. C. H. 1878: 204 |
Euprepes Bayonii ( Bocage 1872:75 )
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1872: 75 |
Euprepes Bayonii
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1872: 75 |
Euprepes Bayonii
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1872: 75 |
Euprepes Petersi
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1872: 74 |
Euprepes affinis
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1872: 77 |
Euprepes affinis
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1872: 77 |
Euprepes punctulatus
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1872: 76 |
Euprepes acutilabris
PETERS, W. C. H. 1877: 614 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1870: 68 |
Euprepes Bayonii
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1887: 179 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1879: 95 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1870: 68 |
Euprepes damaranus
PETERS, W. C. H. 1870: 20 |
Euprepes australis
BRANCH, W. R. 1998: 156 |
LAURENT, R. F. 1964: 73 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1895: 42 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1870: 68 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1867: 223 |
Euprepes Blandingii
PETERS, W. C. H. 1877: 614 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1866: 44 |
Euprepes Gravenhorstii
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1866: 44 |
Euprepes punctatissimus
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1870: 68 |
BOCAGE, J. V. B. 1866: 44 |
Euprepes acutilabris
PETERS, W. C. H. 1862: 19 |
Euprepes vittatus var. australis
PETERS, W. C. H. 1862: 19 |
Trachylepis sulcata
PETERS, W. C. H. 1862: 21 |
Euprepes lacertiformis
PETERS, W. C. H. 1854: 618 |
Euprepes maculilabris
GRAY, J. E. 1845: 114 |
Tiliqua affinis
GRAY, J. E. 1838: 289 |